Hunter... Oh so Sad

Just listening to a discussion as the Hunter Biden case wraps up. Appears if he gets off, it could be we should all feel bad for the crack addled thief and traitor cuz the poor guy was on crack when he signed the paperwork. As one other brother here said, where’s the ATF? In any event, if they let him off, anyone who ever lied, or will lie on the background check can simply report they were just out in the car smoking some crack and have an entirely screwed up life and hey, there’s no problem. I can hear the attorney ads on t.v. now… “If you were arrested, fined or put in jail for lying on your background check, and smoked crack at the time, call now!” The gates are wide open.


We’ve needed a shovel to find the bar for years now.

I know where they should be using the shovels…


The guy was a US Naval Officer fer cryin’ out loud!
How many other people’s lives has he ruined, including his own children as well as the widow of his brother and the Ukraine lawyer investigating corruption?
Atonement would be good—probably the best thing— for Hunter.


“Atonement” isn’t a word this disfunctional, entitled, elitist, holier-than-thou family will ever understand, let alone participate in.


He is guilty, then again, so many others are probably just as guilty. People tend to lie on things like this, and resumes, and taxes … etc.

Same applies to classified documents. If Trump, Pence, and Biden have found them in places that they should not be; I am guess a lot of past Presidents/Vice Presidents had the exact same issue.

I don’t expect Hunter or Donald to be sentenced to jail for either recent trial.

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We no longer tar and feather public officials for negligence. Crooked judges and politically motivated prosecutors should fear the repercussions of these actions.


Difference there is that ONLY Presidents have the authority to declassify documents WITHOUT ANY PROCESS as they see fit.

Even far left Politifact admits this.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but the statement is incorrect.
This POS is the PRESIDENTS SON (Nuff said). An ADDICT, liar, thief, TRAITOR,
IS THE SON of THE MOST CORRUPT, Senile, Doddering Fool to EVER sit it the Big Chair !
This entire Family has done the most damage to this country and all the ‘arms’ of .gov
that it is almost unrepairable. “10% for the Big Guy will go down in history as the phucks legacy”
When the dust settles (either due to Revolution, CV, or Election shift change (don’t hold your collective breaths) that this wonderful country will rise up from the ashes we find ourselves in and leave this place a better World for next Generations to prosper in.



Not at all accurate. Yes, Pence and Biden did find them and call the authories to come and take them and to do a further search to make sure there were no other documents. This probably happens to a lot of ex-officials. Trump actively hid them, denied having them, lied to the authorties on multiple occasions, said he turned everything over and knew he didn’t, etc. An element of most crimes is mens rea - knowing you are doing something wrong and doing it anyway. That is what Trump did and that is the diffence in these three people.

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There is a process.

Fact check explores presidential authority to declassify (

I was really trying to phrase that “This probably happens to a lot of ex-officials.”

In my opinion, the only real crime was a chandelier in the bathroom. I don’t have a chandelier in my entire house.

Of course there is an “argument” for when and how a document can become “unclassified” by the Commander-In-Chief. It’s Trump after all. Do you recall any other President having their power to de-classify questioned?

From your article:
“In all cases, however, a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized. A federal appeals court in a 2020 Freedom of Information Act case, New York Times v. CIA, underscored that point: “Declassification cannot occur unless designated officials follow specified procedures,” the court said.”

To date, I have yet to find where it is written that “designated officials follow specified procedures” with regard to the ability to de-classify documents by the President".


Already ILLEGAL once removed from a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. (SCIF) THEY were not allowed to have them. No take backsies.


please… where did you hear that?

way I heard was some NEW documents got delivered all of a sudden and then the feds came in???

the NEW documents were not requested… but they arrived anyways???


not a trumpster… yes he made some mistakes… but I do have to say… looking back…

they way things were with him in office compared to how things are now…

the oil reserve that was just in case we went to war??? pretty much gone…

prices for food, clothing, electric, gas, tax’s… the list goes on… open borders, and crime…

and then the Jan 6th bullsh*t… many were invited in… shows in the videos…

insurrection??? weren’t armed and near as I can tell made NO THREATS to anyone???

national guard was offered and refused by a certain politician… who was that again???

I know how I will be voting…


Specifically, the total breakdown of law enforcement as a means of maintaining a functional society.


When you got nothing, gotta go to whataboutisms and change the subject. This thread is about a privileged person breaking existing law. Even if it gets found to be unconstitutional, he should still be prosecuted just like you or I would. Where did you come from all of a sudden? Sure are spewing a lot BS.


Hunter Biden trial live updates: Hunter Biden guilty on all charges in historic gun case (

WILMINGTON, Del. − A federal jury convicted Hunter Biden of federal gun charges, a historic first for the offspring of a sitting president, after a trial featuring wrenching emotional testimony about his drug use from his ex-wife and sister-in-law.

President Joe Biden’s son faces up to 25 years in prison for three charges − lying on a federal screening form about his drug use, lying to a gun dealer and possessing the gun − although first-time, nonviolent offenders typically get shorter sentences. U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika will soon set Hunter Biden’s sentencing date.

The 54-year old businessman and attorney’s case came after a plea deal fell apart in July 2023 that could have resolved gun and taxes charges without prison time. Hunter Biden still faces another federal trial starting Sept. 5 in California for allegedly avoiding taxes.

