Death by a thousand cuts

New Jersey, Minnesota sue Glock over switch that allows pistols to fire like machine gun

EWARK, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey and Minnesota sued Glock on Thursday, calling on the gunmaker to stop selling firearms that can be adapted with dime-sized switches to fire up to 1,200 rounds a minute.

New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison also announced that top law enforcement officials in 14 states and the District of Columbia are forming a coalition to reduce gun violence by coordinating enforcement of the states’ consumer protection laws.

The moves by mostly Democrat-led states amount to early pushback against President-elect Donald Trump’s second administration, which Platkin, a Democrat, said “routinely sides with the gun industry.”

Before speaking at a Boys & Girls Club in New Jersey’s largest city, Platkin’s office played a video of a law enforcement officer demonstrating how to use the Glock switch. The video shows an officer first firing the pistol without the switch, requiring a pause between shots. The officer then installs the switch and is able to fire multiple rounds without any pause.

Women wearing red Moms Demand Action T-shirts in the gymnasium hosting the attorney general let out a gasp.

“For decades, Glock has knowingly sold weapons that anyone with a screwdriver and a YouTube video can convert into a military-grade machine gun in a matter of minutes,” Platkin said.
doing trade shows, things of that nature.

The Associated Press emailed Glock requesting comment. The Austrian company’s U.S. subsidiary based in Smyrna, Georgia, has not responded to previous AP requests for comment on lawsuits involving the switches. But an industry trade group condemned the lawsuits as “lawfare” that abuses the judicial system and disregards federal law.

“This is clearly an abuse of the courts to attempt to circumvent the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA),” Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, said in a statement. “Attorneys General Platkin and Ellison, along with the other colluding states, are attempting to extend the frivolous claims that have no foundation in law and abuse taxpayer dollars to advance an unconstitutional gun control agenda."

A September report from the anti-violence organization Everytown for Gun Safety concluded that Glock pistols are a popular choice for gun crimes, in part because the switches enable easy conversions into fully automatic weapons.

Authorities believe shooters who killed four people and injured 17 others in Birmingham, Alabama, in September were using conversion devices to make their guns more powerful. About 100 shell casings were recovered from that scene.

Glock isn’t the only gunmaker whose weapons can be adapted with so-called “Glock switches,” but critics say Glock’s guns are among the easiest to convert. Platkin said Glock is profiting by continuing to sell the adaptable version in U.S. markets, even as they make and sell handguns in Europe that cannot accommodate such a switch.

Also known as “auto switches,” the devices, which are already illegal in New Jersey and some other states, can be bought for about $20 or 3D-printed, and are about the size of a small Lego brick. When added to a pistol, the weapon can be fired like a machine gun, which has been prohibited under federal law since the gangster era of Al Capone.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, speaking at a news conference in St. Paul, said Glock has long known that its guns can be easily and illegally converted to fully automatic fire. He said two of every three handguns sold in the U.S. is a Glock.

“Glock has known about this problem for decades and has done nothing. A change of design could prevent these handguns from being turned into illegal automatic weapons. But Glock has turned a blind eye. And again and again, the death toll continues to rise,” Ellison said.

The Minnesota lawsuit, filed in Hennepin County District Court, alleges violations of Minnesota laws against consumer fraud, deceptive trade practices, false advertising, public nuisance, negligence and product liability. The New Jersey suit, brought in state Superior Court in Essex County, alleges violations of the state’s public nuisance laws.

Ellison also alleged that Glock advertises its fully automatic handguns to civilians who can’t legally own them, depicting them as fun and cool, knowing that it’s very easy for members of the public to convert its semi-automatic handguns.

In addition to New Jersey and Minnesota, the coalition includes California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Karnowski reported from Minneapolis.


I remember, as a young child, sharpening a stick into a spear using a piece of a brick. Wondering now whether I should file a suit against the brick maker or Mother Nature???


Wait till they find out how easy it is to turn gasoline into fire


Yes and that Would be all left turn states taking the easy path.


All one has to do is read the list of states. Real brain trust there! Says it all. Wish these commies would give it up, but they won’t. :nauseated_face:


If they were able to sustain that rate of fire for more than a cpl minutes, the shooter would start having self detonating/firing rounds in the small thin barrel. Gun wouldn’t last long.


