If you can vote and . You don’t . Stop complaining. You had your chance
I “Think” I Voted. Mailed it in last week. TrackMyBallot sent me a message that they had received my ballot. The problem, the state didn’t show me a picture of the ballot they called mine. I hope it’s legit but in todays political environment Who Knows what may have happened to my ballot between here and there.
We are old so we voted early in case we did not make it to election day. My wife has voted in every election since she was naturalized over 50 years ago.
Plan to vote tomorrow. Will leave work a bit early hoping to beat the rush. Will stand in line as long as it takes.
They put it in my mailbox by mistake, I will make sure you voted for knee scraper.
I have refrained from voting many times in many elections. There simply was no one to vote for.
Yes, I can still complain and do what I like. It’s my country, too. Whether or not you like it.
I voted for the Libertarian candidate… That way I won’t be responsible for voting for Kamel and her ugly dogs, nor Drumpf and his Drumpfkinder.
If you don’t vote, yer still a full fledged member of society and a good citizen. Nowhere in the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights does it say we can’t participate in our country if we don’t vote.
Duh. What to do when there is no one to vote for?!
Don’t vote, stupid! Use your brains! Don’t vote for “the lesser of two evils”, idiot! Don’t vote for any evil at all!
See, because of dumbass voters, I’m about to get stuck with Kamel Hairz for a president.
Who’s fault is that?!
Voters! Voters vote the trash in again and again – and this is what we get!
I think we can come up with a much better system than voting.
If we’d only give it a try.
We won’t though.
Thing is, voters don’t understand nor care about their Bill of Rights.
Voters should all have to pass a test before they’re allowed to vote.
I voted and I’m glad I did. As a constitutional republic, citizens have a civic duty to be informed, and to vote. Too many people forget the part about being informed, but it’s an integral part of the process. Without both, the republic will fail. Low information voters are why we’re in trouble now. I would prefer that people who don’t want to be informed not vote. The whole “get out the vote” thing needs to be accompanied with education, information and understanding by the electorate.
Thanks for the Help… Brother.
There is good a bad in everyone. If we didn’t vote for the lesser of two evils we wouldn’t have a president.
“ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” a Quote Falsely Attributed to Edmund Burke
“If we didn’t vote for the lesser of two evils we wouldn’t have a president.”
Now, you’re cookin’.
No need to do more, Mr. President. You all have done enough already.
Except for Andrew Jackson, of course. We gotta bring him back.
No, we would end up with Bernie Sanders
‘Scraping my Kbar across my throat as we speak!’
If we didn’t vote for the lesser of two evils we would end up with a Libertarian for president; someone like Tim Robbins, Mel Gibson, Gary Senisie, Albert Jay Nock, Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Paterson, Ayn Rand, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck, Penn Jillette or Dennis Leary.
Now, how cool would that be?!
That’d be a nice change.
Voted first day early voting was open
Skamala will win regardless, no matter what, because women out number men, and women back up women, and for the women this is their time to shine, it’s their only chance to “FINALLY” have the FIRST MADAM PRESIDENT!!! It’s upsetting to hear, BUT, they’re only voting because she’s a woman and will protect women’s rights, women’s health, LGBTQ, the big “FIGHT ON ABORTION RIGHTS”, protect the BORDER (from not letting it be CLOSED), that’s all this mission has been all about through out Skamala’s campaign, and for the men what’s in it for us? She’s coming for our guns. If Congress doesn’t act on the assault weapons ban within the 1rst 100 days, Skamala WILL sign an Executive Order on the ban. (2A, “GONE”). Life will go on. Guess females can’t defend themselves from rape so they will have ABORTION RIGHTS, law abiding DISARMED citizens can’t defend themselves so they won’t have any DEFENSIVE RIGHTS from crimes inflicted against them, and criminals will continue doing whatever with minimal punishment if any. Will American Citizens “COMPLY”? Will American Citizens “SURRENDER”?
Kamel can’t do that. She’d be sued so fast by so many her head would spin.
That’s just talk to get voters.
Trump wants the guns, too. Don’t be fooled by Mr. “I’m all about taking the guns first and having due process later” Drumpf.
Don’t worry about these dingbats so much.
Trump was gonna “drain the swamp”. Did he do it? Hell, no! He filled it up!
Trump was gonna “executive order away the 25th Amendment”. Did he do it? Nope.
Trump was gonna “lock her up!”. Did he do it? Nope. Hill ‘N’ Bill got a pass – again.
Trump was gonna “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.” Did he do it? Nope. Instead he left the border wide open for Biden in 2020.
The Lockdowns and all the COVID nonsense ALL happened under Drumpf. He locked us down and enforced the lockdown. Yes. Trump. Did.
Americans will comply with just about anything by now.
They do it gladly. They think it’s good for them! Lol!
I really hate what we’ve become.
The best thing we can do is get Kamel in there and wreck what’s left ASAP.
The sooner it all crashes and burns – the sooner we can start up and over again.
I’m just hanging in until the crash.
Then it’s really gonna get wild and free. And wild and free is where I thrive.
F#ck this Uniparty Socialist B#llsh#t.
F#ck it!
Kamel can’t do diddly.
Watch Reformed Mafiosi Michael Franzese talk about the gangsters we are dealing with.
They’re not Americans, not politicians, not our friends…
They’re gangsters.
Get over it.
This guy knows what a gang looks like.
Keep votin’ for 'em, folks.
Someday you’ll figure it out.
We have . Figured out . What . Gangsters . Are all . About . The . Last four years . Of. Bite me.,& haris. And they are the most . Dangerous . Gangsters. Ever. . They . Weaponized. THE DOJ. That’s . GANGSTERS. AS . ANY. CAN. GET. No. One. Has. EVER. Defeated. The. 17. . AGENCIES. OF. The . Department for justice. . No . One . ALIVE. That’s . The . GANSTERS. The entire world worries about . And the American citizens. When they . Come. HELL HAS FELL. ON. YOUR . AZZ. EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY ARE . AFRAID. OF. THEM. . I. Am not afraid . Of your Gangsters. Clowns. !! The . USA. GOVERNMENT . ABC’S. Are. What . I. Definitely . DONT EVER WANT . To. PIZZ. OFF. The ones who you’re talking about . CLOWNS .. . Get . Off . My. CLOUD. You don’t have a vote.
I can’t do it till today for Christ sake