Hollywood on fire

you do realize that that’s an AI photo right?


The only thing that is going to happen in Cali is the bulldozers will swipe the slate clean. Then the realtors will come in and buy pennies on the dollar, rebuild and sell to the next sucker for $100s of thousands or millions.


Let me wear my tinfoil hat.
What if it’s like Maui?
Buy from desperate sellers then you own prime property, rebuild with better forest management to avoid wildfires in the future.


@BeanCounter @William191 If one considers all of this for a moment, this is the PERFECT time for all of these whiny liberals to leave the country like they always tell us they are going to if their favored candidate isn’t elected. As ellen and her wife say in the U.FK… TaTa, don’t let the door hit you on the backside!


While this series of Fires is a Tragedy
The REAL Tragedy is the Demonicratic Voters decisions to KEEP
THESE INCOMPETANT FOOLS IN POWER. How many times were they told the Forests were too overgrown?
How many times were they TOLD you NEED Prescribed Burns? (Oh, No the smoke from
them is UGLY they said, It’ll be fine they said. Well dumbaxxes it wasn’t fine.
How many times did the see Billions of gallons of water pour into the Pacific, NO reservoirs built, BILLIONS Spent on a FAST Rail system? Newscum BLEW UP (4) Damns! WHY? WTF! Made a deal w/ Indian tribes for a duckin’ FISH?
Are you stupid? (answer obvious).
There’s a TON of blame to go around.
Many DEI hires that need to be fired and Donald Trump is just the man to do it.
Newscum bought a (9) MILLION dollar home, He owns Vineyards Restaurants, Businesses, Art Galleries! Clean out his Bank accounts after you throw him in PRISON FOR MURDER!
‘We will rebuild they said…’ Fat lot of good that’ll do when you are Financially, Emotionally, Physically DEVESTATED—You don’t COME BACK from a blow like this sometimes. TRAUMA CHANGES YOU. I know personally about this.
Some will NEVER recover even if you throw buckets of cash @ them.
Will-I-Am said Bulldoze the Land start over (this may be best honestly. The Shock N Awe is complete. The horrors too great, it might be best. But Bulldoze the ducking .gov.
‘Duck it all, Wipe it clean’.
Start FRESH, New elections.
People have said throughout history ‘If I knew then what I know know things would be different!’
How much DEI/Woke sh!t do we have to eat before we say ENOUGH!


So I’d like to make a donation to a specific but obvious group of people in California, how can I be sure my quality hard earned donations are received ONLY by those folks? Serious question!
I don’t do illegals or democrats!


For those with eyes to see.

Fox was showing some time lapse footage of the fires and that isn’t very far off.


Simple answer:
Donations generally go where most needed.
BUT! administrative costs, Salaries, Hiring , Vehicles, Gas etc
all have to be paid for.
When I ran the local ‘Food Project’ here I was told
‘Put as much money as you can towards purchasing Food for the Indigent.’
I thought ‘Duh! Of course’.
Day One, people came to me with their laundry lists of ‘Needs’.
(NON FOOD) 'We need to get folk’s clothes, Pay for the Donation/pick up Vans, Gas
Computer repairs, upgrades, it was a long list.
I got ($7 for every $1 spent) but we spent a lot on Survival needs.
It is what it is.
We didn’t have/spend 3/4’s on Salaries, the guy running/fronting it was a Pastor (thank God) He still had to feed his family, pay for car Insurance so he took bare minimum to get by.
I made squat, I lasted (2) years till I drained my savings.
My ‘Volunteers’ were ALL VET’S!
I got Disabled folk’s from another non-profit to come in and help
breakdown the food, make care packages, distribute those to (300) Families a day.
They are up to (500+) families a day! There isn’t enough funding or food…


‘Most knew it seems but NOBODY LISTENED!’
The Crime of the Century.
DEI/Wokeism INFECTED LA/California and they paid the toll this week.
This is a glimpse into the future for Blu-States.
Chicago, New York, Boston etc may all burn.
If we don’t get a quick handle on this wake-up call
Ya’ll may soon look like Albuquerque. So Sad. A sh!thole! Unrecoverable.
Taken over by Gangs, Cartels, Filth, drugs, Homeless, crazies and the Poor
and middle class are STUCK in it to suck on the remains because some make $10 an hour and can’t get out!
Or worse 40%+ live on .gov assistance or claim disability and spend their food stamps and meager .gov money on drink, and drugs.
It’s a hard existence here these days the second you ‘improve’ your lot in life, buy a nicer car, upgrade your front area’s (not a lot of LAWNS here) somebody try’s to steal it or deface it. My area is still good, decent but we don’t advertise our status of being hard working/Saving folk’s. Leave NOTHING out front to steal, or Cars to be broken into, Security sh!t all over the properties. WE KNOW WHEN SOMEONE COMES UP THE DRIVEWAY. People in the city lose Christmas decorations, Halloween, Flags off their houses anything that can be resold. Businesses downtown play LOUD music and flashing flood lights to annoy the ‘Sleepers’ and ‘Walking dead’ from setting up shop in their doorways after they lock-up. City Council recently said ‘THAT WAS ILLEGAL!’
It ‘Disturbs the Homeless’ YAH! damn right, what about US?
We are nothing to the .gov but TAXES and Tickets.


