I’m not aware of any. However, if it is a right that shall not be infringed, one could argue that this is an infringement.
What social disparities has the government solved in the last 15 years?
Well, if they are a prisoner, they are lacking several other rights as well…
How does that feel sir? to acknowledge social disparities but still vote with and for a party that continues to put social programs on the chopping block
It feels terrific since many of the social programs, like any program, needs constant assessment, feedback, and modification to ensure effectiveness
So if the government would regulate all aspects of our lives then we would all be equal right?
That is until to quote Animal Farm “some are more equal than others”
Seems like communists have tried this repeatedly with the same failed results
To put it another way to remove the opportunity to succeed there is no reason to try
Great, but what about the ones constantly being brought to the chopping block…ehh, never mind.
Of course not, that’s radical. It shouldn’t be THIS or THAT…there should be a middle ground somewhere
I couldn’t care less about the word Liberal personally…I tend to read in between the lines
That wasn’t the intent of this thread. It was to simply acknowledge that we cannot accurately group people into large groups. There are too many dynamics involved. I was hoping it would stay on high road and just be a simple thought provoking conversation.
It is…no worries
How about we take all those people who wish to deny us our rights as a group and call them, enemies of the state? Not liberals not conservatives, socialist, un Americans just good old Enemies of the State!
There are no other dynamics to those that wish to destroy our nation. And yet look at us we are fighting/arguing/formulating opinions against each other. When the Chinese land here on U.S. soil there will be no room for this. We will have to stand shoulder to shoulder, virus or no virus, mask or no mask to save our way of life. This is no to far over the top, some dictators just want to see the world burn! You don’t test missiles just to test, you don’t unleash deadly viruses just because…
Problem is these “enemies of the state” are fellow Americans…so let’s scratch that idea.
However i do agree with your sentiment.
So “How about we take all those people who wish to deny us our rights as a group” and vote them out of office…Let’s get back to the blue print that’s been laid out for us
Questions for the ages. How do we get the Americans that voted the people in, in the first place, to vote them out?
Those are the minds that are running to purchase firearms in a panic and don’t like what they are experiencing. Hopefully they will remember what it was like come November.
I think that blueprint was the Constitution! It’s the only blueprint we have to go by. I like that blueprint.
I agree with this statement, at the fundamental core that’s exactly what they are.
Too clarify it’s anyone denying anyone’s rights
Much of what has been seen, regarding racism and MAGA, has been exaggerated or created by the media… and the ‘liberals’ (liberals used to identify the leftists who seem to dislike the Constitution, individual rights and liberties… and are not true liberals that supported liberty and free enterprise.)
We do? Please explain.
Are you using the correct word to identify or describe them?
Many people call Republicans … Conservatives… but, while many Conservatives are Republicans most Republicans are NOT Conservatives.
Many Democrats today, tend to lean far left, and would be considered liberals or progressives or Communists, or totalitarians in their desire to dictate how others must speak, what words can be used, and what they can or can not do and a need for more government, however it was not always that way. Old school or Blue Dog Democrats were more in line with individual liberty, though some did look to government to be a solution to problems that government tended to create or exacerbate.
I have relatives that are blue dog Democrats and believe in some form of the Second Amendment, though some of them believe it can and should be limited and restricted, but they do like hunting. They tend to be very defensive of their right to free speech and do not think it should have any restrictions.
(that was to provide an example that while some may agree with hunting, which is at least a good thing and partly in the right direction, there may be more of a belief it should be limited to hunting, but while restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms is accepted by them, they do not think their speech should have any limits.)
So, those at the range, were they Democrats or liberals. Most ‘liberals’ tend to be anti-firearm, though there might be some that support some form of firearm ownership and use.
Just curious if you are using the correct descriptor for them. Words matter, and far too often, yes we do lump groups together, and in some cases it is for expediency and generally familiarity, but words matter and we should perhaps be more clear.
I think you are reading into MAGA what is not there and putting your own biased opinion to it.
Prisoners are restricted because they are prisoners. I think you meant felons, those who were convicted of a felony, a serious crime.
Those who have been convicted, once their sentence… their entire sentence, all time, probation, parole, and any monetary fines are paid… they can and should be able to petition to have their rights restored. Some states already do that, some are automatic and others need to work on it.
Conservatives do not ignore those who have been convicted, most do think rights should be restored once the ‘debt to society is paid’.
Oh, and it is not rights being restricted, if you are convicted, you forfeit your rights, due to your own actions.
Children? They are not considered mature, or of the age of majority and are still minors under their parent’s care, and as such their rights are limited, until they reach the age of majority.
Disparities exist. People are different.
We are all ‘equal’ under the law, and we all have equal ‘opportunity’, but not everyone is exactly equal or the same.
Some can sing… and may become famous and wealthy.
Some can calculate formula and scientific equations and may develop new and innovative ideas and advancements.
Some are better at different things and as such, we have disparities and they can not be removed… unless you control everyone’s lives to the point they have no freedom or liberty and all are forced to live as exact duplicates and chaff under tyrannical oppression.
Perhaps that is the difference between ‘Conservatives’ who do in fact acknowledge disparities but know it is a natural and unstoppable condition… and ‘liberals’ who seem to want power to control how people live and act.