IFAIK and beyond

Very few of my memorable stories have good memories associated with them. But this one does. Was working a rural hospital as a Flight Medic and had just delivered a patient to the ER. As we were leaving there was a taxi about 30 yards away blaring it’s horn and flipping it’s lights. It was raining but I was like let me go see what’s going on.

I got there and was a woman going into full blown labor. I had my bag with me and got her set up and sent the taxi driver to run to the ER. By the time they got back I had 2 handfuls of beautiful baby girl. Slippery as all get out, I refused to move until the Dr. took her out of my hands. Didn’t stick around for the cord cutting as we already had another call lined up.


Beautiful!! Way to roll! That is a quick sequence of calls! After that she might have named her baby girl something that sounded like your name. Hold on tight to those good memories!


:+1: :smiley:

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Rescue Essentials has some decent options and the prices are reasonable, as well. I picked up the Outdoor Range Medical Kit to carry in my rig, and plan on at least one more for the wife’s rig to replace or supplement the standard first aid kit she has.

If I need to go mobile, I can strap it to my go bag and away I go.


Awesome sauce!


I am usually stone cold, when on scene, working. Children are the hardest. I am fairly good at sleight of hand so I would try to keep them distracted. The people need to see you as competent.

But driving or flying back. I have climbed into the back and had a good meltdown. Then locked it down and got ready for the next call.

Not even going to go there about the military scenes I’ve been on.