California - All things CA CCW, Training, Laws, ECT

Living in CA is tough as a lawful firearm owner. Let’s use this thread to give updates on things around our community that involve all things related to firearms. CA training, CCW, Laws, frustrations, advice, blow some steam off speak your mind (be kind rewind.) Unsure on something, new to firearms in the state, curious what others out there do to protect, train, or have fun with. Generic or creative, lets get the conversations started.


Like this if you have obtained your CA CCW. Unsure how to obtain one or why you may not be able to, feel free to reply.


Had trouble buying ammo since the law took effect 7/1/19? Let’s here your story.


Riverside County has a new Pro 2A & CCW Sheriff. State still requires the good cause statement - use a logical reason & you’ll have no problems.

You can apply online now & upload required docs, if you can afford it and want to take the risk take your 8hr CCW course beforehand, all you’ll have to complete is your fingerprints.

Two CCW classes coming up this Friday with a retired Sheriffs Firearms & SWAT instructor.

Took me 4 weeks from beginning until issue.


Many Cities in the Inland Empire are offering CCWs through the local Police. They are doing the background and paperwork though a third party company. It is a bit more expensive but it is a lot faster from start to finish. A bonus is it made the S O processes faster as well.


Working on getting my ccw in San Bernardino county. Had a little hiccup but everything is going good. Just a heads up make sure that you don’t owe any money to any court system not matter if your making payments on it or it’s in collections because they will not issue with any outstanding balance. I got very lucky and was pulled to the side and told about my balance before starting the interview because once you go behind the door for your interview there is no pause button on peying your fees.


Sacramento County currently is backed up till October for the face to face interview for permits.


wait… getting a CCW permit in CA is contingent on not having any money being handled through a court? :astonished:
Are they using prohibiting access to your 2nd amendment rights as a lever against your outstanding bills? :scream::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

OMGosh I can’t even put words around how wrong that is. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
SO glad I don’t live there any more!


Here in Fresno County our sheriff actively encourages our citizens it get their CCW … We must requalify & renew every 2 years, and we are allowed 4 guns on our CCW. Personal Protection is all that is required for your reason needing to carry.


Thanks, that is some good info I’m sure many of us would not have known. Anything that can count against your character in good standing they will use against you.


Wow that is unfortunate, following background interview is there is known period of time before you would hear about approval? Do you need to have your 8hr class handled before or after the interview.


You need to take the class within 6 months of the interview unless you are denied anytime between application and provisional approval, is my understanding.


I took my class before I even filed my application I just wanted everything to run smooth and not have to wait any long than I need to get my permit. I say if your going to get your permit take the class before if you. An because it’s some good education that will help you anyway


I’m not waiting for the interview to take the class, just waiting for a class with a date that’s good for me. My son is getting his adult kempo first degree, he’s been working on it all summer, and part of that has been every saturday, as well, hubby and I work at the local pioneer village the first saturday of every month, in the 150 year old forge, part of our blacksmithing apprenticeship, so it’s just, waiting for the date that’s free for me. Do you feel like it made you approval go any faster? They still have not even assigned mine to anyone.


Yes it did speed things up I filed my application in March took my ccw class in April interview was in May. If I didn’t owe the San Bernardino county court anything the sheriff said I would have had my approval in about two weeks because I had the class done already.


I live in Ventura County and back when I was getting my CCW it took over a month just to place my application in to the sheriffs office. Then I had to wait about 10 months for my interview. I looked into getting my class done beforehand but the instructors I talked to about this said that I needed to have my Letter from the Sheriffs office first . All in all it took about a year from start to CCW permittee


Welcome to the group @FantasticFernando
Glad you got it, despite the delay.


Anyone successfully obtain a CCW in San Francisco? What were the painpoints and tips you can share? Thanks.


A CCW in San Francisco? If your last name was Feinstein–you’d have it overnight. For everyone else, never. You will be simply wasting your time even trying.


I happen to have homes in multiple counties in California. I ultimately changed my driver’s license to the one that was the most friendly toward CCW. When I applied to another along the coast–forget it. You can’t get a CCW if your life depends upon it! Literally. Those that are issued in that county all come with a caveat–some sort of artificial restriction, like, can only be carrying in conjunction with your duties or occupation that make you a target.

My CCW is clean of such caveats, and the sheriff who interviewed me apologied that some county sheriffs are simply not doing their jobs. Issuing CCWs is a part of the job. When a county sheriff artificially blocks legitimate CCW requests, it is tantamount to creating a gun-free county. And we all know what happens in gun-free zones.

The ultimate irony is that most county issued LTC have universal–California-wide acceptance. I can carry in downtown LA or SF (and those are the places most likely to be the largest threats!) because my permit is for California. The politics of this business is disgusting. I would love to run an exposé on this sheriff who personally profits from selective issuance. He uses it to build his reelection fund.