NYC to Pay BLM Protesters


Let me tell you what I see - Sodom and Gomorrah


Witnessing NY tax dollars and government servants at work. Another reason not to live in NY.


I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened. I would think if protesters were rewarded for damages it was because they were not part of the mob.

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I believe we should build walls. Southern Border (a little late in my opinion) but we need to be secure (ish) down there. We should concentrate an Escape from NY type of mentality. The walls aren’t to protect US (sorry, in a way they are) but to keep the Vermin IN these Demon-cratic cesspool’s. This is like the story in the James Bond movie where the bad guy (Javier Bardem) relates to James an Island a family member had that was infested w/ RATS! She had a 55 Gallon drum and put Coconuts in it, the hungry rats following the scent fell in. Later when all rats were in the drum she left it. She didn’t kill them all. She let the rats change their feeding from Coconuts to Rats! They then kept the Island relatively clear of an infestation. I say all this babble because these animals are ALREADY feasting off each other! We should just wall them IN so they don’t escape and infest our neck of the woods.
I know, too Extreme, would never happen but it’s a happy thought I have so we don’t have to fight our way to the grocery store or to get gas. These Mayors who offer EVERYTHING, Placate to the undesirables are creating their own doom. You do what you do you get what you get. KARMA. Maybe it’s simply "Vote Buying’ maybe it’s something more sinister? I don’t know. All I know is we are on a slippery slope and have grease on our boots!
Take care of yourselves Gunners.
We are our own First (and last) responders.

Stay EXTREMELY Frosty Brothers
105 degrees in Albuquerque yesterday (just saying)


A test run??? :thinking:


Supremely Stoopid!


:rofl: white guilt :roll_eyes:
Whatever that is. :thinking:


Apparently it is this:

Floyd was killed after being arrested in Minneapolis. Derek Chauvin, the officer who put his knee on Floyd’s neck during the fatal altercation was ultimately found guilty of murder for his role in Floyd’s death.

Most annoying is that the officer did not kill him by putting a knee on the side of his neck. It’s impossible for a person to aphyxiate a someone by pressing on the side of their neck even with a knee.


“White Guilt”
“White nationalists”
“White privilege”
“White yadda yadda sis-boom badda!”
Are We supposed to be ashamed we are White?
Are We supposed to OWE anybody because the Creator made US White?
Are WE supposed to let pillars of the community like Sir george floyd run rampant
and NOT intervein BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK a Crack Head and an Abuser?

I WANT MY REPERATIONS! I have been permanently damaged by Phucked up .gov intrusion!


Best money laundering operation in history!


Fo sure. Want me to tell you who will get 10% from it?


10% for the ‘Big guy!’
You know it Pay me first
pay THEM
and then Pay me and my little snow-son again!
THE most corrupt Divider-in-Thief EVER!


Funny thing is I PRAY for them to continue doing stupid crap like this. It drives more of the centrist and conservative democrats to our side of the fence.


Here’s the thing and this is just my opinion. We don’t have walls all along the Canadian border but good luck sneaking into Canada. It’s just not that simple. The reason we have so many border jumpers crossing our southern border is because the Government wants them to cross. We could keep border jumpers out with more border patrols and cameras in strategic locations. Border patrol could use drones to fly reconnaissance and scope out border jumpers long before they reach the border, but our government is too busy sending $billions to Ukraine, Israel, and buying oil from Saudi royal families instead of keeping our hard earned money right here where it should be kept and using it for the betterment of our country. America is the most oil rich country in the entire world, but our leadership is set on sending our money to foreigners to make them richer while we pay exorbitant prices at the gas pumps. I’m neither opposed to or for reparations but considering a chain is only as strong as its weakest link I would much rather see that money going to Americans to help them land on their feet and be productive members of American society as opposed to wealthy foreigners so they can renovate their palaces, buy new yachts, private planes, and Ferrari’s on the American tax payers dime. Just a few of my thoughts on our problems.


God Bless you Christopher,
But you are being toooooooooooooooo rational.
You made ALL very good points, I mean that but the corruption is
embedded in this .gov DEEP!
The Border Patrol LET’S the scurvy IN! They are filmed cutting the razor wire
and opening the gates for them so they don’t skin their knees hopping the fences.
The BILLIONS to other countries you mentioned should stay here ,we have Homeless VET’s
dying DAILY from neglect and the elements! But not all that money goes to the people they
claim either. Nanshee Smirnoff has 220 MILLION dollars (@ least) The Big Guy has hidden accounts
unreported as yet. We’ve ALWAYS had crooked politicians, but this group doesn’t even try to hide the GREED! John Kerry (a personal fave of mine) said he never owned a private plane
 i guess I rode in the
Wonder Women Jet she had for YEARS! with him
 It’s not even shocking at their bald face LYING to us anymore. How do you know when they are Lying you ask? (I heard you ask that just now)
wait for it!


We could end illegal immigration in this country with ONE law. MANDATORY non-appealable $1,000,000 fine to any person or business owner that employs an illegal immigrant, per occurrence. The line getting back to Mexico would reach Montana and unemployment in this country would be -10%. Then the folks at the Birder could go back to what they need to do, stop drugs and terrorists at the border.

You could also do it by stopping ANY money from being sent out of the country via Western Union unless you can show a W-2 of how you earned it and paid taxes on it.

Bam, done

But the reality is that illegal immigration is great business in both sides of the issue, and a great political football.


We dont need no water
Let the m
er burn

You are fair and cruel, but I am afraid, mistaken. If “moderate dems” had any incling to be on our side, they would have been long ago. All red lines that a reasonable, sane person can imagine - Dems crossed in 2020 or even before.

Your wish will come true though. Expect Dems in their zeal to exceed your wildest expectarions


and also to any landlord, that normally runs credit/background check on renters.
and to any hospital that provides services to an illegal without notifying arresting authorities.


There is an old saying which states, if you are young and not a liberal you have no heart, and if you’re old and not a conservative you have no brain, lol. I find this too often to be true. Growing up I always considered myself a moderate who leaned to the left, but as I got older, I woke up and wizened up and now consider myself a moderate who leans much further right than I ever did to the left. What I see from the left is nothing but manipulation, propaganda, and flat out lies designed to soften the underbelly of our republic and bring it crashing down to the floor. They’re like Felix the cat and love to reach into their bag of tricks to baffle and befuddle the unassuming public. I do agree with Enzo 100% that there are those who are moderate liberals and those who have idealistic values in liberalism that eventually move further and further to the right as their blinders come off and they are awakened to true liberal agendas.