Drug Dealers Praise SF's Sanctuary City Policy

5 stars on Google reviews!


Unbelievable, no wonder the city is literally a cesspool. What gets me is the ASCPA can show an ad of a puppy or cat and raise millions. I very rarely see if ever an ad depicting an addicted person and what they live in. They show the tents but not the ppl suffering.

They will have a form of religion but no godliness.

We are there ppl.


Have you heard the term “San Francisco values”?

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No I haven’t

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There is a conversation between a CIA Operative and a woke-idealist Feebie in the film Sicario (1):
“If we could stop the 20% of American people from doing the drugs-- snorting and shooting this sh–!”
We could bring back a level of order and control to the situation"
(more or less, I didn’t memories it yet)
I would have agreed (20) years ago that might have been a viable goal, but with
Number 0ne s0n azzwipe doing it IN the Hell house, the lack of caring about addiction
in this sceptic administration, you have anarchy in the streets now in most Dem run cities.
I feel for the People who can’t move out. Sometimes it’s just NOT an option.
I’m starting to become a convert and my listening to some of you saying we may be too far gone,
may be the reality of the situation.
The Founding fathers had a clear vision of what ‘could happen’ but they had NO idea how utterly corrupted and EVIL these people truly are!
Does ANYBODY EVER feel there will be an uprising or civil/uncivil disobedience from WE THE PEOPLE
or is the plan for us is to just sit in it and suck on the sh-- till we die?
Some say “Trust the Plan”
Is there a plan at all?
Who’s running it?


I thought it would have happened or be on going by now. Just saying.


What is our legal recourse for atrocities, when those in charge of the legal system don’t recognize legal recourse?


Very True

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