This is a topic for fun. This can be a stressful time and I think it’s important to remember there are many things out of our control, and worrying about them is useless.
Anyhoo, a friend of mine got me into buying small stocks so now I’m browsing some of these companies that are suffering to see how I can make some after all this is done. I’ll be playing some video games ( I am a millennial ), I’ll do some grilling, I’ll think about working out but not, and catch up on movies/TV.
I’ll be fixing the lift pump tonight. If there’s time, I’ll move on to a valve check adjustment in one of the bikes. The microwave spins but doesn’t heat, which is undesirable. And, of course, everyone is working more while they are remote. There’s always something to do!
I do e-mails, Twitter, Facebook, USCCA Community, Parler, Convention of States work I’m a volunteer and can do it from home, watch TV and movies, play games on computer, and practice shooting in back yard with an Air soft gun. And I also reload ammo for .38 spl, .357 mag, .45 acp, .45lc, and 9 mm. So I have a lot of things to keep me out of trouble.
My daily routine has only changed insofar as I am not leaving the house. Otherwise, work is through remote access (as it has been for the past 18 years), and we’re reading, watching TV and talking in the evenings. Same old, same old.
I never saw a reason to get into reloading. The cost doesn’t really seam to save in the long run… but I wish I could right now! It seems fun and when you can’t find ammo on the shelf
Reloading brings a lot of satisfaction, and pleasure. I do it because I enjoy it, not to save money.
It also allows me to have ammo for an original Winchester 1873 in 32-20, and an original Springfield 1873 trapdoor in .45 Government.
I do it for fun. And I also do it to find loads that work great but aren’t as powerful as factory loaded ammo. and have a much less recoil to them. and I do half of the powder charge in my ammo and it works fine for me.
Being ‘retired’ I’m pretty good at this keeping busy stuff. With spring turkey hunting starting up I’m doing my best to drive my wife crazy by practicing my turkey calling. Spring is also time to tune up and clean up my '70 vette and get it ready for the local car shows, if they happen this year. The spring pompano run is starting up along the Alabama coast so I’ve got to head down and surf fish. In a nut shell I’ll be goofing off hunting, fishing, and messing with vehicles all the while trying my best to not do any of the stuff on the ‘honey-do’ list.
My wife and I watched OUTBREAK on Netflix Sunday. I’ve been able to hang out in the Community a bunch more the last couple days. I’m planning to hit the range tomorrow and send a few more rounds down range this week. And i am catching an older movie on cable here and there.
Still working but the phones haven’t rung much the last couple days. That will pick up again. After a few days stuck inside with family, I’m expecting a few more DUIs and DVs.
Nancy and I have been getting our immunization and booster shots TDAP and I received my first shot for Shingles, I had to wait for 4 months for the vaccine to come in and another 2 months for the second shot.
Otherwise not much has changed here, things are going o.k.
Stay safe, Bruce and Nancy.