Conceal Carrying At Work

Nope, you show up at a coal mine with a rifle AND you act aggressive I’ll be more interested in eliminating a threat than disarming a college kid screaming I’m a face about killing the Whales.

Read my comment again, slowly. It’s not my opinion, but what was taught by in the security presentation at the National Judicial College at U Nevada Reno. I call BS on you.

Okay, not your opinion, but without facts to back it up, still an opinion, at best, a theory.

Your USCCA coverage does extend to you as an employee.

This is proof that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.


Welcome to the family brother @Orion and you are in the right place at the right time. IMHO if it is not in the company policy/manual I would not say anything. I understand that Nevada is a gun friendly state so why open up a can of worms. With that said, if you do happen to get into an incident which requires the use of your firearm during work hours the employer does not have to back you whether its in the manual or not. They can easily say, I didn’t know he/she was carrying. Just be aware of these circumstances before taking any action. Stay safe and carry on brother.


I agree 100 percent with :point_up: brother @Shamrock


I get it. The professional security people who teach at the National Judicial College and train judges who come there from all over the country, don’t have any facts to back up their “theory.” In the courthouse in my rural Colorado county, the only shooting that ever occured was by a deputy manning the metal detector who shot himself in his leg with his gun that he brought into the courthouse. Thank God one of the crooks being arrainged did not take the gun that the deputy obviously did not have in control. That’s just one example of why those security professionals embrace what you think is a “theory” that guns find their way into courtrooms through courthouse employees.

At my county courthouse, there are LE at the metal detectors. They all are armed. I guess you believe they should not be armed? At the metal detectors at the state Capitol, the Capitol police are armed, too. I suspect they would also disagree with your opinion on their being unarmed.

Tens of thousands of people die in vehicular crashes annually. To prevent that, we should ban vehicles. LOL


Sigh. That’s not what I said. My point is that firearms can and will find their way into courtrooms, and more often than not, the firearms are those brought in by courthouse employees, like the incompetent deputy manning the metal detector.

Therefore, the conclusion is that they should not be armed. Otherwise, you are stating they should be armed, but that some incompetent employee will harm him/herself, which nullifies your argument about not having them armed. You’ve twisted yourself so much that you are looking over your shoulder while facing forward.


I give up. You know what I think and have all the answers. Are you running for Congress?

Are you?

Ha! So far, you’ve claimed to know what I believe and am thinking. But, as the all knowing seer, you can’t answer this question.

Only based on your posts, dear sir. But with all your twisting, I am not sure even you know what you believe nor think. I attempted to interpret your comments as best I could. But when you say LE at metal detectors should be armed, then stated that having them armed is dangerous and they shouldn’t be armed. What can we understand from that about what you believe?

Have a nice day and God bless.


To all those in this thread:

Do you believe law enforcement working the metal detectors at the courthouse should be armed?

Do you believe Sheriff Deputies/bailiffs who are sworn to carry firearms, as courtroom security, should be armed?


Of course.


Darn straight I do. In about 1992, one of the Security Police at a screening machine entrance to the Pentagon was surprised by an armed idiot running through the metal detector with his gun and down the E-Ring corridor toward executive-level window seat offices. The policeman immediately drew, moved into the corridor, and shot and killed the intruder.
That is properly armed security.


Yes & Yes!


Yes sir, on both counts. Of course.