Harden the schools

20 years ago I would agree with you because teaching was a calling and the teachers worried about what and how they were teaching, and they were trying to produce a well educated student. That is not the case today (although there are still some good and caring teachers), teachers have no reason what so ever to be discussing gender issues with children this is libs trying to confuse children and increase liberalism. There is NO reason for Tranny’s to be at schools but lib teachers invite them. There was no reason for much of the long term masking required of students by liberals and or shutting down the schools but thats what liberals wanted, and research has shown that hurt the children. Finally if you do not believe me look into Teacher Union head Randi Weingarten if you don’t think she is power hungry shrew who cares nothing about children you are mistaken.


Easier said than done.

Will you be footing the bill?


But let’s remember, school shootings are rare. They are outliers. Don’t fall for the media and the gun control activist’s message that “school shootings happen every day” and “I pray every day my kids don’t get shot at school” is this big thing, because it isn’t.

In terms of things that pose a danger to children, being shot at school by one of these active mass shooters is really rare.


I have something to add, If it isn’t the right fit bump it. But the county I am in has the worst problem hanging on to school bus drivers. from what I see is students’ attitudes on the buses, The secondary problem is the parents of the problem students I would think. This could be an extension of what goes on during the school day. :us: I know of folks with new Borns now that have a long-term plan to home school.


I don’t think we are getting it yet. They will never harden schools.
In order to repeal the 2A and destroy the constitution, the liberal democrats must keep sends out killers, annihilators!

Whether it’s to a school, a theater or just around your neighborhood these killers have to have a strong motivation to do what they do. Liberalism, socialism, transgenderism, abortionists, are very strong motivators. They are violent motivators.
Prove me wrong! Liberals and all their associates agreed to empty prisons, remove bail and TikTok their way into the small undeveloped brains.
Conservatives go to a school meeting and complain about their daughters being raped in a school bathroom and the complainer, otherwise known as a PARENT is arrested, branded a terrorist and put on a no fly zone. Then you have the trans killer, sent out by the liberal democrats, and he’s hailed as a hero. Then it becomes legal for trans insurrectionists to storm capitol builds, and the government and law enforcement don’t even flinch!

It’s a slow process but if the democrats keep sending out killers, we will die a thousand cuts.

Thank goodness my kids are way out of school! However the work place is the next target, even if they are hardened! Go ahead prove me wrong! Have you spoken to H.R. recently? If you don’t go along, you’re fired! These are not the actions of a conservative republic!

In addition J.P. Morgan wants to take away your home? In one way or another liberal democrats are natural born killers! Watch your six were surrounded. They don’t call it “infantry” nothing!

This is not your daddy’s “little rascals”. These are brainwashed liberal democrat killers. Everyone of them is a time bomb! Liberal democrats and mass media love killers! Heck, they even pay to get them released from jail. It doesn’t get any better!


Ok I understand most of us try living within the law but if a teacher is trained an is permitted to conceal carry then maybe we should do like we do in our churches an do what’s necessary :wink:


What training are you referring to that this hypothetical teacher has had?

Permitted to concealed carry…very very few of those, but yeah, if a teacher is trained to conceal carry in a classroom and permitted to conceal carry in a classroom…why not?


Better rethink an remember that some teachers, push the agendas we our against, really want them swatting your child. Im a firm believer in discipline, but violence wears many mask an some could be your children teachers wearing multiple masks


New blood joins this Earth, and quickly he’s subdued
Through constant pained disgrace, the young boy learns their rules
With time the child draws in, this whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts, the young man struggles on and on, he’s known
Ooh, a vow unto his own that never from this day
His will they’ll take away, yeah
I just LOVED going to the 10th plank communist manifesto indoctrination centers! So should everyone else! And I really enjoyed being paddled for BULL CRAP. We decided to do what most won’t do because it takes to much effort. HOMESCHOOL. My wife gave up a career as an RN and over one million in salary over a 20 year period to HOMESCHOOL all four of our sons. Most of the responses to this make me ill.


Good points. You forgot to add the reinstatement of the Ten Commandments.


The nuns didn’t spank, they just slapped the palms of your hands with that heavy wooden yardstick. And you dare not complain to your parents that the nuns slapped your hands because the standard reply was if the nuns did that you must have deserved it and because you were acting up in school you deserved discipline at home too. You quickly learned not to complain about the nuns. Of course, they weren’t molesting young children as far as I knew. There wasn’t even a whisper of impropriety. The priests were mainly alcoholics. Too much wine on an empty stomach early in the day.


Anyone who pays property taxes pays a portion of the cost of sending someone else’s children to public school and contributes financially to the mess that is public school.



But that doesn’t help me send my kids to private school instead of public school…


Based on what we saw in Nashville, private schools aren’t necessarily any safer, anyway.


Is the complaint about the quality of public schools – which parents can avoid by pulling their kids out of these government run institutions – or that people who may not have kids at all or have kids in school won’t have to pay for the private schools parents may desire if they don’t like government run public schools?

No offense intended, but it sounds like a fundamentally Marxist position – from each according to their deed (property owners) to each according to their need (property owners should have to pay for my kids’ private school education 'cause I don’t like public schools).

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For my part, I am simply responding to the person who said “don’t send your kids to public school”

To which I responded “will you foot the bill”

Because not sending your kids to public school costs money. It either costs money to pay the private school, or it costs money as an opportunity cost because of the time spent home schooling yourself as opposed to working for compensation during that time.

It’s not like we can just send our kids to a good private school for the same money we spend on public school


Sending your kids to a private school will involve parents spending money on their children’s education. If parents are not willing/able to make that investment in their children and opt for the “free” public school option, then they should get happy about the quality of public schools that they have chosen for their kids.

But, it is inappropriate to expect others to pay for private schools selected by parents who are unhappy with public schools.

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I agree, it is inappropriate to expect others to pay for private schools for those unhappy with public schools

BUT, it is also inappropriate to tell other people who are unhappy with public schools to simply have more money so they can pay for a good private school.

Not everybody who is unhappy with public schools is capable of paying for private school. So, maybe don’t just go telling other people they should be doing so

It’s no better than when someone asks how good a $150 gizmo is and you say it’s crap you need to buy this $5,000 gizmo, just have more money. You can’t afford level IV ceramic plates in a quality PC with a ballistic helmet mounted pair of dual filmless PVS-14’s and a KAC SBR with suppressor eotech and MAWL? Well, just find the money and do it, that psa AR isn’t cutting it. Kind of how it feels when people say “oh you’re not happy with public school? Just pay for private school”


We also need parents who are willing to be parents. I remember one incident with my son and Junior high when I got called to have a visit with the principal. Apparently there was one class my son was not being cooperative in and generally just talking and being disruptive.

I asked permission from the principal to move my lunch hour and audit that class for one week. So everyday I showed up to my son’s classroom set in the back quietly and just observed. Of course my son was thoroughly embarrassed but also on his best behavior with me in the classroom.

The third day as I was leaving the class I heard my son’s friends say your dad is such a hard ass. My son’s response told me everything I needed to know and that he had learned his lesson. My son said yeah he’s a hard ass but at least he cares! Never had to go back to that classroom again.


If the school Suck, elect school boards that will fix them, elect local people that will care about education. School Board members do not need a PHD or even a college degree to see if teachers are competent and schools are educating students. If you think students are learning ask one to tell time from a non digital clock or who lives in the White House and what country it is in.