Face to Face with a Politician - What Do You Support

Nope, you sounded like you were advocating for political activities, I really wondered what office you held/were running for. After all you tell us we are “unengaged” if we aren’t.

Good on you to be involved in local politics.
If they play their cards right, they’re your future assembly member, congressman or senator.
Screening begins at the local level.

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If you are not on a first name basis with all your elected officials – Congressman, county commissioners, city council, DA, etc – then you are not meaningfully engaged because they don’t know you, and thus, your opinions are not meaningful to them. If your local newspaper does not know you and regularly publish your editorial work, then you are probably not engaged in the political world that affects your community.

Your state representative should fear you in the political sense that he/she sees you as someone who could potentially challenge them in a primary or general election. Then, they will listen to your views and you are politically engaged.

Government officials – elected or appointed – don’t read internet memes or blog posts or people railing against them. Such things accomplish nada la squada.

In Utah, if you are truly engaged, you should know many of your state representatives personally and all of the folks who regulate your business (e.g., the EPA officials if you’re in the coal business and the relevant state officials).

I spent a corporate career working all levels of government. I’ve testified before many state PUCs, I filed comments and briefs in countless proceedings in and outside the US. When I first retired, I became the chairman of my local Republican central committee and attended the Leadership Program of the Rockies (https://www.leadershipprogram.org/)) which introduced me to loads of state officials and elected folks or soon to be elected officials. I ran for the state House representative. I’ve served in an appointed position. I’ve been on the board of directors for the local hospital, the chamber of commerce and a major local charity.

When I ran for office, the big-ticket state-house legislative issues were: (1) same sex marriage, (2) stamping identifying marks on firearm head bolts; (3) roof-top water collection; (4) representation on the gaming commission; and, (5) tax increases above the cap set by TABOR and the Gallagher amendment. After I ran (and lost), I testified at the Colorado legislature about the lack of local representation on the Gaming Commission. The legislature passed a bill (with only a couple opposition) to change the law that prevented local representation. The legislature has also changed the law to allow for roof-top collection of snow and rainwater, which is a big deal for rural folks with crummy wells.

Since Colorado has since turned into a Democrat state, Republican views are largely irrelevant, so to be truly engaged in Colorado today, one would have to become a Democrat. I’m not willing to do that.

Many folks on this site believe that owning guns and complaining is enough. It isn’t. A political savior will not magically appear to make things better. Change – meaningful change – requires individuals of good character to engage in our political system. Fantasies about a modern American revolution are just that – fantasies.


Do you Really believe Mike Lee is going to get on a first name bassis with a 64 year old Draftsman that teaches Self Defense on the side? Ducking Really? Like all of those guys with ear phones and guns under their coats are going to allow me to walk up to him and say “Yo. Mike. Sup my Brother…?”?
Here’s a little secret, It Aint Going To Happen.


You’re starting with a “It cannot be done” mentality rather than a problem-solving attitude of “How do I make this happen”

If you want to get to know Mike Lee, I can guarantee you that you will become known to him if you hold a position in the local county Republican party (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, etc). Or, host a fund raiser for Mike Lee at your home where you invite your friends to a “meet and greet” No politician turns down appearing at a “meet and greet.”

I give. :expressionless:

Do you give up and accept that the people in office are there because they are supernatural in nature – smarter than you, willing to work harder than you, able to raise money better than you ever could, or make a plan to run for and win office, better than you could ever do? And, that folks like Lauren Bobert (high school drop out who can’t establish the paternity of her son), former owner of a restaurant in Rifle, is in office because she’s better than you?

I say BS. Your lot in life is determined by you and your actions and only limited by what you believe in.

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If only that were remotely true. Way too many variables beyond our control to fool ourselves into thinking we’re in control. I thought that we learned this a long time ago.


