I just purchased a 10 gauge double barrel. It is a Damascus black powder. There are no markings for a manufacturer on it. It had a serial number, and other number stamps. There is a crest of some sort on the butt of the stock.
I did a bit of research online and from the pics you posted and the SN, it appears to be a Parker Brothers shotgun. I would look into a local firearms dealer that knows about antique firearms for their opinion. I have an SxS shotgun from about that era that is muzzle-loading with a similar barrel that was my great-grandfather’s. It is inoperable, though even if it was, I would not shoot it. Your firearm is a fine gun. I hope you fully appreciate its history, design, and function. It looks real nice. Too bad our “modern” firearms do not have the character of those just 150 years prior.
Can you share some links? I compared it to some other Parker Brothers and it didn’t appear to be one. I’m no expert. I’d love a link or two showing some proof.
I was looking at the hammers, triggers and guards and saw many that looked similar, but none that looked the same. None that were not Paker were even close that design, and the serial number of yours was within that time period of the Parker serial numbers. Just search using Parker SxS 10-gauge, you will find many pics. That is why I suggested finding a antique FFL dealer. I am surprised the dealer that sold you the firearm did not know the information on that firearm, that is an important detail in older firearms.
I bought it at an online auction. The auctioneer knew only the info on the yellow tag. I don’t know how they got the patent date since it’s not on the shotgun. Parker has their name all over their guns. This one doesn’t say Parker anywhere. The serial numbers match on each separate piece, so it’s all original. The crest on the butt plate isn’t Parker. I’m beginning to think it may be European.
I was thinking the same thing, I went thru about 100 American logos last night, I don’t think it’s British either it would have Crown proof marks.
Can you make out any letters or anything from the logo?