Deported illegal reenters country, lights woman on fire in NYC subway

Video at the very end of the article shows this cretin fanning the flames as she burns/dies, a cop walking past, people standing in amazement, and the person taking the video calmly capturing the video. All in all, a horrific state of the union that needs to be addressed.


:rofl: x3 lol.


Intervene and see your life ruined like what they did to Daniel Penny. :rage:


This guy is a piece of human trash. We can thank obiden and the clown train that he is back here. This time I vote he stays, is charged federally and then “burned” in the chair. Even that is too good for this guy. I don’t care if the woman was drunk and sleeping. She is a human being. This guy is not. As for the LEO, I think he needs a new line of work.


Um… New York’s Finest?


That video is disgusting, not a single person does a single thing? No DROP AND ROLL, no Throw a coat over her to extinguish the flames? Just take a video? Seems Bragg got the result he was looking for.


@BeanCounter He was a subway cop. He failed at being a subway cop. I don’t think anyone would want him as an above ground cop. Heck, I would be nervous to make him the door cop at Walmart… half the store could sprout legs and wander out. I support real LEO’s. Have a sign in the yard. Was a reserve officer for quite a while. Still a block captain. My neighbor gives me a hard time. Says “here goes the block captain with his rollator, ER bag and oxygen concentrator out for his walk in the neighborhood… watch out criminals”. But, I remind him we have not had a crime in our neighborhood for nearly three years.


Hard to watch the lack of reactions from everyone. Though it is NY City and helping people often doesn’t end well for the helpers. But what I really can’t understand is the reaction of the woman who is on fire.

I have seen a couple people accidentally set their clothes on fire in the past. The reactions I saw were either immediately trying to put the fire out or panicking and flailing around in a vain attempt to get away from the flames. As usual we aren’t seeing the whole video, but from what we can see this woman mostly just stood there and moved her legs once or twice while she burns. If not for all the media reports I would have wondered if this was some kind of stunt or faked video. Maybe she was too out of it to realize she was burning?


The lady looks like one of the fentanyl zombies in the Kennsington area of Philadelphia.


Hard for me to imagine being so drugged up that I didn’t feel myself burning to death. Guess I just don’t hang out with the right crowds to experience such things🤷‍♂️

Though if anyone here decides they are fed up with me enough to want to burn me to death please feel free to drug me up to that level first so I can’t feel it!


Very bad things will happen when you demonize the good people of this country! They are not going to help your sorry liberal a$$.
Evil is triumphant! Don’t be a sanctuary city! They will kill you!


For those that reenter after one, let alone multiple deportations, there should be one last permanent deposition by death. End that recidivism! Once and done! Come back and die! End of criminal behavior.

Maybe the third world crap hole :hole: that you think you cannot tolerate will look a whole lot better alive there than dead here.


Be a good witness… that’s what everybody asks for… :wink:


I cannot wrap my brain around why anyone would live there. This place is what I picture as hell on earth.


Reminds me of a giant ant farm. It’s fascinating to watch all the creatures interact, but I’m far happier to be on the outside of the glass.


:frowning_face: That was awfully hard to see, between the woman burning to death, the ambivalent cop who didn’t even care, the illegal trying to make it worse, and everyone just standing around watching and filming. Not one decent soul in that whole disgusting mess. Maybe the woman was too drunk or drugged up to know what to do, still, there’s no drugging away the suffering she must have been enduring. Burning has to be one of the worst possible ways to die.

What’s happened to people? I never did like, even years ago, how cold NYC seemed, in terms of people’s reactions to each other, but this is beyond words. I hope that it was just because everyone watching didn’t want to become the next Daniel Penny, and not just that they were that heartless.


I suspect the vast majority living there cannot afford to leave. Unless they trade one urban cesspool for another.

The more interesting thing is all the wealthy folks who volunteer to be there. Guess their ivory towers and paid security shelter them from most of the horrible conditions the masses get to deal with every day.


You are so correct sir. Sadly, times have changed, and not for the better.


I have been listening to an excessively long but enlightening podcast on the French Revolution. The incivility of the masses is quite similar to today. People seem to become more and more unhinged and/or narrowly focused on self preservation whenever the empires they are in collapse under the weight of border over expansion, resource depletion, corruption and ever increasing income inequality. I just hope we don’t go through the 3 plus decades of starving and bloody turmoil that the French had to endure when their monarchy collapsed.

People can afford to look out for others when times are good and their own needs are met. That doesn’t happen so much when the majority of people are worried about how they are going to feed themselves and their kids.


You’ve got that right…