Glock 36 VS 1911

I transitioned my EDC from DA/SA to 1911/2011 starting in 2022. I have been carrying a full-size .45 1911 since this year. It is easy to carry and conceal with the right holster and belt. Since I live in a non-free state that only allows a 10-round capacity for all firearms, I love .45 round and 1911- Capacity- 8+1; I carry a spear 10-round magazine. I had an opportunity to buy a used Glock 36 1st gen with no rail. " I am on the Glock trial run." Glock 36 is subcompact 6+1 or extended mag 7+1 -single stack. I have 500 rounds, and it fits my Glock 19 holster, which is a plus because I can EDC and practice my draw from the holster with my 36.

The Glock 36 is a hoot to shoot, and I am surprised that it is accurate at 15 yards, hitting an 8-inch circle. Anything between 3 and 10 yards, I am stacking rounds in the same hole; that fuc@#$# me up a little bit because I thought it would be snappy as hell. The recoil is manageable. The ammo I used- Fed and lawmenFMJ-230grain - Speer Gold Dot 230 Grain JHP, Federal Punch 45 ACP, and Speer Gold Dot G2 230 Grain +P.

I had Jerry-rig a backstrap since it did not come with one. My grip was high, and I was getting slidebite. I have been carrying the 36 with two extra mags in my pocket for about three weeks. I have no clue why I like to shoot it, lol. Yes, I love my 1911 more. The 36 is a little lighter to carry, the only plus. I will keep it in my EDC rotation.


I have shot the 36 which I think is a great CC choice. I ended up with the 30. Thicker slide helps me with the recoil.


30 super carry? :thinking:
eee… just kidding :wink:


Staccato G30. :grinning:


the only G30 I know is this one :point_down:

Screenshot from 2024-08-10 01-16-55

Very manageable recoil and no muzzle / tire flip


Sorry @Buddha-In-The-Sun for stealing the thread for a moment…

Good night guys !


From your posts I know you have acquired a safe full of 1911s anyone would admire.

Now you’re starting to wedge Glocks in there with the 1911s.

Where do you see yourself going after the Glocks? :rofl:

Just joking with you! I am happy for anyone that has the time and funding to dive into what they enjoy :+1:


Shi@##$#$ and giggles—I had to sell my Mustang and the Corvette—that is what I was told to do if I wanted to buy firearms/ammo and continue to train. I would love to have it all, but I have a beautiful Italian wife who helps me balance the little boy inside me. Also, did I mention she is Italian? Just saying, lol-


Nothing wrong with variety and Glock is a great way to go in any flavor. My preference runs towards their guns with a full grip because I can’t stand a floating pinky but every Glock I’ve fired has been a good gun. Can’t say that for every manufacturer I’ve played with.


I’m surprised you do not shoot Berettas only… :smiley:


Nothing wrong with keeping a couple of each!

G26 double stack 9mm
G43 single stack 9mm
Sig “fastback” 1911
Colt 1991 (replica of the original A1 patent)



I do regret not having this 1911 in my collection.

This was my stepdads fathers (step grandfather?) WWII bring back.

Silky smooth shooter, (I’m probably the last person who shot it in the last 50 years)

Sadly, he smuggled it to CostaRica illegally, and there was no legal way to get it back out of there when he had to repatriate for health reasons.


Smuggling works both directions… :smiling_imp: :wink:

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I witnessed first hand what social medicine looked like when we rescued my stepfather from the “hospital” he was in….

I certainly don’t want to have ANY part of the jail system there!!!

And just possessing that gun while I took those pictures could’ve landed me a few years in jail.

The whole trip was a nightmare I’d rather not relive.

I regret not being able to save the guns (vintage 10-22, and .22s colt mini 1911 were also lost)

But the important things were saved!

My mother and stepfather lived another healthy 7 years once back here in the USA!

We initially only purchased 1 extra return flight, (for my mother) that’s how grim the situation was for my stepdad….

I still can’t believe they actually let him board a commercial flight!

And that he survived it too was a miracle.

Thats far more than I wanted to remember from the experience.

So I will leave it at that.


Nice! I agree, but I like mine in herds… at some point I had 4 G44s just for training but now I’m down to one 44, and a 43/43X set, and a 48MOS (my main EDC), and to find out how many 1911s I have in the house I’d have to go look at my inventory spreadsheet. Variety is indeed the spice of life. :rofl:


Glock really needs to make a single stack 36X.

You can make it by yourself…