Looking for a good ankle holset

Seen a lot about bug bite, anyone have recommendations?


Positive retention.


Look up Bugbite ankle holsters. I’d recomend them. Son and I both have one. The BUGBite Ankle Holster


I’d be very careful about strapping anything to by legs that could lead to blood flow problems and blood clots. Trust me. It’s no fun.

@anthony_j2 Well here’s a link to Uncle Mike’s ankle holsters, I’ve been using there holsters for years.:us: :us:

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No good but I guess if it makes you feel safer and you have your carry permit then go for it…it is an on the ground last resource and as I train people it’s like carrying a 9mm in your handbag. I have been trained as an army Ranger and I have trained sheriffs and city officers and while the new initiative has been descalate there is no similar situation and choice is in a split second. Life happens in less than seconds. Gravity is defined by altitude. On average 9.764 m/s/s I guess so is life. Be well, always walk forward and protect those that can’t.

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a ‘good’ ankle holster? Like a trustworthy politician?
There are better places to put a back up gun that give you far better access (pocket, small of back).
If it’s your primary carry–please let me know where to send the flowers, should there be a defensive situation. You’ll never access it in time.

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There are situations where waistband carry is impractical, or would not be concealed. In these instances I commend @anthony_j2 for his preparation & forethought. I would rather take longer to access my firearm than not have one.
I use an Unkle Mike’s ankle holster when wearing a suit & tie as said garments were tailored about 10 pounds ago.

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Welcome to the family brother @Brent42 and God bless you.

I also do not recommend ankle holsters due to slow accessibility. But if it makes you comfortable go ahead. Before making that choice though get some training.

For a primary EDC, I lean the same way, @Johnnyq60. But as a bug in the car or seated in public it can be incredibly helpful.

It’s always been recommended to carry inside of your non-dominant side. (I’m right-handed, I would carry inside the left ankle so that I could easily access while seated or crouched behind cover.) After seeing that demonstrated in a class it made a TON of sense to me.


Why look for a holster that has so many limitations? Backup firearm, perhaps so many other ways to carry…

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I wear an Allen holster. Bought at Walmart. cost effective and it is comfortable. But it can be found anywhere from what I see. I have been wearing same one for 3 years now. it just simply works. It is ambidexterous

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thanks for all the input. i prefer iwb, but at times its not possible

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I notice some online stores have discounts, and offer discount codes, which you can compare to the USCCA member discounts page, linked below: :slightly_smiling_face:


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