Facebook Arguments

It would be great to have you as my instructor. Sound wisdom and encouragement you have shared. Thanks.

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Thanks, I do my best.

I can honestly say that if in that position it will be such an emotional roller coaster no doubt about it. It is a fact it will be a long haul, the better prepared a person can be on what to expect is a reality.

I believe this, so long as there are many variables that one canā€™t possibly prepare for every possible scenario, you do your best to prepare. Itā€™s far worse being unable to act if that moment ever arises, that I feel will haunt me. In those few seconds that can change your life forever, any cause for hesitation, or in action that would get me or loved ones unable to defend against harms way, for me that will be worse than facing judgement. With that being said itā€™s about facing fears and being responsible to learn control, to be confident to be prepared, be able to gain the odds as much as in your favor as possible.

Itā€™s that commitment of love that will carry a person through, there is nothing that can defeat that, love never fails.


For a while after I started at the USCCA I felt the same way. And I think it makes me a more responsibly armed American. Those doubts make you evaluate why you carry, why you would actually draw your firearm, and prove that youā€™re not some hot-shot out looking to shoot someone or get into a fight.

What it came down to for me is - what happens if my children are at risk (theyā€™re all adults now) and I could have saved them if I had been carrying? Would I draw my firearm to defend anyone? Probably not unless I saw the whole interaction and knew everything about it - is that possible to know? Maybe, maybe not. But when it comes to defending my kids - I will take whatever aftermath I have to take to protect them if they are ever at risk of death or grave bodily harm.



The movie ā€œTakenā€ enough said.


If only I had that kind of training! LOL! You definitely get the idea of what I was saying. :wink:

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When I get into a discussion with someone that I know is going nowhere my favorite comeback is ā€œIā€™d agree with you, but then weā€™d both be wrong.ā€ That usually ends things pretty quickly and, surprisingly enough, with a smile on both sides of the discussion. LOL



Left FB last year. It was a good decision for me. Never going back.


Facebookā€¦ lol


About a year ago I downloaded all the information facebook has in my file and was stunned by what was there and the volume. I deleted my account and have not missed it at all. Remember if you sign up for a free service you are not the customer, you are the product.