Hollywood on fire

In January too what do you guys think.


I think it’s bad




This is from W.H.G–some say it’s Trumps pseudo X handle) for
‘White House Grandpa’
We (according to the Calendar we are in Day 8)
Looking @ what happened New Years Eve (not included in 10 Dof D)
Now LA/ California doing their interpretation of Rome Burning and Newsome
playing the lead roll as NERO I tend to agree. Karen Bass may wind up
strung up on the tallest Palm Tree if she’s not careful.
The DEI ‘Lesbian’ Fire Chief in an adjourning tree (if there are any left).
The one thing I will say is KARMA IS IN THE HOUSE.
Think what you will be with the Demon-Rats scurrying off the Parties ship as
it is THIS EVENT will just seal their Fate. Newsome, Bass, The Fire Chief were WARNED by Prez Trump in (2018) that a FIRESTORM was awaiting them in the future and they did nothing. Figures vary but 70% (I’ll be generous here) of the RUNOFF of water from Northern Cali was directed to the Pacific to ‘SAVE’ a FISH! (This folk’s is ALMOST as stupid as New Mexico draining the Rio Grande to ‘SAVE’ the Silvery Minnow (a GUPPIE!) SHEEEEESH! Fish more popular than Humans?
The list of Failures and ATROCITIES by the Cali Demoncrats is Too long to list here but that’s a sample of the Low-lights.
These Criminals this observer feels will FEEL THE HEAT of their DEI/WOKENESS (Pun Intended). And the REACTION will be swift and Severe. Adam Shiff-less is a perfect example od STUPID Blaming TRUMP for the fires—Donald has super powers I guess? Who knew?
The firestorm will ignite fully with ANY politician who goes against the ‘Laken Riley Act’ this week…stay tuned sportsfan’s—It’s gonna get LOUD! FAST.

Stock up on supplies if you can. Medicines, Ammo, whatever you deign important.


:thinking: Thinking that every time HIGH WINDS hit California, it starts on fire. It’s only logical to say that those winds are severe, dangerous hot scolding winds of fire, because it couldn’t be arson fire, an EV suddenly starting on fire in the garage, a short wire in an electrical system, some one’s barbeque grill coals left lit, some one carelessly leaving a campfire unextinguished in the forest, a down powerline sparking up a flame, some one shooting off fireworks out in a dry grassy field, kids playing with matches, hotflashes :woman:, a prehistoric fire breathing dragon from China town, two dry branches rubbing together sparking up a fire, :thinking: :man_shrugging: It could only be a big @$$ fire ball wind that appears out of nowhere crossing over California lighting it on fire, what else is there to think what it could be.


overreacting much?


Reminds me of Oprah and Maui.


Well Combat,
If you think I’m overreacting much…?

Have a Great day Sir (BLOCKED)
You 'snarked at me twice in our correspondences and I overlooked those.
Now this.
Don’t aska question you may not like the answer to. SEE-Ya, Adios, AUF WIEDERSEHEN
and BUH BYE.


LOL, He is soft you have to excuse him … He like to dish it out but won’t eat it … Classic bad chef …


eh its fine nobody likes to eat it.


This is how one species can affect a whole ecosystem …

Yes some fish lives matter …
Education is our best defence to repeating stupidity in the future …
In my opinion, This is a conservative issue or at the very least should be …

What it means to conserve or be a CONSERVative protect (something, especially an environmentally or culturally important place or thing) from harm or destruction.
This seems to be a ideology that has been lost or perverted by the current standards… sadly .


Don’t stress, grab a bag of popcorn!

Perhaps Kamala can write some checks! $750.00 should cover
an 8 million dollar home.
I wonder who’s taking up all the space in hotels and shelters, it ain’t AMERICAN citizens!
Let’s all cheer on the looters! Blue democracy at its finest.

It’s really a shame when a fireman risks his life to save a democrat and the fire hydrants are running dry, phuckin priceless!

Got water :question::scream:



My word … Let me see if there is any chance of explaining… Why things are the way they are and will get worse … Here is the problem put simply … We need more water … OK let’s build a Desalinization Plant to increase water supply and create new jobs …
The Left … eco-warriors come out it will kill the environment… We need permits …
The Right… We don’t need it … It cost to much … Water has been on this planet forever… Money would better be spent on the military … Sadly on my last point. Not on the VETS …

They break off into their little groups. Shake sticks at each other … DO FOOKALL for anyone… Other then having something to run on … It doesn’t take a Dictator to get things done …
For those of you that have served will understand this all to well… They is a chain of command but it takes the team to get the job done …
It is foolish and short sighted just to sit around and blame each other … When America has been at its best is when we have all worked together for the greater good … Read history like WW2… When everyone came together … (except for those we put in internment camps… Well they were together)


@Ronald150 and @Don102… I have heard every excuse in the democratic playbook for this but no one has mentioned the illegals camping out there… hmmm


Jus Sayin’ !


AOC almost died in the wildfire. :grinning:


Who lives in this neighborhood? Reminds me of some homes in Maui


It’s a little early for my Tin Foil Hat predictions (need more Black Rifle first)
BUT, 'It’s said, Hollywood is infected with Satanist. 'The Getty Museum
is a Hot Bed for ritual killings (it burned), Tunnels leading from there to some ‘Elites’ in Pacific Palisades homes etc. Certain Buildings burned, some right in the thick of it didn’t…Hmmmmm :speak_no_evil: Maui burned (Lahania specifically but Oprah’s house didn’t —she had a Blue roof?---- point of fact there were Boats that burned in Hawaii also ONE DIDN’T (it was painted BLUE) DEW (direct energy weapons can be TARGET SPECIFIC) Whole ‘Malls’ burned one store didn’t.


We have a winner!
Soon to be re-built into “smart cities”.