If it’s just me, the vehicle is insured. They can have it.
To that end, whether I’m alone or not,
1.I lock the door. While I’m temporarily distracted paying, or started the pump, I don’t want anyone to be able to sneak in the other door.
2. Stand by the open door. That way I can jump in if needed.
3. No keys in the ignition. I have a locking gas door, so, I have to take the keys out regardless.
I don’t buy gas in places that look questionable. I always park in a highly visible, well lit pump. I always pay at the pump. Less chance of having to go inside, and come back out to strangers. If my family wants snacks, that we don’t have with us, that’s what Drive up restaurants are for.
Doesn’t pass the “shark tank” test. I would jump into a tank of hungry sharks to save a child, but not my car.
Also, this is specifically illegal in my state. I can use my firearm to protect people in a car, and to prevent someone from entering an occupied vehicle. But if I use my firearm to stop someone from stealing an unoccupied vehicle, I could be charged with a crime.
now if I see a gun, I’ll shoot if an opening comes. Like someone else said, I don’t know if they’ll take me out too. BUT if the gun is trained on me the whole time, it would be wise to wait.
Best thing to do is stay aware and if weirdness is happening. Leave.
I know I’m kinda new here, but this is an interesting topic, so my 2 cents,
When I pull up to a pump, I try to park close enough to leave a lot of slack in the gas line, but still allow myself a little movement.
From here if you get spooked by a potential threat, get the ooda loop moving as soon as possible. Otherwise you are in danger of second guessing yourself or the situation and freezing. Which a lot of people will actually do.
You’re aware of your surroundings, so if you see someone approaching you setting off flags (one or both hands hidden, scanning the parking lot for witnesses, aggressive body language, etc.) keep the gas hose between you and them. Step over it if you have to. Mirror his moves to the extent that you nonchalantly slip your hand up under your jacket or shirt without lifting your garment too much and get a good grip. When it’s completely obvious that he’s coming to you, warn him. “That’s close enough! What do you need?”, don’t be afraid to engage him verbally before he gets right on top of you.
The moment you see a weapon it’s go time, no half measures. Make the element of surprise yours. Step behind the pump to conceal your draw then shoot. If he pulls a weapon, it doesn’t make a difference if there is a family member in the car. Unless you were sent a written and notarized version of his intentions, you don’t know he’s just after your vehicle.
It’s actually more likely that there will be two or more of them and they will try to flank you. Use the gas pump to momentarily hide from one, and the same thing applies. Check your state laws on this, but in my state, multiple aggressors constitutes what is known as “disparity of force”. I no longer need to see a weapon in order to draw mine. If they keep coming after my gun is visible, they are done.
Pick one or two techniques like side stepping behind cover while drawing or dropping to the ground while drawing and physically practice them ad nauseum (with an unloaded gun), not just mentally. It’s better to execute a less than ideal tactic perfectly than to execute the ideal tactic poorly. If the time comes, you don’t want to have to choose between 10 different tactics that you haven’t perfected.
Hope it never happens, but be ready as much as possible if it does.
First of all, prevention is key. When I am at the gas station, I have my car locked with or without persons inside. I have the keys also, so they can not have them. If confronted to take your keys and kids or person is in the car then, defend yourself and the ones in the car. Paying attention to your surrounding is a key element you should be doing all of the time. Transition areas are all the weak points a person will and can take advantage of people. When you are putting groceries in the car is one of them, as well as, any time you are getting in or out of your car. Even when you get home and you put your guard down because you are home. When you are in your car have the doors locked too. Car jackings have even happened at stop lights. Stay vigilant, be safe!
But they did not have the keys. However here in Louisiana, ‘Castle Doctrine’ would apply to your property in this situation therefore if you wanted to defend your property you could (NOT EVER saying pull a trigger over property but just restating law).
Don’t forget weapons of opportunity. If your pumping gas, spray them in the face with it. Hit them with the nozzle. Anything you can to give you the opportunity to have the upper hand. Self defense isn’t about “fighting fair.” It’s about survival.
No one in a free society should have to live with NO means of self defense! Because of my age and the disparity of force, I would have in my possession ANYTHING else that could deter or do damage to the human creature wishing to do me or my family harm, and I do mean anything!
I cannot protect my family if I am in jail, so I follow the laws to the best of my ability. Though the CA laws are so numerous, convoluted and contradictory that no one can really know for sure what is legal there anymore. Was hoping that all the Republicans talk about protecting and enforcing the 2A would result in a national reciprocity law when they had control from 2016 to 2018 but they showed their true colors by only pushing more anti 2A actions instead. But I do avail myself with multiple legal options when traveling in CA, both on my person and readily available the vehicle.
True, the laws are far too convoluted and confused…
However, it is a problem, as you say you nor we can protect our families if we are in jail, so we follow the laws… yet if you act in self defense, you may face jail… which creates a situation where you may hesitate to defend yourself.
Republicans are great… they give us Bread and Circuses and Dog and Pony shows…
But that is better than the Democrats, they just give us tyranny and take more of our money.
Think the Dems and Repubs primary goal is to pad their pockets and the pockets of their backers as much as they can get away with while we all waste time arguing with each other. But that is probably a topic for another thread.
On the car jacking topic. I had my vehicle programmed so that the doors lock when I put it in drive but don’t unlock when I put it in park. That way I can take an extra look around before deciding it is safe to get out. Also if someone approaches the vehicle you should not roll the window down. Just talk to them through the glass. If they have a problem with it just tell the the window is broken and act like you are trying to make the lever work. That is a hard one for me as I was raised to be polite and helpful whenever possible. But there are lots of places now where you can end up paying for your kindness. I still do help people in obvious trouble but know I am taking a chance every time.
Don’t want to shoot? Pay attention to all things around you. Don’t look like a victim. Fuel your vehicle during the day. Perhaps a station with other vehicles around. Prefer one you know. No house key on ring & fake wallet. Pneore thing…pray
In this scary situation, like most, time was essential. My own mistake was staring down at my phone.
(1) Don’t automatically assume a person approaching your vehicle is attempting to take your life or property. Panhandlers with no ill intent approach my vehicle all the time.
(2) IF you don’t have the duty to retreat (check your state laws) make sure they have a weapon (e.g. Cell phones may appear as a firearm! Don’t be fooled however don’t waste time debating what the weapon is).
(3) Ask yourself NOW is movable or non-moveable property worth risking your life over! While this may bring debate, the criminals action worth death? Remember its property…Justice will catch up on those who commit crime of “opportunity”
(4) Voice commands are Essential. Some criminals flee when using direct statements and warnings. My car jacker ran faster than a professional running back after my firearm was aimed and yelled directive .
(5) Avoid going places after sundown and completely avoid areas of known crime.
(6) 87% of car thieves wait until its running and not occupied.
Well My and I HH6 practice awareness. I had been carrying for a good while, she has been doing it for half that time. Decision time to make a trip to town or anywhere else comes with"Is it necessary?. I heard storys of some folks in the past thinking that carrying gave them some level of invincibilty. Of course we all know that is incorrect. I have found that since we have been CCW, We tend to be even more careful. Such as where we are going ,Why we are going,How we are going. And moving toward our vehicle with keys in hand scanning for threats day or night. But this is moving as security team. We are shopping. She shops I watch. When we are alone this modified. In the end when out that head is always on a swivel and aware of even the improbable. Bad Guys think that way to just in reverse. Watching for target not paying attention and in most cases playing on their phones and distracted.