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

Biden’s legal troubles coincide with his father campaigning for reelection. But the elder Biden as the trial kicked off issued a statement supporting his son and later told ABC News he wouldn’t pardon him.

Follow along for live updates from the USA TODAY Network.

Hunter Biden looks to lawyer, wife after verdict announced

Hunter Biden pat Abbe Lowell, his lawyer, on the back after his felony conviction was announced. He then turned to look at his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden and hugged other members of his defense team.

– Xerxes Wilson

Hallie Biden received texts about drugs from Hunter Biden

Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden, testified during the trial about how her brother-in-law introduced her to drugs. She also walked the jury through a series of text messages in the days after Hunter Biden bought the gun on Oct. 12, 2018.

A text the next day said he was behind a baseball stadium in Wilmington “waiting on a dealer named Mookie.”

Hallie Biden later texted Hunter Biden, stating that she tried calling him “500 times in the past 24 hours.” He eventually responded: “I was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th Street and Rodney.”

Hunter Biden called Hallie Biden ‘stupid’ for trashing gun

Hallie Biden told the jury she found the gun in Hunter Biden’s car 11 days after he bought it. Rather than risk their kids finding it, she put the gun in a leather case and drove to a grocery store, where she threw it into a trash can.

“I realized it was a stupid idea now, but I was just panicking,” Hallie Biden said.

Hunter Biden confronted her when he discovered what she had done.

“It’s hard for me to believe anyone is that stupid,” Hunter Biden said in a text. “Do you want me dead?” he asked in a later text.

Prosecutors entered into evidence the Colt Cobra .38 caliber revolver that Hunter Biden purchased in October 2018.

Prosecutors entered into evidence the Colt Cobra .38 caliber revolver that Hunter Biden purchased in October 2018.© Provided by: Delaware District Court trial exhibits

Retiree found gun in grocery store trash can

An 80-year-old retiree, Edward Banner, who scavenged trash containers for aluminum cans, found the gun outside Janssen’s Market in Greenville. A state police lieutenant tracked him down and asked whether he’d found anything unusual.

“I definitely remember finding that,” Banner said.

FBI chemist found cocaine residue on Hunter Biden gun pouch

Forensic chemist Jason Brewer testified that he found cocaine in the residue on the leather pouch that held Hunter Biden’s gun. Two spots on the pouch had a “minimal amount” of “off-white powder,” which Brewer pointed out in a picture prosecutors projected onto a screen in Biden’s trial on gun charges.

“Cocaine was identified within the residual white particles I sampled,” he told the jury.

Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden, leaves the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building on June 6, 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware. The trial for Hunter Biden's felony gun charges continues today with additional witnesses.

Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden, leaves the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building on June 6, 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware. The trial for Hunter Biden’s felony gun charges continues today with additional witnesses.© Kevin Dietsch, Getty Images

Biden trial followed collapse of plea deal for gun and tax charges

A plea agreement that fell apart last July offered the possibility Biden could avoid jail time for all of the charges. Noreika rejected the deal because of disputes between prosecutors and defense lawyers about Biden’s protection from future charges.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed the U.S. attorney in Delaware, David Weiss, a special counsel to continue an independent investigation. Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, argued unsuccessfully the charges should be dismissed because no new evidence had emerged since the plea agreement.

The gun indictment charged Biden with knowingly deceiving a firearms dealer by buying a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver. He was charged with falsely filling out a federal form denying he was addicted to any narcotics. And he was charged with knowingly possessing the revolver despite the restrictions against people addicted to drugs owning firearms. The three charges carried a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison.

The tax indictment charges Biden with three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanors. He allegedly engaged in a scheme in which he failed to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed taxes from 2016 through 2019, and also evaded tax assessment for 2018 when he filed false returns.

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Hunter Biden enters the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, in the morning before jury selection begins in USA v. Robert Hunter Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, June 3, 2024.

Hunter Biden enters the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, in the morning before jury selection begins in USA v. Robert Hunter Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, June 3, 2024.

©Jasper Colt, USA TODAY

Hunter Biden enters the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, in the morning before jury selection begins in USA v. Robert Hunter Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, June 3, 2024.

The previous agreement would have allowed Biden to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges, which could have resulted in no jail time, and enter a pretrial program for a gun charge that could have been dismissed if he complied.

But Republicans blasted the agreement as a sweetheart deal and Hunter Biden became a lightning rod for criticism of his father.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Hunter Biden trial live updates: Hunter Biden guilty on all charges in historic gun case


I guess Biden doesn’t really control the Fed Justice Dept…

Best outcome. He’ll find, maybe another brother’s wife to sleep with and do drugs with in jail. He’ll likely not cope and croak. Then his dad can croak…assuming he remembers it isn’t the son who fought in Iraq…or mars… Day before voting opens would be perfect.


Well, there is that little element that IS in federal control, called sentencing.
What good would it do, to convict someone of first degree murder for example, if the judge gives him a day of probation? Biden won’t have to pardon Hunter, he will undoubtedly get a very light sentence. Remember, the “Justice Department” wanted to give him unprecedented “blanket immunity” for all future crimes, (To keep him from having to go to trial for his business dealings, which WILL implicate his father as well) but was stopped by the judge.