crime moving into new areas

Yes Sir, Almost losing your Testi-cles will do that (make u a nicer person)

I’m an extremely nice guy myself…right up to the Point when it’s time not to be nice…

Then you get to meet “FLUFFY!”
(thanks Scott! :crazy_face:)


In the words of the Fighter I train under.
“Act with kindness and compassion until it’s time to act with Ill Intent, then just Ducking GO.”


DON102 NICE PUPPY SIR AND PLEASE KEEP THAT WOLF ON THE CHAIN OYAWWAAA​:100::100::100::chile::us::beer::popcorn::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::beer::popcorn::beer::popcorn::beer::beer::beer::popcorn::popcorn::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::two_hearts:LOVE YOUSIR BROTHER. bobby jean debbie ann SIR NICE PUPPY


In all Transparency Brother that’s a ‘Cujo’ someone else owns and Scott (52) posted the other day :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: too long a story but very Fluffin’ Phunnie!
God Bless anybody who would own that ‘Puppy’.
It would scare the crap outta me!
I wouldn’t sleep well
I would wear Body Armor to bed. Maybe call in the F15’s… :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:
I have a tiny Kitten that when she looks at me I KNOW she’s sayin’ sometimes ‘try it Human’. snicker
I give her some ‘cat Nip’ and back out the door (rapidly)… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Nice kitty! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Slash! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I SLEEP AT READY I REST WHEN I WAKE UP SIR YOU CALL WE HALL SIR F.e.m. And FEED THEM FISH HEADS .SISSY Bastards. SIR LOVE Bobby Jean and Debbie ann and little puppies not a war DOG K.19, dam SIR :heart::white_heart::blue_heart::owl::feather::feather::chile::us::popcorn::beer::beer::beer::popcorn::popcorn::beer::100::100::100::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


You know BobbyJean I’m scared now…
I’m almost understanding ALL of what you say!
I would say you should run for Vice President but
NO ONE understands what she say’s EVER! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

“Where’s Fluffy?”


Don102 SIR BROTHER I SHUR HOPE YOU DO NOT THINK I AM AS GOOD AS HARRIS !! Sir I definitely . Am A SOB . Sir. And un like most I do not need to make it up as I Go .!! I have been there and done that !! I could write a book of the stupidity of the things to never do in this LIFE !!! I have done so much backward wrong then most have done it right the first time !! Sir , I definitely know in a FIRE :fire: FIGHT!! Count your ROUNDS. And never lose count SIR . Just like never run out of HAW HAW FUEL :fuelpump: SIR GOT ROOT BEER SIR I WROTE ON HERE THAT I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS MEANING COMPUTER AI. And the USCCA took that wrong !!! I SAID I ONLY CARE ABOUT WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME .!! What IS SO FUNNY IS WE TRAIN FOR WHAT IS GOING TO HARM US . And NOW DAYS A COMPUTER IS AS DANGEROUS AS MY .A.R. Fifth teen SIR LOVE YA BROTHER SIR . :chile::us::heart::white_heart::owl::feather::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::100::100::100::v:t5::bangbang::bangbang::fire::brick::brick::brick::brick::brick::beer::beer::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


Well said brother Mike 164 SIR. SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST RUDE AND RESPECT IS FAR FROM THEIR REACH. And HONOR . They can never understand Love ya Brother . Bobby Jean :heart::white_heart::blue_heart::owl::feather::feather::chile::us::brick::beer::popcorn:

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I’ve heard this referred to as flipping the switch. I feel it may be one of the most important self defense concepts out there. In a lot of the real crime videos I’ve seen the victims never flip that switch and just end up taking a beating.

I find it hard to practice for since you can’t flip the switch all the way when training with other people without someone likely getting hurt. Does your coach have any training techniques for doing this so you don’t potentially fall back into fighting in a more controlled manner, like when we train, during a real attack?


We do “Kill The Bag Drills”. It’s where we attack a single bag or to simulate multiple attackers we attack 2-3 bags. These are 2 minute 100% energy, stir up the emotions attacks. I have come out of the end of this drill very angry and very emotional. But then again, I take this training pretty seriously.


Was thinking that would be a good way to go. I just got a bag for Xmas and will give it a try when no one else is around. I am pretty good at tapping into my emotions when I really need to but it is not a pretty sight.


