Congress outraged by President Trump's airstrikes

If a group of people are riding around reckless in a stolen car, and all of a sudden the driver stops, goes into a gas station and shoots and robs them…the clerk opens fire missing the driver but killing an innocent bystander.

In our justice system, the driver of the car would be charged with the murder of the innocent bystander even though he didn’t shoot, but because he initiated the whole incident. It is also possible the assailants/passengers may be charged in a commission of a crime as well.

In this scenario, trump is the driver…and we, fellow Americans, are all his assailants/passengers…just in for the ride.

Just how many Americans did you want to “watch” Soleimani kill before he got justice? The Ukrainian plane had just taken off from an airport in Iran, it was not some inbound unknown plane… of course there might be some value to watching them shoot down random planes and seeing if there is a pattern that we will never use against them :roll_eyes:


This may come as a surprise, but i really don’t hate trump as it might appear to some, he’s a actually a pretty good hustler in the business world. which says a lot in todays hustle and bustle world. he has also done a few good things for the economy, (but to be honest so could’ve a dozen other republican candidates)…my problem with trump is the divide he brings to America, in a time where unity is what we need the most, he blatently brings forth the opposite. Surely he is not as dumb as he appears at the surface, he surely knows the effect his rhetoric is having on our country. his antics are foul. These airstrikes are just another flagrant reminder of the will and intent to remain divided and act in an extreme partisan manner.

I think, starting here, staring now, one word needs to be pushed to the forefront of our vocabulary, our conversations, our debates, e.t.c… “UNITED”…for it was unity that made us “GREAT” in the first place.


Nice strawman argument.

If Pres. Trump did nothing he would be criticized for not doing Jack so if he does something or doesn’t do something he gets criticized.

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not quite, i’m not really arguing any point…maybe i will start adding :grinning: to my words

most likely…comes with the job unfortunately

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@Ben_Blanc Yes Sir! Ever since I can remember not President Eisenhower but from Kennedy on to current you’re about half the country is against a President at any one point.

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Really…all i’m doing is pointing out an example of our justice system and the consequences for being an accessory…i kindly reject your strawman comment

has to be the hardest position to fill, to be the leader of the most opinionated nation ever formed, to represent ALL THE PEOPLE, ALL THE TIME, regardless of differences in opinions. We can never fault any man/woman for not crossing all the T’s and dotting all the I’s, (so long as they are making every effort to do so). There will be turmoil, there will be chaos, there will also be progress, innovation, growth…but regardless what the storm blows in, a presidents’ first duty should be to keep the people united.
I can overlook faults, and even mistakes, but don’t divide us…it’s actually the worst possible thing that could happen to a nation…and we’re experiencing that in live time.
At this point, i would vote for anyone who’s main goal is to UNITE US AGAIN, after that we can iron out all the issues we’ve had, have, or will have…together.

Our President is surrounded by military people. I believe he had lots of military information and advice.


“Our President is surrounded by military people. I believe he had lots of military information and advice.”

maybe, maybe not…we’ll never know

It’s one thing for our president to have the power to make such an abrupt move, and then fill us in later, that’s fine (not recommended, but within the law and that’s fine)…however, it’s another thing to make that decision (again totally within his power) but then refuse to disclose details afterwards with congress (that’s not fine)…It’s a gross misinterpretation and abuse of the executive powers

The airliner shootdown was the sole fault of an SA 15 ADA crew who were poorly trained and scared. I dont see how you can blame anyone but the crew and their commanders. Also, the general we smoked had a confluence of personality, experience, and political power that will be very, very difficult to replace. Certian individuals can exert an out of proportion influence on the battlespace. I know you dont like our President, but killing Sulemani was a masterstroke. Understand that such things are recommended by profesional military and intel people. They are the best this world has ever seen. I am a retired Army Aviator with three tours in the region.


I’m a product of many of the Tom Clancy books I’ve read, this is where I believe Mr. President missed an opportunity.

Jack Ryan is on everybody’s television and he’s just presented his case to the American People and the World about the long list of crimes against humanity the offender has made, camera cuts to video camera with amazing detailed image of said war criminal, explosion occurs and slow pull back to frame flaming remains of vehicle which criminal was just riding in.

(You’d think someone who is such a ‘master’ of the video space and the sense of stage and setting would know how to do this - now that he’s finally climbed to a position of power and influence consistent with his prowess and abilities. But hey, everyone misses the mark sometimes.

Oh and hey, I know there are plenty of guys who could have stood in for Ding and Mr. C; pack up the micro sat kit and camera, short ride over to the tarmac and off to the next job in the Gulfstream 550.


Outstanding good Sir, outstanding. Have a great weekend.

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with all due respect, your opening sentence is more so an opinion than it is a fact, and i can not contest or dispute your opinion, for it is yours to have freely…i try to stick to facts

as far as pointing the blame, i don’t think i have…merely suggested a scenario, if it rings true in comparison, well then that’s something to think about now isn’t it…thank you for your service sir.

I dont think it is an opinion regarding that some ADA crew screwed up. I dont think anybody meant to blow a Ukranian airliner out of the sky. Not even they would do that. So no, there is nothing left for me to think about on this subject. It was an honor to serve. I will not debate you further.


Official now. And easy to see it happen, sad and nothing will ever make it ‘right’ again.

But, I give mad props to the Iranian leadership. Admission of error is a very good sign, especially when the stakes are high and blood is hot.

Its been playing out as if the Iranians knew the General was in play, on the field, and fair game. Ya they hit back hard - 22 ballistic missiles is nothing to sneeze at. Even at Nation-State orders of economy, aerospace is not cheap. You could almost say they counted on the ability of American Forces to be aware, be forewarned , and able to achieve cover for the personnel at the military targets of value they would use to demonstrate their required frustration, anger, and ability to strike back. Things can be replaced and there’s a ‘tit for tat’ sense of exchange.

Even better, both parties got to blow off a bit of bluster and are apparently civilized enough to go back to respective corners and see if talking will be of any help before someone gets stupid enough to stumble into the bell, ring it, and start round two.

Iran can be magnanimous right now, this moment. No matter what the spin American political leadership in power thinks of it. Remember they’re the folks who live over there, they’ve spent the past 30 years realizing terrorism of yesterday isn’t the role Iran needs to win, they are organizing gorilla team tactics and have a long term plan affiliating with the communities and people in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. As our Army Special Ops teams show the locals how to do it, and influence becoming reliable, and develop as our friends, Iran has nothing but time.

( @Greg1 )Yes Greg, you are right, they’re living short and tight, having real problems with the population at home watching the rest of the world seeming to have it easy and everything they want. But if they’re interested in Ruling the entire Persian Empire again… and doing it in a modern world… they’ve got much more time than we do. A Country that has money for armaments could rebalance the equation of resources toward social services and infrastructure if it wanted to. (Or, their population forced them to. Keep this last in mind regards our own situation; we’re very much ready to see some of the inspiration of the 1950s back here at home.)

I’m not saying we give up and walk away, end the sanctions immediately; but we’d better start thinking about what we’re going to do when we need a friend in the Gulf and we need to be able to speak peer to peer. Its time to play chess.


Something very dramatic has been happening to the Democrat party. It is morphing into an anti-American, anti-US military, anti-Police, anti-1A, 2A, anti-border, anti-“everything that is good for our nation” party. We need to make it go away for good, and the only way for that to happen is to spread the word of conservative principles. Especially at our so-called higher academic institutional learning centers. Teach your children well, show them how wrong and dangerous the Democrats really are to the well-being of this country. Democrats make a case of how dangerous they really are to all of us just about every single day. GO TRUMP 2020!!


Democrats are not anti-American, that is ridiculous and so is anyone that spreads that nonsense, both parties have pros and cons, Democrats are made up of more people than the ones you disagree with on the news, Dems are roughly half of this country, and for anyone to demonize millions of Americans in one broad stroke is eerily reminiscent to what history has shown us during hitlers reign.