Just a few questions

I don’t ‘name Drop’ people I was hired to Protect but I do go out of my way
here telling stories about actor’s who have the 2A spirit and ‘Get it Right’
I’ve said here often I was on the sets of Sicario 1&2, and Lone Survivor
(Mostly around the Santa Fe Area)—and these actor’s DRANK it up !
Safety, Stances, (4) rules etc etc.(and I got a kick out of mark (wahlberg)
saying I don’t want to look like a dork! I love that guy
That guy is Sniper qualified! (Shooter) Trained up by one of the best!
Marcus Luttrel (SEAL)
Harry Humphries (SEAL) and his Team were there to get it right.
The Movies show this.
I was on the set of ‘RUST’ (2) days, then my Boss called Mr. Baldwin :face_vomiting:
on something and he booted the best damn security team I’ve ever been part of.
Kilmer, Paxton, Elliot (a Fave) Swazye (fell in love w/ NM after Red Dawn!
Had a home in Las Vegas NM afterwards All good safe Gunner’s.
But the list of BAD Gunner’s is sadly longer.
they’re not all dorks! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It does my heart good, you named 5 of my favorite actors (Baldwin is not and never has been a favorite of mine). Consideration for the safety of those around you is an important factor with weapons. Those who carry a gun, even if in a movie, must be aware of the danger of an accidental discharge or, as in Baldwin’s case, an “unloaded” weapon being just as dangerous as a loaded one. The best actors can’t hide their nervousness, unfamiliarity or fear of guns. It shows on the big screen. As you said it is sad that more actors aren’t as conscientious about getting it right. I have been next to accidental discharges on the range and one of my associates had his weapon taken from him when he was not following the instructors commands. It makes a strong impression when the range officer steps up behind you, reaches around you and takes your weapon out of your hand. Thank you for your service, God bless and be safe.


Well, …um… If an RO tried that with me there would be no reason for him to purchase ‘HAT’S’ anymore… Just sayin’

No, I’m not Violent…oh…never mind :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Sorry Mike that (2x’s) already and it isn’t even 07:00 ! Second Interview in (2) hours, NEW Desert Eagle in my Holster…better stop drinkin’ Coffee!


I’ve seen ROs do this a few times!

If someone is putting rounds through the side wings of their booth or the baffles at less than 5 yards, well some sort of intervention needs to happen.

I find it unlikely you would ever be that person.

Just saying


Thank you Will,
If I ever did something that dangerous/stupid I would hope someone would step in.
It just sounded at the time…well you understand. Some RO’s should be working at
the barbeque Pit. (just like some politicians)


this. the only times i have EVER seen an RSO do this is with someone who is being super careless or damaging the range through incompetence. If you put holes in the booth or the ceiling, or pointing firearms at other people, etc, expect the RSO to step in.


It is the job of a good RSO to physically take control of the muzzle direction of a firearm as needed for safety of others. It is unfortunate when this needs done, and with pistols can be rather difficult to do safely even when the shooter is cooperative and aware the correction is coming. Rifles are a lot easier.

Don’t be ‘that guy’ who needs that done


Nathan, Matt,
I agree.
I live in a city that is anti-gun
I shoot in a Facility where the RSO’s/ Gun shop Guru’s
are ALL ‘Experts’ in the field and generally make you feel you aren’t
(If they only knew who they were messing with…just sayin’)
The proper way to be an RSO/Gun sales/Counter person is Customer Service and Education. Being a dik isn’t helpful and it’s bad for business.
I dislike Caliber’s Range here (BOTH sites!)
My Anxiety ramps up just heading for the front doors.
That is no way to conduct business.
And having a Monopoly on what you are offering/selling is reprehensible.
I have been badgering my Gun Shop ‘Bulldog Firearms’ in Rio Rancho
to For the Love of GOD to open a Shootin’ Range out here.
They would be successful beyond their wildest dreams
But living in a DARK EVIL BLUE STATE that is apparently not possible.
So I suffer in Silence (No, I really do)
Until the Mesa Cop Shop opens to the public in the Spring time.
There I can be me.
If I want long range shooting, Move about freely or just Rock n Roll mag dump
they only say ‘BE SAFE!’ COOL!
Wintertime I do what I have to to keep the brass piling up at my feet
I put up with the scowls and sneers and do my best to not rip anybody’s
Arrogant head off. It generally take (2) Cokes and a Milky way to calm down in my car after I leave.
That is not a good business plan for them. I would NEVER buy a Firearm or accessories from those pricks either. My Savior in finding Bulldog was a blessing.
(and they know I am grateful and Loyal to them. They know a cash cow when the see one. We are almost friends. Like the old day’s. You know Bubba is going to do right for you so you patronize that business exclusively (and yes Bubba is real)
My mental health and physical security depends on me being sharp and Trained up.
I can’t afford to go to Thunder Ranch all the time. (But that is like coming home because Clint treats you like family)
So, anybody on this site have disposable income of say $2 Million in a mattress
just laying around COME OUT here to Cactus Junction and I would guarantee a tidy return on your investment. There are a lot of Gunner’s out here, lots of guns, but we don’t TALK to each other. We come we shoot and we leave. We sweep up our brass just so Caliber’s can’t make $$$ from it (even if we don’t reload ourselves—I’ve given away my brass to Bulldog just to further stick my finger in their eye) they are THAT unpleasant… I know a lot of Military guy’s who are good. Talented. Deadly. And most are quiet, unassuming guys. Some are built like Brick shite houses and have muscles where they shouldn’t have but they are quiet types who just want to shoot. They hate Calibers but it’s a necessary evil. Think about how much Bread Caliber’s COULD MAKE by just not being an ass? Shite stoopid people.

So, any Investor’s…anyone? Dear God please? :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: