Conspiracy or Reality - I didn't put it there

Went to the grocery store this evening. When I got back to my place, as I unloaded my grocery bags I noticed this pen hanging on one of the bags.

I don’t carry a pen with me, I didn’t put it there but there it was. As I thought about it I had to wonder, is it “just” a pen or is it… aaaaa something else, read tracker, camera, microphone… I dispatched it into the trash can in the garage. Now I’m wondering, have I lost my mind? Do I dis/mistrust humans so bad that a pen hanging on my grocery bag make me think of something sinister?



@Mike164 Don’t know, but possibly whoever bagged your groceries probably brushed the bag on their chest while lifting up the bag and the pen got clipped onto the bag from his/her shirt pocket without the bagger noticing and you didn’t notice til you handled the bag. Looks like an ordinary pen. Just take it apart like any other pen just to make sure it’s not a tracking device of some kind. :thinking: If any doubt, throw the pen away and out of range away from your place, away on a bad part of town. :rofl:


Yea I suspect that’s what happened.


I would move, THEY have found you! :grinning:


Next time you’re shopping, ask them on average how many pens they lose in a day. You’ll be surprised at the results.


Your a Conservative, Republican, who owns firearms, and speaks freely against the communist reign! I’m a little paranoid too!! We know they can’t be trusted!! They have knocked on to many doors already!!!


Just take it apart like any other pen just to make sure it’s not a tracking device of some kind.

Reverse engineer it, rework a new receiver in your home and send it back on your next trip to the grocer!
Tradecraft! Counterespionage!
We have to start playing the game against them.
The bagger is obviously working for someone! Gather as much intel as you can, encrypt the information place it on the thumb drive I left on the back of the mahogany bench at 1:45 pm

Don’t speak to the asset, she’s only there as a diversion! When I’ve deciphered the information she’ll make contact with you! Good luck M164


Very Nice Agent Sc52… Got a good laugh out of that one,


Take said pen to the police station and just drop it off!
or you should have taken it apart and looked at it! Check and verify because your hunch is there for a reason.


Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean everybody isn’t out to get me.

But really, not out of line at all to be concerned. I probably would have stuck it in the pen box. If I thought about it I’d have either put it in the trash or inspected the inside. :us_outlying_islands:


OR, toss it in the truck bed of a tourist with out of state plates, the farther away from you, the better.


You have not reasoned this out from the original pen owner’s point of view. You are now under suspicion of petit larceny for taking away that grocery bagger’s pen in a way any common sneak thief would. Grocery store camera’s and video have you on record as the last person served before that pen went missing. I’d start shopping at a different grocery store if I were you.



Now I DO dis/mistrust humans so bad that a pen hanging on my grocery bag make me think of something sinister?
I should have cleaned my finger prints off the pen before the camera in my garage caught me placing it in the trash can…


I guess you didn’t notice that traffic cop you backed over while he was writing a parking ticket. Now be nice about it an take his pan back to him. :wink:


Trust no one. Stay vigilant. As the doj, irs, dhs, fbi, cia… have taught us, these are dangerous times, my friend. :zipper_mouth_face: :mask:


Scott, a pigeon at that thumb drive at 2:06 PM.
I hope you have a back up!!

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I must admit, I do like mysteries. I’ve lost items, then be very puzzled about it, only to find them later. But other times, I do believe “victim of theft”.

Some people play practical jokes.

IDK, guess there is chance someone found that pen but decided to hook it on that bag which the bagger worker used unknowingly. Guess you could visit the store to ask who was working the bagging that day to ask, but they might not be able to find out “who dun it”.

Those bags come from another ware-house/factory full of workers. That’s not a cheap costing pen, it’s one of my favorites to use at work.

Funny mystery, but glad you are OK of course.

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I would definitely consider moving☺️

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I believe I would put it in the pocket of a suitcase of a traveler at the greyhound bus station😊