We have a lady that comes out of the bags in tears. She, like a few of us, is really good at visualizing being attacked…


I make sense of it by being compassionate and putting them out of their misery. It is the same thing I would want someone to do for me if I was out of control and couldn’t live with myself and wanted to harm or murder innocent people. Why would I want to harden my heart¿ Or anyone for that matter?
It is the only way to keep society alive.

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Don102 SIR I DEFINITELY MADE SHAMROCK :shamrock: MAD HE PUT ME WITH THE MAX :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::heart::white_heart::blue_heart: PLEASE DON102 SIR WOULD YOU PLEASE TELL HIM I AM SORRY AND DONT PUT ME IN THE BAD AREA I AM SORRY SHAMROCK :shamrock: BROTHER I WAS JUST RIBBING YA KAZ YA SAID I KNOW I GOING TO GET FLACK FOR THIS SIR DON102 please don’t LEAVE ME BEHIND SIR I AM SORRY SHAMROCK :shamrock: HERE I WANT TO GIVE YOU FIVE ROOT BEERS AND TEN FOR DON102 KAZ I am SORRY shamrock :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:. Don102 :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:. K sorry PEACE :v:t5: K LOVE Bobby Jean :heart::white_heart::blue_heart::v:t5::shamrock::100::100::100::bangbang::beer::beer::beer::chile::us::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::v:t5:


You just did Brother. I bet :shamrock: understands


Rapid access to firearms is why I am always reminding my friends in colder climates not to bury their firearm too deeply under the layers of clothing during the winter months.
In gun fights which can be won or lost in hundreths of seconds, a two second increase in reaction time is an eternity


And, Practice with your winter clothing on. Access is certainly important, bulk is also a factor. Target acquisition with a ski parka on is way different than targeting with a wife beater on… Then there are gloves or the difference in mobility when ones digits are ducking freezing.


I dislike gloves. (I like my hands warm no doubt)
But even the TAC gloves annoy me sometimes.
At my ranges I see guy all ‘Tacti-cool’ with the latest and greatest
apparel. I shoot like I am walking down the street if attacked.
(except ear cans, and glasses)
I just want to ‘FEEL’ the mags, my grips, racking in a round—‘Old School?’
Winter time makes it more difficult (for me)

Is that stupid?


I wonder how soon before the Texas National Guard flips the swiitch, it’s a pressure cooker down there now.


DON102. LAST NIGHT I HAD TO PUT PLASTIC AROUND MY .MoMAs. WINDOWS. And I couldn’t even feel my fingers AT ALL . AND IT IS VERY COLD :cold_face:.!! I AGREE I WANT TO FEEL THE RECOIL AND FUNCTION OF MY WEPON.!! I AM JUST GETTING OLDER AND . ARTHRITIS. IS A BIG FACTOR . SIR BROTHER . I AM TRULY HAPPY FOR YOU TO SEE THE A.HO. :bangbang:. Getting a bracelet NIGHT . !!! BECAUSE . He was . Branashin his EDC. And . Got to big for his Britches :bangbang::100:On Root Beer :beer: For Him. .i know taking a college course to get a peace officer license is not . THE EXPERIENCE . THAT YOU GET WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE MILITARY OR A CONTRACTOR OF . The company . And so on if no one understands what I mean . No worries !!! Law enforcement training rookie is fine !! Down range is . Tobe VERRY . :bangbang::us::four_leaf_clover::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::cold_face::owl::feather::feather::popcorn::beer::beer:Thank you for your service .,SIR. I am glad you got your .spirit . Up lifting .joy . KAZ . GOG. hates.aHos . HAW HAW . I know you definitely been there . I have had some tracers . Fizz in so close I can still hear that fizz and the putty colors coming pass my . Fat head . I have pizzed my self once haw haw . !! when I got hit I could taste the gun powder . some times still do . It taste. different than .smelling it at the range. .like going to surgery and tasting the medicine when they are putting it in your I.v. You can taste it . At point blank .you taste it gsrp. Instant . Love ya . Brother. Bobby Jean :us::feather::feather::100::owl::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::face_vomiting:here’s ya a Root Beer :beer:.SIR. STAY WARM Brother . Stay sharp.Sir​:chile: