Liberal vs Unamerican

I’ll take some heat for this but thats fine.

As far as disparities go, yes they exist however if you’re going allow a person to stop you from your dreams I don’t think you wanted that dream bad enough. Sure this is a tough love approach but life doesn’t stop or slow down because you stumble. Get up, push forward and as David Goggins would say take as many soles along the way as you can.


Not sure I grasp the meaning.

Disparities exist, naturally.
just as some can play baseball, and of those who can, some can hit home runs consistently and others can steal bases, and others can pitch and even pitchers are different.

None of the natural disparities come from someone ‘preventing’ you.

If you are being prevented, or someone is setting up road blocks to keep you back, you must adapt, improvise and overcome… find a new way, make changes… and keep trying.

Even if the natural disparities keep you back, you can still keep trying… and perhaps seek that which you are better suited to, that which you may excel at… or work hard, study, practice, and excel at what you want to do.


OMG! You surely do not mean that most racism is created by the media. Gat real! Ask a black person if there is racism! People abuse the N word daily in this society. Just to name one. And the MAGA is cue to the supporters of”pit life and society back in the “good ole days” which is only whites need apply attitude.

When I hear the “N” word you are referring to 99% of the time it is coming out of a black persons mouth. You want to help change the way people talk don’t you have to start with the people that use it the most?

I can attempt to correct a white person that says it, I am called a racist (at the very least) if I were to say something to a black man about saying it.

So what is your idea on how to stop the use of a word who so many do not seem to what to give up using to describe each other?


I agree that words matter, but I wouldn’t make the distinctions that you draw. Communism and totalitarianism are antithesis to liberal philosophy. The problem is that too many people confuse “liberal” to mean “anything to the left of me.” I’d go a step further and say that progressives are not liberals, since progressive movements in the U.S. have historically sought to elevate the upper classes at the expense of the rights of lower classes.

A literal liberal (there’s a joke in there) should value the rights of the “common man,” which is why many of them will support things like unions or ADA when some of the more conservative politicians might shy away from those. But it’s also why a liberal American should support 2A, because the rights of the citizen are greater than the power of the state.

I don’t think MAGA has anything to do with going back as a society. I think it has everything to do with going back to being independent on the industrial side. Quit relying on foreign trade, foreign goods and making the Middle class the backbone of this country again. Personally I’ve never seen it used as a reason to discriminate against a group of people and the people in my circle view it the same way. So to some degree yes I believe the media has spun MAGA into a racial thing.

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This right here is the key point. It isn’t about how everyone finishes(he’s rich and I’m not), it is about taking advantage of opportunities to get where you want to be. And putting in the work to get there. Everyone bitches about amazon and apple and microsoft but I’m guessing there were a lot of struggle and sleepless nights for them to get to this point. Why should they have to share their rewards with me and mine when I did nothing to deserve it? Working hard for something then having it taken away because someone else doesn’t want to put in the effort, they just want to get the rewards is BS. I’m sure everyone has had the employee it at work who does little work but takes credit when projects are done. Makes you mad when that happens. Same concept


It’s not the “same concept”, unless said employee has to use the stairs while others get to use the elevator, making him late from the start. Also does not have access to the company printer, fax, conference room, etc…then it’s the “same concept”

I believe that folks at either end of the political spectrum tend to be the most vocal, while there is a very large group in the middle, who might be conservative on one issue, but liberal on another. These people often think they are choosing candidates based on the lesser of evils.


^^^^^^ this right here. Pretty much my political views in a basket.

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This will be the first time in almost 40 years that my ballot will be an all one party ballot. I won’t even be voting libertarian. This election is to important. One party has gone to far off the rails in one direction, which are actively dangerous to my core beliefs. The other party at least pays lip service to my core beliefs, but it’s gone off the rails too.


Oh, boy. You just sent a whole lot of little trains around the bend. Put on your s#@t slicker, here come the “poor me” people that suffer from “lazy don’t want to work”, or LDWTWS.

In short you, sir, are correct.


Winston S. Churchill supposedly once observed that anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head.


Well said! Equal ‘opportunity’. This idea of equal wealth is absolutely absurd.


Excuse this… and Dawn… chill.

At what point did I say there was no racism? Are you really that daft?

Your claim on maga is just a racist bigoted excuse to play politics.

And yes… the N word is abused daily… often by African Americans…

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And that is the sad part. That we do often resort to the ‘lesser of two evils’

We can not find better candidates? Have better principles and seek those who have ethics, integrity, and even if we do not agree on all issues, at least listens and tries to find some middle ground?


No, we can’t because the MSM or your opponent will dig through your entire history, and find something embarrassing or twist something to make you look bad and then drag you through the mud. Who the he!! wants that attention. Then you become fair game for every internet warrior and talking head on TV to take pot shots not only at you. But your friends , family, business dealings.

You can’t find ones to meet in the middle now because that’s just not done anymore. It’s either all your parties way or it’s burn you to the ground.

Integrity and ethics… with the kind of big money that gets thrown around since Citizens United. Please…


Liberal, or ‘Classic Liberal’, was concerned with individual liberty and rights, and a free market economy.

Progressives, were basically Communists under a different name. and sought to curtail liberty and rights, and to expand on new invented rights, such as a right to housing, right to income, right to leisure, …
Woodrow Wilson and FDR were both massive progressives, and bordered on Communist ideology. Big government, government power and control, and submission of the individual to the government and the ‘collective’.
Progressives tend to be central controllers… they want a powerful national government, which is contrary to our founding.
Progressives sought to remove rights, and install a 'collective… remove individual and raise up collective duty… what the government MUST do for you… instead of what the government can not do to you.


And there is where we find ourselves in trouble.

We see the media and the left, exposed… and many still follow them with swooning eyes.

No person is perfect, there will always be something that some will consider unacceptable.

But all have flaws. What we should look for is the ones who still try to do the right thing, despite the flaws.



I don’t disagree. But its hard to find someone who wants to take those slings and arrows.

Obama entered office looking like a vigorous middle aged man and left looking 30 years older. Every move his wife and children made scrutinized.

Trump is having the same done to him and his son Barron.