Hi all.
This is more for Bible believers, so if you think it strange, that’s why…
In the Bible, Jesus followers are told that a day is coming when we will be taken away, and will be with Jesus. It’s commonly known as the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). This isn’t a discussion about the timing. So please don’t try making it about that.
Being a ccw holder, I’ve recently found myself thinking about the things I’ll have no problem leaving behind, and it dawned on me… the guns…
I got kind of an- oh ! feeling, and began to wonder- who do i talk to about keeping them from falling into evil hands!
What happens if someone breaks into the house, searching for food, and finds the gun cabinet and keys?!
Has anyone else here who follows Jesus found themselves stumbling across this one, in that context?
Have you ever gotten together with other people you truly trust to take your gear in the event of rapture?
I realize that of the day and hour no man knows. And in all likelihood, we genuinely will not care once gone.
We are however held accountable for our actions, as we read regarding the bema seat, and 1 Peter 4:11-18, where judgment begins at the household of God.
So, I’d appreciate your thoughts on this. And if you hadn’t considered it before, let’s talk…
My knee jerk response is I should worry more about what I do with the time I have left before Jesus returns than what happens to my stuff after he returns.
I hope all the trustworthy people in my life are going with me when he returns. If we need to talk about anything that happens after he returns we should be talking about how they can be sure they are going with him.
Guns are inanimate objects. If someone breaks into my house and gets my guns after I’m gone, maybe they will put them to good use?
Which was part of why I’d never thought about it before.
But as i was considering various scenarios wherein the timing will occur, strangely enough, the idea that criminals could break into our home and start ransacking. Which of course raised the issue of guns getting used by criminals.
Over the years my wife and I have been building a library for a “prepper” scenario, in the off event that an apocalyptic scenario occurred which did not include the rapture.
And in case the rapture did occur, we have included books describing theology, eschatology, etc…
The idea being to give them the resources to learn everything they can about following Jesus once we’re gone.
At this point, i didn’t know where to start, and thought here would likely be best, since it’s a gun/safety resource.
I’m quite sure guns will be a necessity and there will be plenty of people who would use them for protection and hunting.
No argument there…
My only concern was how to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
I’m not a Christian, doesn’t it say some where in the good book that all of this is pre determined? So once your gone, God has already dealt with what happens to your earthly possessions?
I had a Conversation the other day with the Easter Bunny about this… He expressed delight with the idea of less humans on the planet like Elmer J Fudd . He believes that Mr Fudd is the Paleolithic version of the storm trooper . Since either one are unable to hit anything they shoot at …Look at your weapon in more of a simplistic light, Man has also had the the ability to turn anything evil. Something as simple as a stone can be used to build a home and a community … Others use it to kill or destroy … It is simply what is in your heart that matters to god or the easter bunny. What you do and your intentions is all that matters. Not those of others …
After that event called the rapture, everyone, not every thing, is in the wrong hands.
Of course, it depends on whether we agree or not with how it would go on for those left behind.
The movie gives a view that I disagree with. But, if I’m wrong, it won’t be the first time.
To educate you about this will take quite a while. I can provide you with a couple really good book titles. I hadn’t planned on getting into a detailed explanation to unbelievers about a basic hope of Jesus followers.
I’d like you to better understand, so I’m going to ask you to read the new testament, please start with the gospel of John, and the please read Romans.
There is the possibility that the rapture will not happen till after the war of Gog and Magog. the Bible teaches us that we should be ready for Jesus to come for us at any moment. I fully believe that. But it should be noted with regard to this doctrine that while no major prophetic event has to happen before the Rapture, that doesn’t mean no such event will happen first.
Interesting question SteveBMe. I suggest you account for the guns in your will and/or trust. Regarding the end times, we could explore this for months. I suggest if you’d like to have further study on this topic you check out Revelation – I Am Narrative for a solid exegetical study of this topic. May God bless you and keep you.
Again, timing is not something I’m going to discuss.
Please read Luke 21:34-36.
1- we’re warned not to get bogged down with care, partying, etc…
2- it’ll come on the whole world as a snare, catching everyone by surprise.
3- pray always to be accounted worthy to escape what’s coming, and to stand before the Son of Man.
In other locations, Jesus said it’ll happen when we least expect it.
From this and other posts you’ve made (pastors and theologians you’ve quoted), I’m making a guess that you are closest to me theologically of anyone on this forum.