Latest Texas school shooting

Update to earlier info.
The perp threatened to kill kids months ago.

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If that is a truth, then we have an answer how to deal with such situation in the future.
We always learn from mistakes, and this massacre was one of them. :unamused:
This whole chain of events that are discovered shows how many mistakes and random things can convert theoretically safe place in to nightmare.

  • posted threats long before
  • posted threats within few hours
  • threat crashed the truck outside the school and approached a back door
  • back door not being locked up
  • school officer not being able to stop the threat
  • bad tactics of local Police, who seems to be not prepared for such situations.

These are in chronological order. Cutting off the first one or two will prevent this tragedy. Even these were missed out, next three should never happen or should be avoided.
Last one is the most incomprehensible for me. :anguished:


Yes. I don’t have a quippy, bumper-sticker answer like all the politicians and celebrities seem to have. But one very important lesson needs to be learned and shared.

If someone says they’re going to kill someone, believe them. Report it. Err on the side of caution.


Kevin M says this a lot in the USCCA content. If someone says they are going to kill you (or someone else, I reckon), believe them

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I hold a Concealed Carry Permit in NC. We all know it is not the gun that kills. It’s the finger on the trigger that does. If you agree the question becomes obvious. How do you keep guns away from dangerous people? I personally believe in stricter gun controls. If you are a responsible gun owner as the vast majority of us are you are in no danger. The greatest tool available to us is Social Media posts. It appears almost every mass shooter has posted something before a shooting. Add “real” background checks and we can cut this issue down. As I said before we can get an 80% result with 20% effort or pain. Even Biden has said you can’t totally eliminate the problem. Think about just the last 2 weeks. Remember the next time it might be your child, wife, brother, sister, mother or father. We have to be part of the solution.

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I understand your thinking that “controls” may help, but that’s only when gthey are done the right way. The antis will only take these controls to confiscation. Just as an aside, background checks do nothing to stop criminals or evil people from guns, as they don’t do them. This guy was on the radar, and not the first one, but nothing was done. Read the Constitution, “shall not be infringed.” The reason I mention this is because guys like Schumer and his ilk will take our guns, then they will be in charge and we will be Venezuela. may not agree, but many more do.




As detailed as possible, please explain what this means.


We don’t need anti gun craziness running rampant and being mostly driven by political rhetoric instead of concentrating our efforts on the real problems… the root causes of these deranged people, young, old, etc. we need anti stupidity and pro common sense. This latest shooting in Texas was a colossal failure in so many ways… A propped back door, school officer nowhere to be found when it mattered most, and I know I’ll offend some folks out there but the response of ALL the various law enforcement personnel that was there was the WORST FAILURE of all! These folks, especially the tactical force, highly trained with all kinds of protective gear on and yet the LATEST reports stated they waited 77 minutes to enter the room… Let than sink in…
SEVENTY SEVEN MINUTES… ONE HOUR AND SEVENTEEN MINUTES… an eternity. There were 4 separate sets of shots fired. HOW can a tactical, super trained, heavily armed human being, stand idly in the hail way while 8-9-10 year old children… CHILDREN… defenseless kids, were being slaughtered…… HOW & WHY? This is the first and most important thing I would want answers for… instead of turning the shooting… the murdering of innocent little kids POLITICAL, shove those politics where the Sun don’t shine… give me answers … why did these highly trained men wait sooooo long to enter. Their NUMBER ONE GOAL is to ENGAGE the shooter…or shooters. Take their attention away from the shooting of those kids and draw the fire to themselves… It’s the same mentality, the same rules we follow in the military… when a fellow soldier or soldiers are pinned down taking fire and may be low or even out of ammo, the responding soldiers PRIORITY is to draw fire away from their teammates. NO HESITATION NO STANDING IDLY NO LEANING AGAINST A TREE WAITING UNTIL UTS TOO LATE… YOU get in there and remove the f-in threat! Why in the hell did this not happen? Why? Someone please share with me any answers you may have…. If any of the responders are on line with us… please tell me why? This is unacceptable to me… thank you


I believe every school shooting since Columbine could have been stopped outside the building. Go to any federal courthouse and try to get into the building. Their security starts outside and continues with every step you take. I believe we need security moved outside to the property lines and then the parking lot. Get their license and photo before they reach the door. If they are not employees or students they will be scrutinized before entry. If they can’t into the building they can’t carry out their mission. Stay vigilant and PROSECUTE to the fullest. Mandatory 10year sentence for carrying a weapon onto the property.

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Real Background checks should include mental through professionals as well as monitoring social media which could be cross referenced with gun ownership.

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28chevyCoupe. That’s a good start. Good idea.

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The antis are trying to solve the problem. My call was to provide answers so we don’t get there. We have to lead this discussion.

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No matter what you believe these are still innocent people going about their daily lives.

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Read the news, this guy legally obtained his rifle. Many criminals do not obtain firearms legally. No amount of “background checks” will ever prevent that. As to surveillance of social media, this guy was a known threat - no action. Mental health checks? They have that in NYS. Murder and violent crime is up how much there? Who does the evaluation and what recourse does one have if the “doctor” decides you are mentally unfit? Do you now go to prison because you own firearms? or only get them confiscated.

You need to think through your ideas a bit more. You believe you are safe because no one would take your firearms. I recall the Red Flags that got several innocent firearm owners killed because someone decided they needed to be “taught a lesson”. The police arrived and killed them. You might have that target on your back and not realize it.


Which is super scary thought police level oppression.

It is also unreasonably expensive and time consuming a restriction for something that is supposed to be a Right.

And the potential to be majorly abused due to subjectivity, bias, or ulterior motives is off the chart.


But also, a question, how would you “cross reference” social media posts with gun ownership? Every social media account must be verified as attached to a known specific person? AND of course also a forced national registry of gun owners too?



Howard, in order to help get a sense of where you are coming from, would you mind sharing what firearms training, experience, and/or licensing you have?


And if these innocent people want to protect themselves or their families they should be forced to register all of their social media accounts with the government, and register themselves with the government as gun owners, and receive “mental [health checks?] through professionals” to sign off on them before they are then granted the licensed/registered privilege to keep and bear arms?


Kids in Grammar school are to young to own guns. Not everyone own guns.

Your point is what? Were there no adults at the school?

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