I love my 1911’s. But, recently have been thinking some extra rounds might not be a bad idea. Not a huge Glock fan. Don’t get me wrong, they work, just don’t care for them. Liked the Axiom review in this months magazine, also really like Sigs. Doesn’t sig make a SA hammer fired pistol?
Any of you carry a SA hammer fired double stack? Don’t have the cash or desire to go down the 2011 rabbit hole at this time.
I like the m&p line. Owned a couple. Really like hammer fired sa guns. I know that might not happen, but you got to start searching somewhere. Hi vp9 shoots good, just did not trip my trigger so to speak.
Back in the day, my bedstand was a USP 45 Expert. Shortly after the Pandemic lockdown, I found a mint used Standard USP 45 for a good price. It’s my understanding that you can carry cocked and locked, even though it’s a DA/SA. It’s a 12+1. Haven’t had a chance to test it since I put an LEM trigger kit and overtravel stop in, but I’m probably going to swap out my M2.0 40 with it for winter carry and bedstand duty. So far, the biggest downside was finding a new RSA, as stocks are low since the pandemic started.
I handled the FNX45 and lost the bug for it. I also like the option for overtravel stops, springs, etc. straight from HK for the USP. If you like being called a dinosaur with a 1911, many think the USP45 is also for dinosaurs… maybe a different era… but I really like them.
I would say my CZ P-01 can be considered as SA. My setup is with thumb safety and I carry it cocked and locked.
Even it does have DA option, I use it for dry firing only. Live fire goes always in SA mode.
I’m not a fan of carrying multiple tools, and if I would need to change my handgun right now I would go with P229 SAO Legion.
Agree with @Levi2 the Rock Island guns are nicely made and are priced affordable. There 1911 formats are nice, I would not think twice about purchasing one.