Judge Blocks Latest CA Gun Ban… Again

Yet the latest time a judge has blocked one of California’s gun bans. Don’t expect anything to come of it, though. This is getting to be a regular occurrence, but that hasn’t stopped the anti-gun nuts in California from trying.


Why can’t the “conservatives” in the Supreme Court do the same?


It wouldn’t matter. The states don’t listen to them anymore, anyway. When the SCOTUS slapped down NY State, the governor openly stated that they won’t let the supreme court tell them what to do, and immediately rammed through all new laws that made it even hsrder to carry there. There are, literally, no personal consequences for an elected official to defy the Supreme court.

Defy a local judge on your community service for littering, and go to jail for contempt. Openly defy the Supreme Court in an issue that affects the rights and safety of 20 million people in your state, nothing (except more money from Soros).

It’s probably the single biggest limitation of our constitution, it had no enforcement mechanism.


Not really a limitation, the Supreme Court is not empowered to enforce any laws on purpose. They were tired of the government being lawmaker, judge and jury. Their sole job was to decide whether laws passed by Congress actually were legal, in accordance with our Constitution, i.e. constitutional. I think the framers of our country did that on purpose to keep government in check. Of course, the Justice Department has taken us down that path where we have the alphabet agencies, but that wasn’t in the constitution. Pretty sure there’s a lot of ‘rolling over in their graves’ going on from our forefathers.


The work and win by CRPA, FPC and several others was outstanding. This for now stops the commies from making practically everywhere a “sensitive place”, e.g. a gas station simply because they sell lottery tickets. Unfortunately there is two huge problems. This will of course be lawfared up to the 9th circus who will sit on it and stall for years. The other issue is all the rest of SB2 that hasn’t been challenged/enjoined yet having to do with onerous, time wasting and expensive process to get a CCW to begin with. Today is 12/21/23. I live in a fairly purple county. I applied 1/1/23. Still waiting for permission to take the class and qual test. And after I’m done, it will have cost nearly $1000 for a two year license that likely won’t be legal to use almost anywhere. According to my sheriff’s office, I at least will get to proceed under the current rules. Anyone applying after SB2 takes effect on 1/1/24 will have to do double the training time, submit and pay for a psych eval, give them access to my social media accounts and of course the cost will practically double.
And we are the threat to democracy?


//Judge Carney called the law, which was signed by California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, a “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.”//

Guns in public. 1967. California comes full circle.


@Jerzees gonna point out that dude in front with the ammo belt has his finger on the trigger. :smile:

Of course, I don’t suppose I’d have wanted to point out the error of his ways. He looks a little irritated.


I’m not sure if those guys back in 1967 had ever heard about 4 Universal Gun Safety Rules. :smirk:

And, I don’t care where his finger was that time. I do care about us now :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:



Do not mess with @Jerzees :smiling_imp: :laughing:




You’re killing me @Karacal ! :rofl:

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The position of your “gun” concerns me.


Everything depends on imagination… :wink: