Conceal Carry Study

Yes, you are absolutely right. In every single word about the FACTS.

The fact is that people who don’t follow rules are gone. It’s not about who is pro 2A and who is not. Left or Right. As long as we keep ourselves and our posts within the rules - we are OK. Otherwise this Community becomes another social media filled with ":ox: :poop: ".

Believe me… I know.
I’ve been Member of this Community long enough…
I’ve discussed with many people who are not here anymore. They never knew where was the limit and when they should stop… they realized AFTER they were gone.
It was never about who was right, who was wrong, which opinion was more important, nor, as you posted - “had to be right no matter what and were willing to force that opinion on others.”
It was always about proper behavior, etiquette and respecting others.

And it will always be about proper behavior, etiquette and respecting others.

One more time, I encourage to read carefully Community Guidelines.

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