What is wrong with the world today?! I was scolded in elementary school for this. I don’t remember any particular punishment, and almost certain my parents weren’t even called; though I’m sure they were told about it when they came to pick me up. Even then I was like, “what’s the big deal??”
I think the last paragraph of the article was the most disturbing part of the whole thing to me:
Hat tip to Cam Edwards, who points out that a couple of kids recently brought real guns to school in the same district but weren’t charged with a felony.
And when I was a little kid all it was was a little joke. Things don’t always change or evolve for the better.
That is also my question
Shouldn’t these two guys be arrested as well?
Me and my friends used to play this way:
Nobody cared, nobody was arrested… but it was 20th Century…
Thought police at it again. While I believe it was rude, people do that all the time. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen the finger gun when something stupid comes out of my mouth or others.
Maybe I’m deviating from the topic, but people (mostly this generation) changed a lot.
I’ve seen a lot of situations, where taking video was more important than helping. The worst I saw: young lady decided to make a selfie with a accident victim at the background…
so, again… What is wrong with the world today?
@Jerzees Amen Jerzy, so true so true. I learned CPR in the US Army and all of us needed the knowledge we had back there 50 years ago.
When I was growing up I had toy guns to play with. And I and friends would point them at each other all of the time when we played cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, or war. And I also watched Roy Rogers, Hop Along Cassidy, The Cisco Kid, and the Lone Ranger. But lately with all of this PC CRAP kids cannot be kids any more and can’t use their imagination either. And it is all because of the liberals and their PC CRAP.
@Reloader54 I met Roy Rogers and his horse and Gene Autry and his horse in Chicago when they were touring it was a cool experience. When I was a little kid, Back then they allowed you in the stable area. Nowadays they would probably want you to sign some sort of a release of liability or some legal forms.
@Reloader54 I certainly watched all the Westerns on Saturday mornings in the 1950’s and early 1960’s
Good point s all around trump self harm lol get in a straight jacket put him on a looney bin
Gonna charge a 12 yr old with a felony and for what exactly? Now how is that going to affect her parents having a firearm in the house is she actually gets prosecuted.
I’ve always considered these types of cases and backdoor gun control/confiscation.
Greg, some schools truly are living in another universe. Other schools are grounded in providing a quality education to their students. After being in public education for over 30 years the difference is easy for me to spot. Conservative districts try to teach. Liberal districts indoctrinate. I always caution against painting districts with a broad brush as there are over 13,000 district America. Unfortunately the crazy ones get all the press. Kind of like the media ignoring good guy with a gun stories.
@Sheepdog556. Where did that take place I mean what Bastion of Democracy is trying to crush the little kid?
I got this pull quote from a NBC article on the incident. The resource officer is a police departments employee and not a school employee therefore it was a police decision and not a school decision. As with most stories thr facts trickle out bit by bit.
The resource officer, who is employed by the city’s police department, interviewed both students involved who “affirmed the actions which constituted the potential threat,” police said.
@Michael7. Thank You Michael I hope the parents and the community rallies around the little kid. Shame on those bullies who want to hurt her. I’m thinking it’s people attempting to screw over the parents.
Yes. I’ve seen that happen. I also think we’ll see all kinds of reports like this on legitimate gun owners if the Red Flag craze heats up.
@Michael7. Well I have called both my US Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth asked the young man who answered the phone that I wanted to talk to Durbin, he said to me well Mr Murphy he doesn’t take calls from constituents and I said Why not? He is my Senator, well he just doesn’t Sir; so this call is going nowhere Right? Finally he said that he will correspond to you by mail. Ok, then I’m wasting my time and not getting anywhere (in my mind) and pretty much same conversation with Duckworth’s people.