Are any other Californians discouraged by the new (2024) laws for CCW holders?

I don’t see how this would stand up to Supreme Court scrutiny, but we’ve got to live with this until that happens?
We couldn’t carry in schools, government buildings and hospitals before, but now everywhere seems like it’s off limits, except maybe in your own home.


You know where this is going. Crime will increase and your chances of being a victim will increase. Flee… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Give Newsome a day. It’s like the weather, wait 10 minutes, it will change


@John292 All Law Abiding Californians leave your firearms locked safely in your home and go out UNARMED to become a VICTIM by a CRIMINAL at your OWN RISK where ever you are in town BY ORDER of the ANTI 2A Governor Newscum OOPS! SORRY! Newsome, OR CCW Law Abiding Californians, if you choose to legally carry outside the home and RISK becoming a FELON for being in a SENSITIVE LOCATION and being caught by POLICE, pick your CHOICE, either way IT’S DISARMAMENT! Gun Control on LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. GUN CONTROL DOES NOT APPLY TO CRIMINALS Governor Newscum DAM IT! OOPS AGAIN! SORRY! NEWSOME. Man, you guys look SO MUCH ALIKE, are you TWINS? :smirk: :laughing: By the way, are you and NM Governor related? :wink: :laughing:


Ronald150. If we can not carry legally we can not afford to be killed because of bad leadership !!! So. WHEN GUNS ARE OUT LAWED ONLY OUT LAWS WILL HAVE GUNS :bangbang::us::chile::owl::feather::feather: THEN I AM HAPPY NEW YEAR CITIZENS OF THE FREE WORLD USA :us: LOVE YA Bobby Jean :us::chile::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::partying_face::confetti_ball::tada::brick::brick::brick::brick::beer::popcorn::beer::popcorn::beer::popcorn::beer::popcorn:ROOT BEER AND POPCORN :popcorn: :tada: THANKS USCCA :us::chile::bangbang::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey brother, I’m sorry to inform you but his name is greasy GRUESOME.


If Kalifornia can burn the 2A, then Texas can STOP illegal invasions!


This law is frustrating. I just received my CCW permit a month ago and now I cannot use it. Hopefully this end’s soon. The Constitution is being attacked from all fronts especially in this state. It must prevail in the end. I just want it fixed now.


California gun owners need to unelect/recall a fair number of folks in Sacramento and get pro-2A candidates elected. Nothing else will work.


I am very upset with the SB2 as well. IMHO I think the best way to go against these new laws, is not only to vote, but to become an active member in one of the local pro 2A chapters.

I have joined CRPA and they are very active and are part of the team fighting this SB2.
I am also a member of CGOA (GOA), AFA as well as just joined with the California Gun Rights Foundation (

A few others to look into:
Home - American Firearms Association

Home - Gun Owners of California (

Home | Gun Owners Foundation

National Association for Gun Rights
Second Amendment Sisters
National Rifle Association (NRA) (some disagreement within liberty movement - do your own research)
Second Amendment Foundation
The National Skeet Shooting Association and National Sporting Clays Association
Amateur Trapshooting Association
Pink Pistols
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Women Against Gun Control
Pacific International Trapshooting Association
Zone 7 Skeet
Firearms Policy Coalition
Fifty Caliber Shooters Association


What a horrible place for justice and following the constitution. This is always likely to happen in a state ruled by one party. Corruption, tyranny, and no accountability. So much for saving democracy BS.


Just carry anyway. All the criminals and thugs do without a permit.


I lived in California my who life till 2017 when I got the hell out. The CCW thing is terrible, so’s giving all the illegals free insurance, raising our taxes to the point of breaking your budget, utilities, gas, going green, people can steal $950 or less and it’s OK, stop them and you go to jail; couldn’t stand it anymore. Other states are trying to follow so the battle isn’t over, but I did buy some time. I feel the pain.


It crossed my mind, but I will wait this out instead, need to follow law. Using the time without my weapon to put avoidance and awareness in practice.