The foremost homeless problem is caused by unstopped immigration. There are close to =50= million illegals from 100+ countries in the US today. Fix that first. It will solve home prices and availability, traffic congestion, school crowding, the cost of schooling (no more bilingual teachers needed, etc.), prison crowding, courtroom crowding, and overall crime.
The second problem with the homeless is that all the people with psychological problems are on the streets instead of in care centers.
The third worst problem with homelessness is that government got involved and is spending $300k per person or more to house them. ((THUD))
Churches used to help lots of people until government got involved, requiring $50k kitchens to be installed before anyone could make a jam sandwich for a homeless guy. Also, some pastors think every person must be SAVED. They would get a whole lot more response from people if they’d knock that off.
The government should be pared back to Constitutional basics, and we as a group can figure out how to better help our troubled citizens. It should get itself out of our bedrooms, our doctors’ offices, and our schools.
Our tiny city of 35k people has requested grant money from D.C. to help build a $27M library building. The main open lobby area is larger than the old library building. It’s ridiculous.


Robert, the Constitution isn’t just the Bill of Rights. But the corrupt in our government are playing fast and loose with every part of the Constitition. I feel that many of them should be court martialed, found guilty, and flushed.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
–Preamble to the United States Constitution
It goes on to detail how our government is supposed to work and is designed. The first ten amendments to the Constitution was called The Bill of Rights.
= I strongly suggest to every American to reread the Constitution today =
It will help us figure out how to save the country before it’s too late.
Transcript: The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription | National Archives


Lauren Bobert is a better person that most of our federal representatives, but not one of them is supernatural. Most cheat and lie to get more money for their election and reelection.


It sounds like what you are saying is people are being taken advantage of because they don’t know the constitution. I agree. There are many ways people are being taken advantage of. Like laws the constitution is very difficult to read with retention . I don’t know what the solution is.

We used to be taught the constitution in school. I remember a whole section on it in high school. It’s not taught anymore, at least where my daughters went to school. My kids didn’t even have a basic grasp of what it was, the importance, and the uniqueness of the United States. They didn’t grasp that it ONLY applies in the US, and that other countries don’t have something like the Bill of Rights.

I corrected their lack of understanding, but I believe this lack of teaching it is by design. It’s easy to make future globalist when kids aren’t taught what’s special about their own country. I had sent my kids to private school up to high school, but then public high school. They had gotten the basics of the 3 branches of government, but that was as far as their constitutional knowledge went, and they didn’t know that the three branches were first laid out in the constitution.

Again I firmly feel this is all by design.


“I would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony “ I woke up with this song in my mind and spirit. Does that make me a globalist?
I’d like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company

I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace through out the land
(That’s the song I hear)

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony

I’d like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company

I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace through out the land
(That’s the song I hear)

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony, that’s the song I hear

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Roger F. Cook / Roger Greenaway / Roquel Davis / William M Backer

I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony) lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

It will never happen.

" National Turkey Foot Day" is something that they are doing for the people :crazy_face: :crazy_face:
No legislation will be passed unless politicians can make money from it.

Voters need to wake the phuck up and quit voting in corrupt, career politicians, like nancy piglousy, chuckie skummer, creepy joey bribe’em. And all the billionaires that get rich off our tax dollars.

10,000 pages insures that no one will read it before signing it (affordable care act).

The pork barrel has been around a long time, we need representation that will put an end to it. but will that happen when all the politicians are greedy, corrupt liars?

We had a President that wasn’t a career politician, But he sent such mean tweets that he had to be replaced with a greedy corrupt hair sniffer. Voters need to wake up and look at a candidates background. Did he or she get rich as a politician or did they actually lose money while in office? Having made their money as a successful business person. Do they accuse their opposition of doing the exact thing that they themselves do?

We have a very important election coming up, and we need everyone to vote. If Trump is just to much of a meanie, Than consider Kennedy. The current administation and all their “diversity” has to go.

Sorry N_Kevin, this isn’t aimed at you, just my thought after reading your very insightful post.

Stay safe brothers and sisters --------------------------------Geno

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Guess what?, the U.S. is fixing to send 95 Billion Dollars overseas, even though We have a 34 Trillion National Debt, but we cant even take care of our own people who live mostly below poverty levels!!!


Hello and welcome @Gregory238


Thank You.
Nice to Meet You.


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