Hung jury for robbery?

This robber has a long rap sheet, hit the owner with a hammer on his head repeatedly. Anymore I don’t think ppl want justice done. They’re such possies they can’t handle the responsibility!


Just might be true. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It has been this way for a very, very long time. Every cop can tell a story of how a jury failed to convict someone in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt.

That happened to me with the first murder trial I participated in. A guy shot a rival from a block away with a 30-30 (hardly a case of self defense). And, told me (a uniformed cop) an hour before the shooting that he would take care of the guy who had pistol whipped him. I was stunned. I thought this would be a case of 1st or 2nd degree murder, but the jury came back with “not guilty.” The DA told me “No matter how good your case is, when it goes to a jury have no better than even odds of a conviction, 'cause the jury will weigh whether they liked or disliked the victim.”


My dad used to love being on juries. Almost every jury he was on, the jury found the guy guilty. Then the defense lawyers found out dad was the driving force behind those convictions. He never got on another jury. Now that I’m retired, I would love to be on a jury for a dirtbag like this. He would be buried under the jailhouse after he died in jail.


Thank you for your service Mark697

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What in the hell made them decide on a a hung jury? Wow, with a video showing he assulted the man.


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