Water causes people to drown.

Duck Keith Ellison!


Actually did way better that I thought it would!


:saluting_face: Pretty impressive. :+1:


Paint the Glock switch the color of Michigan’s flag, no longer threatening.


That would be roughly 70 magazines (Clips to those leftists) . I know some guys that are really good at mag changes but I seriously doubt any of them could maintain a .85 second change for a minute, keep in mind, that doesn’t leave any time at all for bullets to go down range.


Glock doesn’t make those switches. They come from China, or can be 3D printed and are illegal.

Basically, they are an illegal alteration, like making any semiautomatic weapon fully automatic into a machine gun.


The article accurately reports the rate of fire (rounds per minute).

Gun folks are familiar with that, all automatic (‘machine gun’) firearms have their rate of fire stated in rounds per minute.

That doesn’t mean that a person could fire that many rounds in a 60 second timeframe.


Or accurately. At one of my local ranges they had a G17C/18? that the employees were shooting and it was all over the place. It was a waste of ammunition


I shot a Glock 18 at Battlefield Vegas. Even with the shoulder brace/stock it was semi ridiculous. If you were the kind of person that typically uses the Glock switches, and you were to get up close to someone and point and press, it could put a lot of rounds into a person (and probably the area near them) extremely quickly. Self defense at 5-7 yards where a lot of DGU’s happen? lol as a practical matter I’d be better off with semi auto.

So yeah, it is a waste of ammo…it’s very much like in the old modern warfare 2 video game, it will go straight up to the sky as soon as most people press the trigger


Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, blah Anti-gun groups Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah
Mom’s without Common sense Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah Coalition to reduce gun violence Blah, Blah, Blah Blah 14,000,000,000,000,000 rounds per minute Blah, Blah, Blah WTFE! Folk’s
Extreme Left Rhetoric
This is almost as stoopid as an Ammoland article about ‘GALLUP POLLS’
won’t bother posting it just Leftist idiocy once again like here.
The point I’m making is the NSSF leader Oliva made an excellent point about IF a ‘Pollster’ ever called a Gunner asking about their Guns (How many, do you carry, have a Permit, have you killed hoards of folk’s shooting out of a Hotel window in Las Vegas recently? ALL Gunner’s Oliva knows would simply hang up (as it should be)). So ANY ‘Poll’ now or Public gathering should be taken with a grain of salt. If I was dumb enough to go to a Town Hall for instance and I saw a gathering of Red shirted Mom’s without Brains I would leave immediately. All this 'Hand Wringing, OH Dear ‘It’s for the children BS’ would make me vomit.
These folk’s (anti-gunners) are NOT based in REALITY. It’s a Dangerous World outside your door because of Leftist Ideology by the way that got us into this mess in the first place.
We’ll get this straightened out shortly
The Pendulum of ‘Disarm all Citizen’s’ will fail
Have FAITH my Brothers N Sisters—Sanity has returned (It just takes a little while to recognize
that it’s really, finally here.

Stay Frosty


Fire rate / trigger control for accuracy and ammunition conservation was a big issue thought in basic training, when there was no weapon control of that rate on full-auto, you could easily hold the trigger back and empty your magazine as fast as the weapon could fire, PDQ Pretty Damn Quite. (700-900 rounds / minute.

There were several different versions of the M-16-A1, A2, A3, and A4.

Semiautomatic, one-shot per trigger pull,
and Full Automatic (700 to 900 rounds per minute depending on version), fired as long as trigger is held back until empty.

The M16A2 , adopted by the U.S. military in the early 1980s, replaced fully automatic fire with a three-round-burst capability that was intended to increase accuracy and reduce ammunition consumption.

In the heat of battle with an adrenaline dump it was easy to waste a lot of ammunition with indiscriminate / uncontrolled fire rates.


If you watch the old WWII videos you can see effect in action. Ship gunners would keep firing after the enemy plane was down.


OK, I stand corrected. There are people in the hood sending 1,200 rounds at a time down range, all of the time, it’s easy and it’s actually rather common. Silly me, I should have done my research.


I don’t know what tell ya, the industry standard for measuring a machine gun’s rate of fire is rounds per minute.