Death by a thousand cuts

I’m not an attorney, but where I work was on the receiving end of a lawsuit years ago. There is a legal maneuver that essentially states that the plaintiff didn’t include all relevant parties in the lawsuit and the defendant petitions the court to include those parties. Seems like Glock might consider asking the court to include some others in this suit like the manufacturer of the switch, 3D printer companies, etc. maybe this lawsuit is so specific that can’t be done.

If Glock is liable because their product is too easily modified, then it seems the door is wide open for other product makers to be sued for the same reason.


That is a very interesting point, thanks for that.


Interesting: No.

Guns by themselves don’t kill.

The person holding the gun using it is responsible for their actions.

Not their chosen object that is inanimate until they animate it.


However, if the anti-2A, anti-gun crown could apply their irrational illogic to any and all inanimate objects, they would have to deforest the planet to keep anyone from making any primitive weapons like spears and clubs.

Any blunt, sharp, flexible object that could be improvised into or adapted to use as weapons would be outlawed.


With the logic being used here it seems to me that since these switches are made from metals or plastics then the lawsuits should be extended to metals and plastics manufacturers as well. Without them non of these tools that the hoplophobes find so offensive could be made. Perhaps they would be happiest if they sued society back to the Stone Age🤪


Indeed, my friend.


Rocks… There goes Mount Rushmore. :sunglasses: Water pipes, most any metal, or even some PVC, pipes, and to further this silliness, I will also add a Monkey Wrench. :rofl:


If you’re really serious about limiting indifidual freedom, stop fiddling around banning things. Nip in the bud.


Just about any tool makes a good war club, battle ax, knife, you name it.

In the military we are taught: One Mind, Any Weapon. Our single mindset is survival, escape, evasion.

If the enemy is trying to kill you, kill or be killed, use whatever you got at hand to survive.

We were issued as part of our “battle rattle” what the Brits. call their kit, an ET entrenching tool, aka a camp shovel, one side edge of that shovel was serrated for bushwhacking / trailblazing through thick vegetation, or chopping not too thick wood.

By no great stretch of the imagination it makes a good battle ax.

As a matter of fact some troops carry a tomahawk for that purpose if they are getting overrun, run out of ammunition, cannot fire their rifle, or any other firearm due to noise constraints. Whatever it takes! Including a rock. :rock:.


I keep a shovel in my vehicle. After all, it’s just a shovel. :grin:

I can’t get the link to work but it’s the cold steel special forces shovel.


It doesn’t even have to be a tool.

Water kills.



Hey, if you use gasoline in place of water, is it a still water boarding?


Depends if you have matches


Woo! That’s a hot :hot_face: one :point_up:,


Or as one of our friend’s son’s said “nip it in the butt.” :rofl:


I once asked my brother-in-law if he kept his 1911 when he retired. He left the room with me thinking he’s going to get his 1911. He came back with a fixed blade knife and said this knife is what kept me alive every time the 1911 ran out of ammo. He did not keep his 1911. In a rare moment for him, he shared many painful experiences with me.

He was awarded a Silver Star as well as several Purple Hearts during his service.


For your brother-in-law:


This is a true story… I got pulled over . The law enforcement officer comes up to the window … Sees and small bat on my back seat … Proceeds to give me a lecture… On how it is just a bat sitting there but if I used it it is a felony … I immediately asked him. If my kid uses it at t-ball. What is that ? I hope it is not a felony or a crime to get a home run… Otherwise he is going to get life…


He could have been buried at Arlington, but made it very clear he didn’t want to share space nor association with some of the a$$holes he knew would be there. I’m not mentioning any names, but he didn’t hold back :rofl:


Respectfully, officer, you have a 9mm, two spare mags and a collapsible baton on your person. In your cruiser you have an AR15 and how many spare magazines? You’re a good guy and ya got all of that, can you tell me again why you think I’m a bad guy? Why is it wrong to have a baseball bat in my car, but it’s ok to have it in my home?