
Myself an the misses are going down to Galveston texas next weekend can anyone tell me how things are down there , protesters an such so we can avoid that ,

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There are no protestors on the island. Unless you count people protesting the size of the fish they caught.

If you are driving through Houston on an interstate you should still be ok, Texas LE does not submit to ROW’s being blocked.

Enjoy yourself and fill us in on the fun, we always welcome some fun pick me up stories on here. :slight_smile:


No protesting going on down here that I know of. I’m spending the weekend in Kemah next weekend. I haven’t had a chance to go, but if you cross the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar and go down a couple miles, there’s a bird sanctuary on the right hand side…I heard the bull reds are running the flats there.

Yea going through there no stopping, good to know

OK been a few but it was quite relaxing no troubles just a good get away