Karen Bass is a disaster. Hope she had a nice vacation on the taxpayer’s dime in Ghana as the city burns. Way to cut the fire fighting budget by 17.4 million last year, but library funding increased by 20 million.
Newsome is a disaster. 4 dams removed to placate native indian tribes. Zero forest management, despite President Trumps warning in 2018. Lots of money being spent on green new deal, but no new water storage. Billions of dollars allocated to reservoirs in 2014 (Proposition 1), and STILL not one is built. (Where did the money go???) Millions of gallons of water are diverted into the Pacific so that smelt can be saved. Now 20 percent of hydrants are dry.
LA fire Chief is yet another DEI hire and is doing HER LBGTQ best to hire more DEI hires.
Biden visits during fire and is useless, but at least he got to mention he’s a great grandfather now. WE’RE SO HAPPY FOR YOU JOE!
Still no accountability for liberals though.
Throw tax dollars at their fuk-ups instead.
Sh!t’s gotta STOP people. I’m talking to ALL you blue dimwits.
What do you want to bet though, that everything in CA gets rebuilt before North Carolina?