Is your EDC your nightstand home defense?

My primary 9mm EDC pistol with light/laser and a spare 15 round mag is in my bookcase headboard at night concealed by a headboard pillow. My backup 9mm EDC pistol and a spare 12 round mag is concealed in the larger open living space. I live alone in a 2 BR apartment with both down a 15 foot long hallway, so no rifle as home defense. But considering a semi-auto shotgun purchase.


My carry gun is on me all day, including when at home. The only time it isnā€™t on me is when I am in the shower and even then it is within arms reach on the counter, or when Iā€™m asleep and it is on the nightstand right beside me. However, for the ā€œbump in the night gunā€ I am going with my suppressed 300 blackout AR.


Neighborhood WatchšŸ¤£


Disagree. If this were true, what would be the sense in a Concealed Carry handgun? Even in home defense, a hangun has its usefulness, if not preference.


Itā€™s true though (and is a relative statement)

The sense of a concealed carry handgun is that itā€™s concealable, unlike the far more effective rifles and shotguns, and is still more effective generally (and far greater range) than any other tool that is available in such a small concealable size


EDC in IWB from the time I get up until I go to bed. Then in my night stand. PPC 9mm takes same magazines and is in the bedroom in a wall safe. Both get range time weekly.



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I wasnā€™t able to gel test the home defense pooches, but their situational awareness function works great!


Mobile electronics-free burglary alarms FTW


Same here,there always a weapon ready for action in any room I go to including my EDC in a shoulder holster, and told my daughter and Grand Daughter if they hear any noise the no matter where they are to hit the floor and have told them the reason for hitting the floor,because any thing standing up was going down!


EDC Glock 43x, home defense Glock 17. IMHO, the 17 is the finest gun ever made, and my favorite to shoot, but itā€™s just a little to big to conceal, thus the 43x while out and about.


What do you think of a bull pup? My local dealer has a KelTec and I really like the concept. It is shorter than my AR.


I think most people would be better spent putting that money into ammo, training, and spare parts for the AR to get better with it.

But a lot of people are more into gun buying and collecting, which is also good.


Nothing wrong with a bullpup design, but the manual of arms will certainly be different. So you have to train, train, train. Reloading can get uncomfortable also, so you have to weigh your options at that time.


My EDC is my Stacatto C2 with Trijicon SRO
Thatā€™s because I have to conceal carry. At home Iā€™m not the least bit interested if the perpetrator sees my gun pointing at him, so that said by my bed is a CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S2 Custom built by Northland Cerakote with a 100 round twin drum magazine in it. Iā€™m not going to be bothered with reloading even if there is a gang coming in. That purge crap I keep hearing about makes want two of them!!
Yeah Brother, gun up!! A pistol ainā€™t enough nowadays. See the link below for a close look.

Ice Warrior Scorpion Evo 3 S2 LE edition


I think the Kel Tec 15 a bullpup 12 guage is an amazing choice for HD. With itā€™s dual receivers, you can preload the mix of shells it holds a total of 15 rounds (7 in each receiver and one in the pipe)

So it gives you choices.

Now, the bad. It is a pain in the butt to reload. The selector switch quite frequently gets knocked out of place, so if you are not paying attention it wonā€™t load the next round. The recoil is pretty stiff, but that is easily countered with a muzzle compensator.

I love mine.


I was watching a video on storing your home defense weapon. The video presented an interesting issue if you have to use it. That is in court a case will be made that you were perhaps asleep and abruptly woken so maybe you are not prepared to make a decision. This video may very well be Fromm USCCA.

I prepared for this situation by doing the following. My gun is loaded and chambered. The safety is on. It is in its holster and placed in a bio metric safe. So in the event I hear something I open my night stand drawer, put my thump on the safe, pull the gun out while pushing the holster off and release the safety. That is an only a few seconds longer than if it is just in the nightstand. I practice from laying prone in bed to be defense ready.

I think this will give a defense that can prevail in court.

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My CZ scorpion


Is that CZ setup in a bullpup configuration? I had never seen that.