Ok, this isn’t a full review because I can’t really wait to get my full experience in before commenting on the Hidden Hybrid 2-clip holster. I’ll add something when I have more experience with mine.
Yesterday the Hidden Hybrid I’d ordered for my SIG P-320 XCompact arrived. It was too late in the day for me to really give it a try, but this morning I tried it on. I had a stiff leather belt on, but not one of my carry belts. The holster is HUGE, like no IWB hoster I’ve ever seen before. Because of the size it took me a few minutes to figure out how to actually put it on. Once it was inside and hooked to my belt I had my first reaction. It was, “Did I actually put it inside the waistband?” Seriously I couldn’t feel the holster at all. So I went to the safe, grabbed my unloaded SIG, and really struggled to get it into the holster one-handed. More on this later. But again if I hadn’t just put the XCompact in the holster I wouldn’t have noticed it was there.
I did some dry practice and discovered one disturbing thing. When I go to put the SIG in the holster while it is on my belt, the gun goes in a bit then stops like it is fully seated. But it isn’t, if you look in the mirror you can see the trigger. With some pressure the gun starts moving again and locks into the correct position. When looking at this I realized that the initial position it stops in is right where a…umm…roll pushes my undershirt out towards where the trigger guard was entering the holster. It occurred to me that with a one-handed holstering I could not tell if this resistance point was the holster or the undershirt being caught in the trigger guard. So I practiced using my weak hand to make sure the undershirt and…umm…roll was away from the holster during holstering.
Having gotten through the holstering concern I made the decision to try carrying the XCompact around for the day. Now I haven’t run enough rounds through the SIG to trust it yet, and in particular other than this morning’s dry practice I have never had it in a holster. But I wasn’t really going anywhere, and I still had my 442 in a pocket holster as a backup gun, so it was the perfect opportunity to see how both the SIG and the Hidden Hybrid worked for a normal day. I loaded up the SIG and carefully holstered it. I purchased the Hidden Hybrid magazine carrier as well, but today I was wearing 5.11 Tactical Jeans so just stuck the extra magazine in one of the magazine pockets.
Now here is where I got so excited I couldn’t wait to write about this holster. It took just a few minutes before I “forgot” I had a fairly large gun on my belt. I’ve never had a IWB holster that was so comfortable that this happened so quickly. I spent the day mostly on Zoom calls, so sitting for long periods of time where the chair often presses on the gun. With this holster, no problem. I went for a 3 mile walk on our rural dirt road. No problem. I played with the dogs. No Problem. Now I’m sitting on the couch after dinner and the only moment I realized I’m still carrying is when I stand up and feel my thin golf shirt momentarily hang up on the SIG’s grip. If you haven’t gotten the message yet, this holster is incredibly comfortable.
As for a couple of more practical matters…I have no trouble getting a good grip on my XCompact. While holstering is a little difficult for me, drawing is nice and smooth. I haven’t tried adjusting the holster yet, but wearing it at about 4:30 the grips do print a little more than I’d like with a thin shirt. That said, I’ve been wearing the gun for 11 hours and my wife hasn’t noticed it yet. I think with a little repositioning I can eliminate the print concern, which may be more my paranoia than an actual issue.
That’s about it for now, but I’ll re-emphasize that the Hidden Hybrid is an amazingly comfortable holster.