They vote to give Newsome $50 MILLION (That Califlame-ya doesn’t even have, due to defecit spending) to fight AGAINST Trump’s deportation of illegals, rather than to provide aid to their own citizens! Don’t worry, Uncle Sugars’ dollars will pay for the damages.
At the least, the Trump administration needs to assign someone like Elon to make sure federal funds are kept out of the states’ hands. (Bypass the ability of the state to get THEIR hands on federal money that will inevitably disappear.)
Is it possible that Liberals are lower life forms than terrorists?
In the immortal words of momma Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
0 federal funds and let’er burn!
Californians should be marching to Sacramento to tar and feather these traitors.
They won’t. The big city welfare state along with the bleeding hearts will keep voting for handouts.
Let California default under it’s own idiocracy.
A population that votes for state funded assistance for illicit drug use is irredeemable IMHO.
You’ve got a point.
I’m sure not everyone effected by the fires voted Dem. So I can’t agree with let it burn I don’t like when I am judged by skin, religion,or anything else I try not to do it to others.
You’ve got a point.
Do you feel the state should be in charge of distributing federal funds to the affected?
Not judging. Just stating why big government has control of that state IMHO. Good luck if you are from there. Hopefully for the sane people left Newsome will kiss the ring (doubt it because of his delusional higher aspirations) or the deplorable enablers run out of drugs and or money.
You can’t make this stuff up. The article says the committee tried to meet Tuesday morning, but the chairman’s district was on fire.
That right there says everything about their priorities. These people are criminally negligent in their disregard for the safety of the people who depended on them to provide fire protection. Just like we need to arm ourselves because the police can’t help us in time, I guess every homeowner needs his own water tank, pump and fire fighting equipment.
In California, at least, there is no functioning government. Only control freaks telling you you can’t have a gas powered lawnmower or car or stove. I wonder how many decades worth of carbon has been put into the air by everyone’s houses burning to the ground.
Meanwhile, back in Florida, FJB’s FEMA is putting small business owners into bankruptcy.
Just a theory, but there could be a bigger picture here and it ain’t the fire or the lack of water, or Zuckerberg changing sides!
Trust is out the window.
We’re coming to a point where absolutely nothing can be trusted, not the messages on your phone, not your eyes or the people who ARE in charge! I have a very bad feeling about Jan 20th. I know we are all waiting for the moment when he says “so help me god”.
Many, many good people will be on that lawn. Things for the moment seem like the calm before the storm. We can’t let our guard down. Even though, the enemy does not care if our guard is down, it’s all a matter of how disoriented we’ve become.
I pray this is all a touch of paranoia sweeping over me and it will pass.
However, if I were the true enemy.
Put them in a state of fear and distrust ( drones, bombings, fires, liars and crime ). Encourage the turn coats , welcoming them to “our” side, because they have seen the light! They’ve seen our weaknesses. Infiltrate, misdirect, flood the airwaves with distractions then stab them in the back, while they are asleep!
Trump proofing your state Lunacy doesn’t come close to describing it!
This is going to be a 8 pronged attack coming from every group on earth that hates the United States. I don’t think we are out of the woods yet. Well, there are no woods ( they burned them down ).
They are here, they are well funded and are forming up for an attack.
They’ve done the surveillance and all the recon they need.
We have all the guns and none of the balls. The guy with a “BLOWTORCH” in the middle of a city being ravaged by FIRE, is set free!
I don’t think this is paranoia! “Apocalypto” anyone?
He should have been shot ,on sight, in the head!
Roving bands of looters in an unarmed village, what could possibly go wrong
We let them right in the front door and the back door. We are being taken advantage of. Only now are we letting them have free reign to devastate us by a thousand cuts.
Yes, I’m still watching too much news.
But which is worse, being taken by surprise or seeing it coming?
Yes Liberals are MUCH lower life forms than terrorists and people just keep voting them in to office!?!
I will admit that this sounds heartless but it’s how I feel. I do have one but in this case it is just hardened.
I do not support the Federal government giving ANY money to California for rebuilding, not one f’ing dollar. California government policies created the problem. The refused to spend money to prepare for Santa Anna winds fires, which happen ever year!! But they spend millions to fight the duly elected government of the United States. So they cause the problem, they give the government the one fingered salute but they want the citizens of the other 49 to pay? It’s time for the rest of the country to give the the same salute back.
We have been paying attention and will know who’s behind it if things kick off. Not paranoid, prepared.
No not from there I’m a Texas Republican Gun owner just don’t agree with blanket statements . I think all of Cali Politicians should be removed from office it is one big Screwed up state. That is a blanket statement but with poof to back it, they need to start all over again.
They may indeed revolt from their blue roots!
I think this has woke them in a different way!
They are pissed, and hopping mad !
Time will tell.
I am truly sorry anyone lost their lives over this mess.
With that stated, I have zero sympathy for the outcomes that they voted for, since the majority rules, they are reaping their voting choices. These are foreseeable outcomes given the past facts of what they have had from past fires and disasters. Hell, even the wise insurance companies saw it coming and they, a business, made a shrewd business decision after, after, the socialist leaders, that they voted in, over and over and over and over again and again, told the insurance companies to take the losses and thus, they, the Demigods of that party told a company to just eat the losses that will come, so the insurance companies pulled out, wise, very wise indeed.
These voting socialist, who asked for this, had plenty of time to look for other insurance or hey! MOVE!!!
You cannot fix stupid, I doubt that they will change.