Liberal policies, and the Countrys' 2nd largest city is burning like Rome

Karen Bass is a disaster. Hope she had a nice vacation on the taxpayer’s dime in Ghana as the city burns. Way to cut the fire fighting budget by 17.4 million last year, but library funding increased by 20 million.

Newsome is a disaster. 4 dams removed to placate native indian tribes. Zero forest management, despite President Trumps warning in 2018. Lots of money being spent on green new deal, but no new water storage. Billions of dollars allocated to reservoirs in 2014 (Proposition 1), and STILL not one is built. (Where did the money go???) Millions of gallons of water are diverted into the Pacific so that smelt can be saved. Now 20 percent of hydrants are dry.

LA fire Chief is yet another DEI hire and is doing HER LBGTQ best to hire more DEI hires.

Biden visits during fire and is useless, but at least he got to mention he’s a great grandfather now. WE’RE SO HAPPY FOR YOU JOE!

Still no accountability for liberals though.
Throw tax dollars at their fuk-ups instead.

Sh!t’s gotta STOP people. I’m talking to ALL you blue dimwits.

What do you want to bet though, that everything in CA gets rebuilt before North Carolina?


When you list it out like that one would think it’s all really clear and very obvious, but NNNNOOoooo the answer is “Orange Man Bad, Donald Did it…”.


I am not sure what is worse DEI or Nepotism… At least with DEI they have an idea on how to do the job…


Don’t stress, grab a bag of popcorn!

Got water :question::scream:


I’m finally after so much of this stuff going on every year I’ve come to the conclusion that a anyone who lives in California has to be a total idiot


It’s climate change :scream::crazy_face:


And of course climate change is Trumps fault :unamused:


Well LA (Hollywood) now joins the elite list of cities that includes Sodom and Ghomorra. I feel sorry for the folks that lost everything but MAYBE this is what they need to realize it’s the price for settling for the corrupt “royalty” they support as “government”, and the filth their community produced and exported to the world. 90% of the porn made in the USA comes out of LA and all the folks that produce it live there. Hollywood has been poisoning our collective minds and systematically destroying our culture and way of life while predatory practices fuel the movie industry.

Just a thought that just occurred to me.


I recall the lack of sympathy for those affected in 1993 when the Mississippi flooded. Who would build along a river that flooded every 75-100 years? Rubes, simpletons among other insults from “educated” elitists.

Living and or rebuilding in an area prone to yearly wildfires due to forest mismanagement because of a toad or turtle? Lack of water for fire fighting efforts to save smelt in the ocean? This RUBE says “Purdy damned dumb if ya ask me!”

Having trouble mustering sympathy. Maybe The Rock and Oprah can start a fundraiser.




Ok a bridge too far … The adult instructional videos they produce ( being an aficionado of gay porn) does not cause fires… Unless you put the lube to close to the candles …
I would equal object. If someone said “God” (since you mentioned Sodom & Gomorrah) sent hurricane Helene to remove Republicans …


LA County looks like Hiroshima & Nagasaki after being bombed ending WW-II.

LA County was not decimated (1/10th destroyed) it was nearly annihilated (100%) destroyed.

A nearly perfect storm of contributing factors human, and national came together.

The winds were a huge factor.

The widespread fires all competing for drawing water for firefighting simultaneously lowing pressure to nil was another, and not enough water to meet that worst case scenario demand was another huge factor.

Budget cuts that greatly diminished staffing.

Staffing was as lacking as water to meet the usual demands of multiple huge fires intensely amplified by unusually intensive and pervasive winds.

All that and likely more all contributed to the near total destruction of LA County.

Including land management decisions not to cut underbrush, and dead wood that fueled the fires, and not harnessing snowmelt and rain runoff that could have provided more water desperately needed for firefighters to use.

There were those policy decisions that negatively impacted that outcome.

DEI priority hires vs. merit hires who could actually preform the rigors of doing a demanding critical life safety and saving job were lacking.

Numbers on a tally sheet are irrelevant if they are cardboard cutouts in place of capable firefighters who meet the standards required to accurately accomplish the job.

There is no substitute for that. Cutting life-safety critical resources to balance a budget devoted to supporting the santuary of harboring illegal immigrants providing them benefits that they have not earned, or contributed to is a travesty as much as it is artificially unnecessary.

Sanctuary cities and states need to reassess their priorities.

There are potential consequences, huge and devastating consequences for their neglect to those priorities of providing for our citizens basic life safety needs from being diverted to misguided political policies.

There is no room for political correctness diminishing critical capabilities.

emphasized textHiroshima and Nagasaki


:arrow_up: Victor Davis Hanson expounds on the CA wildfires more eloquently, and informatively than me. His short blurb :arrow_up: on this topic is worth a quick listen. :ear:


Gotta save that little smelt minnow (. Or whatever it’s called ) if it cost a dozen lives and tens of thousands of homes no biggie that little minnow fish must survive! Hell there’s millions of people.


Time for a federal takeover of California’s leadership. They’ve created a massive national security threat with their policies.


Earlier today, just in case there was anyone left who had doubts about how much of a useless coward he is, Newscum announced that he was calling for an inquiry to find out why the firefighters ran out of water.


You recall that? I sure don’t. Besides that, totally different situations. One is a natural disaster, the other the direct fault of DEI, Green, government, etc,


Aside from horribly gross, re-read the Bible, and I am an Atheist. Might as well join the Muslims f-ing goats. A Muslim I know told me that the prohibition on premarital sex for Muslims does not include anal sex, so the females take it anally. Explains why goats are popular amongst Muslims, which he also stated.

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That’s only because they don’t have enough sheep to go around.