How many members. Carry. Knives. And what kind folding or straight . Blades ❓

Michi eil THATS right my long hair got the crap kicked out of me where your head goes your AZZ. WILL FOLLOW. And I have cut off my hair and the fingers in it trying to break my neck. And then I took out his eye!!! AND WENT TO THE HOSPITAL KAS HE BEAT MY EYES SHUT AND HE WAS MY SISTERS SON . My REAL FAMILY WAS TRULY VERY DANGEROUS AND HE LIKED TO HAVE KILLED ME BEFORE I COULD GET MY KNIFE OUT OF MY POCKET !!! So now I carry straight. USMC KABARS AND I KEEP THEM SHAP MY NEFU SAID HOW DO I LIKE MY LONG HAIR NOW AND I SAID YOU BETTER PUT THEM FINGERS IN SOME ICE . Sob. True. VISHESH . Injans. In bread bastards O HAVE GOOD FAMILY NOW MY Debbie ann and MOMA. I. HAVE ME PUPPIES . Love you and Jesus BROTHER Bobby Jean :100::feather::feather::tiger2::eagle::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::100::100::100::beer::sunflower::six::bangbang:


A number of years ago, when I got my ZT, I was trying to decide which knife I wanted to carry as my EDC. I put the ZT in my left front pocket and the other in my right front pocket. Several weeks later I decided I wanted to carry both. I am somewhat ambi and found that most of the time I grabbed boxes in my left hand (predominant Lefty), so grabbing the knife in the right pocket was easier.

I discovered that I was able to use my right hand to slice and cut. I was never able to do that before. I can only attribute that to exercising and firearms training weak-hand shooting. I discovered this while doing yard work. One time I grabbed the sledge hammer in my right-hand and used it as easily as I would have in my Left-hand. I did not realize that I did that until I was done using it. A couple of months later I was carving some meat and when I was done, realized I was cutting with my right-hand.

My issue with my new found skill is that I find on occasion that I hit the wrong key on the keyboard, but that it is in the same position, but for the wrong hand. I need to practice my, what is now called, keyboarding skills, not typing skills. :sunglasses: Worse yet, I am posting this on my IPad using a Magic Keyboard, which requires a whole nother set of shortcut keys. :sunglasses:


Dave17, YOU SOUND LIKE ME I CAN USE MY LEFT HAND AS WELL AS MY RIGHT. That IS GREAT . Use it or LOSE IT!! BUT I . TRULY DONT UNDERSTAND SOME OR MOST OF THE THINGS PEOPLE SAY WITH BIG WORDS. JUST LIKE MY BIG LETTERS I FOUND OUT THAT MEANS THAT I A SCREAMING… AND I AM NOT . I CAN NOT SEE THESE LITTLE LETTERS. AND I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MY LETTERS. But I can Read my bible on my truck and H.D. . AND JESUS. And my USCCA magazine. :bangbang: BUT PEOPLE KEEP USING THIS WORD BRUO. Or BUR. Or something like that and I don’t know what that are. SAYING. AND SOME BIG LETTERS I NEVER USE SO I READ EVERYTHING AND I THINK .WTF. :question::question::question: BUT . I don’t goggeal my . THINGS. Debbie ann does GOOGOLEal. FEST BOOK. But I don’t get to . Go on that KAZ Debbie ann . Said I can not . Go out to the BIG WEBERNET. SO I TRY TO UNDERSTAND. But this dam iPhone is dangerous. SO . I just read the news and listen to me music and call me friends and check out the weather . But Debbie ann . Will not help me . Go to the entire entereweb.!! She said it will mess up . MY DAY. People are . Not right . In the computer world. So like we can use both hands . We use both hands :bangbang::100:I never used or use the internet . SO I STRUGGLE. To make sense. With my letters. But we are blessed to write with both hands . And use both hands same same KAZ most people only use one haw haw here is your root beer Love Bobby Jean. And this was hard for me with out Debbie ann . I can read some big words . Love you brother . Have a very blessed day . K​:feather::feather::chile::us::beer::100::hammer_and_pick::toolbox::hammer_and_pick::100::bangbang:AMEN


Michieul. That could have not been .said any better . That is great and take care of yourself you are the best tool you have ! You already have great training . Here’s ya a root beer :beer: ok you deserve a six pack Don’t drink them all . They have sugar lot but they are good these are A&W. Stay frosty ones Love Bobby jean and Debbie ann an puppies :chile::us::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::feather::feather::100::hammer_and_wrench::bangbang::partying_face:K,

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