I Coulda Been a Contender

It’s interesting. A Harvard president chosen by the woke who does not consider antisemitism to be a problem on her campus (or a problem period). Never mind the chants of “From the River to the Sea” that promote the annihilation of the Israeli state. After all the Holocaust was an exaggeration - right? She promotes the first amendment - for certain “minorities” - but not for conservative thinkers or thought. The correct use of pronouns are more important than plagiarism, which she seems to be quite adept at using. In short, she represents all that is wrong with America’s education system. Oh well. Two down. One to go.


When Caught Cheating Just “insert citations and quotation marks that were omitted”


They couldn’t make her quit for antisemitism but they got her for plagiarism.


Well I just heard on the radio this morning, that her friend barrach obummer, was calling everyone he could, to see that she kept her position, as head of the institution !! IMHO one of the biggest anti semite around !!


Be ‘Frosty’ My friends…
We have not seen the last of ‘Barry’ and ‘Mike’ O.
They are the sleeping dragon’s in the Cave that snort Sulphur smoke
time and time again.

If you look at history…really look, it all started the downward spiral on their watch.
adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


You have to go back a lot further to hear that initial flushing sound. Some people point to the end of the gold standard in the 70s under Nixon. Others point to the formation of the federal reserve back in 1913. But I would argue that the kleptocrats and crony capitalists have been whittling away at this country since the day it was formed. It’s just now that we are getting to the point where we can see the black hole of the drain rapidly approaching.


I think that’s true of the majority of politicians; the ones without a STRONG moral compass. Put people in a position of power and influence. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?


Another issue is that many of the people who seek positions of power not only lack moral compasses but often seek power for the ability to control others and/or for their own personal gain.

There occasionally seems to be a politician who takes the job in order to try and serve the people instead of having the people serve them. But they either give into the corruption or quit because they can’t get anything done without going along with it.


Antisemitism and Holocaust denial has a long history in the US that embraces both the woke left and the right. Remember the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally where the participants were chanting “Jews will not replace us”? Those folks in Klan robes and carry torches were not woke leftists.

White nationalists storm the University of Virginia campus - YouTube

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To me, that was covered under the lack of a “strong moral compass”.


To me having a strong moral compass means not doing to them what they are doing to one’s self but doing to them as one would have done to one’s self.

How about Alexander THE GREAT? Great for invading other lands. George Washington advised against it. So did Ike. However follow the money. Rich elites in DC still have their arms, legs, sanity & gigantic baskets filled with lots of lucre. And now the “FREE” press celebrates when all the top guys all get in one place for a photo OP. I believe they would all say: I vuz yust following orders.

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Agree that you can track corruption and greed as far back as you can find written history and I’m sure it was taking place well before people started writing it all down.

We like to think of ourselves as modern advanced human beings but most of us are acting on our ancient animal instincts more often than we would like to admit.


The neonazis do exists, but their numbers are much smaller than folks with palestinian flags, they dont receive support from foreign powers hostile to the US, nor do they have forward bases like Council for American Nazi Relations, or Ivy League schools, quazi-religious orgs like Nation of Nazism.

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I have no idea how wide-spread the American neo-Nazi/white supremist/antisemitic organizations are, but I suspect they are more than a harmless fringe. I recommend two books that discuss neo-Nazis and the presence of fascists in America.

  1. Kathleen Belew, Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America (2019). Professor Belew makes a case for historical spikes in paramilitary and neo-Nazis following de-escalation of wars (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf Wars) as returning vets are recruited by and join the ranks of such movements.

  2. Rachel Maddow, Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism (2023). This is a very interesting look at the American fascist/antisemitic movement in the 1930s & 40s, including a coup attempt and funding of a variety of Congressmen by the German Nazi party prior to the start of WWII.

Agree. But you would think that the woke philosophy of DEI would overrule the leftists’ radical ideology. Or maybe they feel Jews are a threat to their core group as a whole as in being a success is bad for society.

We’ve seen this before, and it did not work out well. In the 1920s and 30s, the German Nazis fought the German Communists in tbe streets and both groups blamed Jews for the dire straits Germany found itself in after WWI. In the end, the Nazis won the street battles.

Rachael Maddow??? Please. I know you are being honest and mean well, but if this is what you are reading - no wonder the world is upside down through your eyes.

I dont need a book to see whats going on, unfortunately. I quick look at the TV over Christmas and New year’s showed me the size of pro-terror mobs, the geography and their audacity, disrupting festivities, blocking roads, blocking airports. Tell me when was the last time neonazis attacked federal facilities on both coasts, in major cities, at the same time?
Tells me relative danger of the two groups.


“no wonder the world is upside down through your eyes”

So, you make a personal attack on me to make your point. I get it. That will convince me that you are a thinking individual with opinions worth considering.

If you find Rachael Maddow’s opinion worth of your consideration, I simply dare not offer mine!