L.A. sets curfews! Bet the bad guys are quaking in their boots!
Why do I get the feeling they are all worried about the democratic elite gun safes that could be stolen. Bet it ain’t all jewelry and precious booze!

On a different note, it seems to me none of these people has a “go bag”! The few catastrophes I’ve personally been in, 12 to 18 minutes to collect what we need clothes, everything firearms related, important documents, cash, first aid, hydration, phones, prescriptions, food and pets to be on the road for evacuation!
Everything you need for roughly a month.

My twins from different mothers! Always ready. Grabbing the pets and opening the safe is what takes the longest!
Or I’m out the door in less than 30 seconds.
A line and a philosophy I learned from the movie Heat, circa 1995.
Unfortunately it comes from an actor we all know and love.:-1:


Benchmark I’m familiar with, if you spend $0.35 or less for every dollar raised, you’re doing it right.
This is on the fundraising side of things.
Admin as a percentage of total expenses is ideally 15% or less.


Yepper! SOME .org’s HIRE EVERYBODY (Salaried Employees)

They become a business rather than a non-profit.
Kinda like Big.gov huh?
Go from serving we da People to ‘Show me da Money!’

Michael Rae Khoury


BREAKING: LA County Emergency Management has admitted that they have lost control over their alert system. There have been multiple instances where emergency alert systems were hacked, suggesting a potential cybersecurity issue might be at play in this situation.

Guess who has the fire-fighting contract for Los Angeles and Ventura county?
Coulson Aviation.
And guess what else? That contract was up for renewal at the end of 2024. Does a fire help or hurt their business?

But there’s more…:thread:

~T edit: The contract is for the EXACT counties which are burning right now.
What are the chances?

It does look like a bomb went off—rather than a fire going through. We’ve seen it so many times; trees still intact, structures nearly vaporized.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong and I’m sure you will…
Sorta reminds me of Lahaina don’t it?

'And what about that ‘WHITE ASH?’ Hmmmmmmmm


Fact check this


‘Mayor’ Bass REFUSED Help from New York’s Fire Dept.

They ‘FIRED’ Kristen Crowley ( DEI hire Fire Chief )
because she spoke out about the lack of concern from the ‘Highers’
It’s a :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:
show as ROME continues to burn.

I predicted Chaos in the final days of this administration WALAA !
(but I have to admit it wasn’t a Kreskin-like prediction.
This is the downfall of the Democrats
They lose the BIG MONEY of Hollywood and the support evaporates across the country. ANYONE in .gov now who resists or attempts relief now or road blocks the deportations will be run over.
When the sift through the ‘Getty Museum’ and find the Tunnels reaching out it will all be exposed.
The testing of diddy-dum-diddy-do’s 1000’s of bottles of ‘Baby Oil’ hasn’t been exposed yet…what do you wanna bet it’s ‘Adrenochrome’?

Thoughts from My own Private Idaho
Read Starship Earth the Big Picture


Why I give to Samaritan’s Purse. They claim admin costs are 10% and they stay in disaster areas until the job is done. They stayed over a year at least when my home county was devastated by floods.


Fox just reported how the LA FIRE IS HELPING, she is cooking meals for the displaced……:triumph::angry::rage:


Silence, you conspiracy theorists! Not enough evidence!


Having worked on prescribed forest burns in the past, I can say from personal experience that fire can be a very fickle thing. It can scorch a big area and leave several spots in the middle completely untouched.

But in this case there are likely a couple other factors. Some people living in fire prone areas are smart enough to create significant defensible space around their homes and some can afford to build those homes out of very fire resistant materials. Plus some living in these tinder box areas are rich enough and smart enough to hire their own private firefighters who show up whenever a fire gets close. Throwing a big pump in the swimming pool and spraying the house with water with a little soap mixed in can protect a home from even fairly intense infernos.