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But all the violent criminals in CA know they are very unlikely to be prosecuted if they get caught. Licensed carriers will not only be gone after with the full force of the law, but now under SB2 they face significantly harsher sentences than an unlicensed criminal carrying a firearm in the same places.


Welcome to Assbackwardistan.


Also a good excuse to get some martial arts training and look into less lethal carry options if you haven’t already. CA knife laws are as messy as their other anti self defense laws but there are supposedly legal options. I never travel anywhere without pepper gel and a sturdy pen even if I am carrying a firearm.


All great points, I miss my weapon, but will use all my self defense knowledge gained since getting my carry permit. Dealing with the frustration of these backward laws has made me aware of the organization’s that are fighting against these anti gun people. Will help and support these hard working groups that are on our side. So if anything positive comes out of this sb2 mess it’s the gratitude I have for these organizations.


From my local SO:

Fresno County Sheriff’s Office
Public Information Officer Tony Botti ∙ Yesterday at 9:13 PM

As you may be aware, on January 1, 2024, CA SB 2 took effect and went into law.

This bill severely limits where a CCW permit holder can carry a firearm. With that said, there have been numerous appeals filed with the courts regarding this legislation. On December 27, 2023, Federal Judge Cormac J. Carney approved a request for a preliminary injunction of a new state concealed weapons law that would add restrictions on where guns can be carried and some other hurdles to getting a permit. Meaning, CCW permit holders could still carry in so-called sensitive places. However, shortly after this preliminary injunction was granted, California Attorney General Rob Bonta vowed to appeal the preliminary injunction issued by Judge Carney. On December 30, 2023, a federal appeals court issued an administrative stay, overriding the injunction and clearing the way for California’s law to ban the carrying of guns in most public places. The three judge panel put a hold on Judge Carney’s ruling who declared portions of SB 2 to be unconstitutional. As your Fresno County Sheriff, I can only speak to you strictly about the mission and direction of the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office. I began this post with the summary of recent decisions surrounding CA SB 2 because the status of where CCW permit holders can legally carry firearms seems to change every couple of days and can be confusing to our CCW permit holders. The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office will NOT be out actively looking for individuals who may be in violation of CA SB 2 at this time. We do not have adequate resources and due to the numerous pending appeals, we do not believe it is in the best interests of those we serve in Fresno County. Based on statistics and facts, our CCW permit holders here in Fresno County and across the State of California are law abiding residents who rarely, if ever, are associated with violent crimes involving the use of firearms. Our resources at the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office will continue to be focused on arresting violent criminals and those individuals who illegally possess and use firearms while engaged in criminal activity. Please remember that there are many other law enforcement agencies throughout Fresno County and the State of California who may be impacted by this new law that took effect January 1, 2024. I urge all of you to carefully pay attention to what is going on with this legislation as I am sure there will be changes and updates in the days and weeks ahead. If you are applying for a new CCW permit or looking to renew a current CCW permit, please be patient with our staff. They are doing their very best during these trying times and are focused on ensuring that your CCW gets issued or renewed as soon as possible. Also be aware that very few, if any, instructors are certified to teach the new CCW classes that are required under CA SB 2 as the CA DOJ has been slow to start the application process for CCW instructors. The California State Sheriff’s Association (CSSA) has identified concerns with these regulations. Specifically, how they would reduce the number of acceptable training and certification entities that can be used to certify CCW instructors and ignore or disregard the economic impact of that change. The CSSA has submitted comments to Cal DOJ and the Office of Administrative Law noting these concerns and asks that the regulations be withdrawn or amended to have the offending provisions removed or remedied. For more on instructor regulations, visit: If you wish to comment individually, you must send comments to: Department of Justice P.O. Box 160487 Sacramento, CA 95816 -and- Office of Administrative Law 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250 Sacramento, CA 95814 You must also email comments to: [email protected] and [email protected]