I transitioned my EDC from DA/SA to 1911/2011 starting in 2022. I have been carrying a full-size .45 1911 since this year. It is easy to carry and conceal with the right holster and belt. Since I live in a non-free state that only allows a 10-round capacity for all firearms, I love .45 round and 1911- Capacity- 8+1; I carry a spear 10-round magazine. I had an opportunity to buy a used Glock 36 1st gen with no rail. " I am on the Glock trial run." Glock 36 is subcompact 6+1 or extended mag 7+1 -single stack. I have 500 rounds, and it fits my Glock 19 holster, which is a plus because I can EDC and practice my draw from the holster with my 36.
The Glock 36 is a hoot to shoot, and I am surprised that it is accurate at 15 yards, hitting an 8-inch circle. Anything between 3 and 10 yards, I am stacking rounds in the same hole; that fuc@#$# me up a little bit because I thought it would be snappy as hell. The recoil is manageable. The ammo I used- Fed and lawmenFMJ-230grain - Speer Gold Dot 230 Grain JHP, Federal Punch 45 ACP, and Speer Gold Dot G2 230 Grain +P.
I had Jerry-rig a backstrap since it did not come with one. My grip was high, and I was getting slidebite. I have been carrying the 36 with two extra mags in my pocket for about three weeks. I have no clue why I like to shoot it, lol. Yes, I love my 1911 more. The 36 is a little lighter to carry, the only plus. I will keep it in my EDC rotation.
Shi@##$#$ and giggles—I had to sell my Mustang and the Corvette—that is what I was told to do if I wanted to buy firearms/ammo and continue to train. I would love to have it all, but I have a beautiful Italian wife who helps me balance the little boy inside me. Also, did I mention she is Italian? Just saying, lol-
Nothing wrong with variety and Glock is a great way to go in any flavor. My preference runs towards their guns with a full grip because I can’t stand a floating pinky but every Glock I’ve fired has been a good gun. Can’t say that for every manufacturer I’ve played with.
Nice! I agree, but I like mine in herds… at some point I had 4 G44s just for training but now I’m down to one 44, and a 43/43X set, and a 48MOS (my main EDC), and to find out how many 1911s I have in the house I’d have to go look at my inventory spreadsheet. Variety is indeed the spice of life.