Woman burned to death on subway. Govenor claims subways are safe

What’s going on?

Hochul roasted for ‘subways safer’ tweet after woman burned to death on train | Fox News


Hochul an airhead idiot. Almost as dumb as the people who voted her in…


So let the governor ride the subway!


Without out a security detail and w/o EDC/CCW like most New Yorkers who find it impossible to get a coveted unrestricted (NYPL) NY Pistol License like Chuck Schumer got, and is equally cost prohibitive as NY anti-2A laws are. Governor go for a subway ride like most citizens do, unarmed and defenseless.


So they caught the guy I read. An illegal immigrant from Guatemala. I suppose that he will be deported now, Only to return (before Jan. 20th) to receive his free phone, housing voucher, and anything else our current administration is willing to use to bring in these illegal vermin. After all it wasn’t the illegal’s fault , it was the lighter’s fault.

More blood on creepy old pedophile joe’s hands. And of course hochul’s (I made the subways safer) hands .She actually said that the subways are safer now, the same day that her illegal started this woman on fire. You can’t make this stuff up.


This illegal alien issue is so far out of control.
Trouble is, it is a certainty that politicians who have an interest in keeping them here under the guise of “humanitarianism” will fight and cheat and lie to do just that.


ABSOLUTELY, until she BEGS for a Daniel Penny. Who NEVER shows up!
She’s welcome to call a therapist!


That crap would never happen in Texas.

First thing that would happen is a dozen or so Soccer Moms would have pulled fire extinguishers from their purses and put the fire out. Another dozen would have pulled their CCW’s and exercised exceptional marksmanship to eliminate the fire starter with extreme prejudice. A third dozen would have it all recorded on their phones.

Not certain we have any subways in Texas though.


She came out today all proud of the fact that subway crime is “down”.

She is too stupid to realize what she is saying is that regardless of massively bloated budgets of BILLIONS of dollars, crime is so out of control in NYC Subways (hell the whole city) that a failed mayor, a failed NYCPD, a Failed Transit Authority Police Department and a scumbag failure of a NYC DA, that they need to now deploy the FREAKING NATIONAL GUARD!!! to try to gain back some control of the city and give their people a “feeling” of security!!!

How much of a freaking idiot is this incompetent bitch?!?!?!?


You said it Enzo, they all drink from the same pool of stupidity. What is worse is their trying to dumb us down with their BS vapid reassurances insulting our intelligence when all is not rosy, but brown from their continual crapping on us.

That’s why they lost the election and cannot cope, they believe the PS the have been brow beating us with and now are be welded by the outcome.

In psychology they say if you have a distorted perception, you have a distorted reality.

None is more distorted than theirs.

It’s of their own making. They are the victims of the circumstances that they have created.

But, they insist that they are all right and fix the mess that they continue to make of everything.

But, they are in full bore denial, deflecting everything off on any, and everyone else.

They continue to be out of contact with reality.

Hopelessly hapless, and helpless to correct themselves from their own plight.


Subways in Texas are used for one way transportation from Mexico.


She should try riding the subway without her security then huh?


No one came to her aid. Do you think that might be because of what happened to the last guy that helped?


Sad story. Sympathies. I am not familiar with the many intricacies of criminal law.

I imagine, this crime could result in a life in prison. Would that lifetime in prison be in the USA, where the USA would be responsible for the costs of paying for his life imprisonment?

Or, would he/the perpetrator be imprisoned for life in his country of origin and would that country instead pay for his imprisonment on their budget?

Are the U.S. authorities able to verify/prove his country of origin, if he did not have paperwork to prove it?

Either way, of course such heinous crimes warrant prosecution to the full extent of the law, but I was just curious who pays for that? I almost feel yucky wondering about that, but from an economic stand point, thought it might be important to know, given over time among many criminals, such costs can be even more important in the topic of financial management.


By the way there is actual uncensored video out there of the poor thing standing, holding on to a rail burning to death while others did NOTHING! Including a NYC LEO. Shameful!!!


She should ride it for a day with no body guards. Then the next governor will take it more seriously. I haven’t figured out why endorsing and supporting criminals is a winning stradegy for Demcrats, I mean the crimes don’t stop happening because your nice to a rabid beast.


And again… And again… And…


EDIT: Conflicting data coming in, they are still trying to determine the identity
of the person that was burned, they believe she had fake ID with this person’s
info. More to come.


And yet, you can’t judge.
You’re expected to pretend that everyone is good, or at least the same as the next person.
Even when people are burned, slashed, stabbed, shot or physically attacked, stores looted, property burned, still…you can’t judge.


Everyone here can judge. They may not want you to but you can. My judgement is that he should be put to death in the same way he murdered. The only thing I would change is making it happen slower so that he feels the pain longer. I have never figured out why people believe a murderer should have better treatment than they give their victims.