Beware what you let in your house

She got the dog as a rescue, the dog had been beaten and had a history of aggression so the story goes. Why, why, why. would you let that dog near your family???

Bowler Woman Dies From Family Dog Attack

Shawano, WI, United States / TCHDailyNews

Brad Williams

Dec 17, 2021 | 2:22 PM

Bowler Woman Dies From Family Dog Attack

BOWLER, WI- A Bowler woman has died from injuries sustained from a pit bull attack after she saved her 4-year-old son from being attacked by the family dog. Shawano County Sheriff Officials arrived at the home of Heather Pingel and Shane Bernarde on December 8th. A deputy on scene described the house as looking like a war zone after the attack.

According to the police report, the 4-year-old boy fell down the stairs and the dog attacked, biting his leg. 35-year-old Heather Pingel rushed to save her son, and the dog attacked her. Her boyfriend, Bernarde found her in the bathroom being attacked.

According to the police report, the dog had torn off both of Pingel’s arms when deputies arrived. The young boy was located sitting in a chair with his injuries and both were taken to the hospital. The boy received dozens of stitches on his leg and was eventually released from the hospital. According to family, Pingel suffered extensive injuries which included kidney failure. She passed away on Thursday.

Bernarde said he dragged the dog out of the bathroom and shot it in the head before dragging it outside where deputies found it. He too was bit in the process. According to the police report, the dog is being tested and was up to date on shots and did not have any known health issues. According to the police report, the dog had been beaten by previous owners and the family took it in as a pet.


Sad… very sad…
I have no idea why people keep pitbulls together with kids.
Animal remains an animal, no matter what.
Instinct which had been passed down through generations would never gonna be changed.


I have raised 3 pitbulls since puppies and I thank God they never attacked anyone in my family or even friends. My grandchildren are always at home since babies and were around my dogs. But all dogs are different. Maybe because we did not mistreat or abuse our dogs. Incidents like the above give pitbulls a bad reputation.


On Concealed Nation, there is an article of an 8 year old girl who was attacked by a neighbors dog. The father came out and shot the dog killing it. The owner of the dog wasn’t mad at the father… he just said that the dog has never done anything like that before… and the girl had played with the dog many times in the past… yet it happened.

An animal-- any animal-- is an animal. One never knows what’s going on in that animal’s mind or what happened to trigger such a response.


I’ll never understand this stuff either. There are plenty of dogs for everyone…more even. Reminds me of buying cars with no brakes because no one else wanted them even though cars with working brakes were readily available. Poor decision making and owners should be responsible.


I have learned that almost any breed of dog can/capable of turning on owner or family members, pitt’s are just as good a family dog as any. If any breed is mistreated they will sooner or later defend themselves.


My son has a 10-year old pitbull rescue. I used to be real scared of pits until I met this dog five years ago. She’s so behaved and calm. I once discovered she didn’t want to be used as a footstool the way my dogs do. My son said that’s a result of getting kicked around by the previous owner.

I have a sweet labra-bull but I won’t let near anyone near her other than my wife and grown-up kids, and a few friends my dog is familiar with.
It’s my responsibility to keep others from harm.


Pitbull’s have been raised and trained to be fighters for 1200s of years. It is in their DNA but it does not make all of them bad dogs. They have a triggering system that may set them off. They may never be set off but there is that chance. The familiarization that animals are animals and they each have their own traits. An abused dog has learned to be angry and all it needs is to be triggered and there you will have an angry dog!


Yes sir I agree 100 percent :+1::+1:

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Yes. Just like Blue-healers were bread to be cattle dogs and sheepdogs were bread to be sheep herders and who the heck knows what a poodle was bread for, but you get the idea. Its what they do.


The key to any animal such as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers or or even Doberman for that matter. Is to get them very young and raise them with kindness, compassion and most of all discipline. I would never allow toddlers or very young children around any dog I own without first teaching the child proper treatment of animals to begin with. Some dogs are not suitable in a family situation, some like Pitbulls are much more comfortable with a single individual. And even a Chihuahua or Pekingese will bite the hell out of a person if provoked or injured. This all boils down to stupid choices made by stupid people all along in the poor dogs life.


No you are wrong Todd30. They were bred to control cattle and hogs for a butcher inn the early 1900’s back when butcher’s actually bought live stock to “Butcher” and sell to others in a shop. They kept their livestock in a small space such as a urban backyard until it was slaughtered. The Pitbull was designed to subdue along with several others the animal so the Butcher could get close enough to the animal to kill it with a knife.


See what happens when you except what a veterinarian tells you!


Pitbulls were originally bread as nanny dogs. Their kind, loving and caring disposition made them great protectors of children. Looser used Pitbulls because of their executional loyalty to their owners. Pitt bulls are some of the friendliest breeds of dogs. Read real reports not b.s. stories.
Criminals ruin the dogs and their reputation.
My family and friends are all pitbull owners and have never started any fights and are friendly ,playful love bugs
If the dogs been beaten and has other problems don’t adopt them.


I have been around a lot of Pitbulls and never had a issue with them. Back before morons got them for dog fighting they were called “Nanny Dogs” because of their gentle nature. As usual, its people who ruin things.


Oddly enough the standard poodle was a water retriever until people thought they were cute. The cut had a purpose.
A man I worked with was not home when a Doberman they raised from a puppy attacked and killed his wife. Neighbor woman heard the screaming and killed it with a shotgun. Most of the time it is a mistreated dog that attacks but not always. His wife was hanging clothes on the line when the dog triggered and it was not an abused animal.


I just hope she didn’t choose a dog, with known problems, to signal to her friends that she believes the “pitbulls can be friendly” argument.


What a shame! I never would have adopted a dog with that background. But then that’s not me. :sob: