Cant carry on Post/Base. Cant carry in courthouse. Cant carry in bars.

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I carry almost all the time. There are places I (have to) go where I can’t carry. doctor’s appointments, Hospital any government facility and the like.
But otherwise, I carry, even at home. By carrying in the house it helps you get acclimated with the guns weight how it feels when sitting moving etc. It should be a part of your daily routine You may find that you need to change holsters or where or how you carry. It also allows you to work on your wardrobe in the comfort of your home. You may find you need different shirts, bigger waistline pants, an actual gun belt just my .02 either way good luck


I picked my doctor because at his private practice, no gun signs… the chiropractor me and the wife use is one big mean looking sob. He’s one of Gods soldiers on earth and he talked my wife into carrying. He tells everyone that comes to his practice to lay their gun on a bench before adjusting. No gun he asks them why not :grin:


Thank you Johnnyq60. You guys are like family already.

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I carry everywhere I legally can. I will admit I’m apprehensive to carry in a children’s play place/ bounce house facility.

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THANK YOU Danny28 for your service !!!
I carry everyday, everywhere,if my gun can’t go in,I don’t do business . Glad a couple or so Panera bread stores closed here in Losersville,Ky. ,they are anti gun !!
My input on the sword is,GOD is TRUTH ! ALL His word is never changing.
If the weak don’t want to carry, it’s their right and freedom bought and paid for by US VETERANS ,and those who never came home,the True Heroes. DON’T TREAD ON ME !!
Think smart,the SWORD is not a literal sword even though it could be. Gun,sword,alcohol,drugs,food, sex,arrogance ,nasty attitude, whatever your vise maybe that causes you to stumble.
My suggestion is for everyone to read what " YOUR" duty to the community and citizens. You have a duty !!!

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What’s that old saying?
Something about having it and not needing it?


Simple answer for me and HH6 is yes! :us:

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If I have pants on I am carrying, this is the short answer


In response to your short answer, even if I have shorts on I am carrying.


I work at a bar and grill, it sure would be nice to be able to, just in case! but. I do have it locked up in my car while I am at work.


I started a new job and of course I can’t carry into the office but they also said it’s against policy to keep it in your car. Screw that I have a lockbox secured in my car. Security is sad too. They “search” your bags but they look in one pocket and don’t even bother to search you. Anybody that wanted to bring a short AR with collapsible stock and definitely a pistol could get in no problem. Because it gets so hot here I bring my holster in with me.

With shootings at offices that have occurred I wonder why employers keep offices as gun free zones. Wouldn’t it be better to take volunteers and put them through a “security” class, so there’s armed security on premises?


I had a job like that where the security was a joke, just like yours. What scared me was that there were a lot of layoffs and some ‘disgruntled’ employees every once in a while that would threaten to come back to the company with a gun. Did our job do anything? No, we just had to keep our eyes open and that’s it. No cops were ever called for the threats. We also owned 2 buildings so employees were always walking back and forth outside. This was when I was living in New York and getting a CC licence was next to impossible.


Carry all day every day. All my friends and family know I am carrying whether I am at there house or out and about
It just is. If for some reason I wasn’t carrying most would some real concerns if I am ok that day lol.

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I personally carry all the time. I live in a small country town, actually a village, and we have almost no crime. That said we recently had a couple of prisoners escape from the local sheriff and they were violent criminals. I didn’t see or hear of any problems as a result, but I would rather be in the position of helping defend myself and friends/neighbors then wishing my gun wasn’t sitting at home.

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I told my CCW students that you have to carry only one time. That is all of the time. Again you cannot choose when or where you will be a victum.


My mentality is POGO (Pants on Gun on). As to carrying into a friends house? not sure I can answer that because all my friends carry heaters themselves, or already assumes I am walking into their abode heavy. I would imagine just a discreet question works out, “hey, I’m packing you good I’m in your house with it”?


POGO (Pants On Gun On) :fist::sunglasses:


I like my Sig P365, and I tell my friend who asks why I carry all the time, “It’s not called a Sig P"keepitintheclosetinabox”. We took our CCW course together, and that’s how he carries, keeping it locked in a closet. I carry whenever and where ever, except where prohibited; I live in a state where the “…bans guns on premises” is law. I tend to avoid those businesses.


SOGO ( Socks on Gun on ) pants or no pants, I’m strapped! :cowboy_hat_face: