Best Carry Combo

What is the best carry combo (weapon +) that you’ve carried/carry?


I really like my M&P 45c in a hybrid holster. I have carried it every day for alsmost 3 years. It’s a great shooter, and is the same size as a Glock 19.

It depends on what I’m wearing/doing. But my everyday favorite is either a G29 or a FNS9C in a crossbreed holster with one extra mag, a Kershaw launch, and a streamlight. What do you carry? I’m going to try to link this to a thread we started a while ago. It has pictures and enough pointless side conversation from yours truly to keep you entertained for a while. lol.

Ehhh, can’t seem to make it work. I don’t think my security clearance is high enough…

I have been carrying a G19 in an Alien Gear Shapeshift 4.0. I LOVE it. I’ve written an blog about my experience. I’d love to try a Crossbreed hybrid holster at some point.

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You should be able to link it, @James. Which thread was it. (Holster? Carry Gun?)

You should be able to take the URL address

And put it in the body of the comment you’re writing

If that doesn’t work, please let me know and I’ll do some digging.

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Currently carrying an HK VP9 in a Vedder Light Tuck IWB holster at about 4 o’clock. Magazine in IWB holder located at appendix. Extra magazine in an Ammo Armor case in my pocket.

Ok, I guess I got it @Dawn. I don’t know why that didn’t click in my mind before.

It’s ok, @James, Friday morning caffeine deprivation. It happens. :rofl:

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I carry a SCCY CPX2 9mm with an Alien Gear IWB setup. Very comfy, love the pistol, and you can carry it wearing anything.

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I was did 2 heavy online quizzes and 1 exam last night before commenting. All were on the subject of cost per click, email mktg, and online marketing research techniques. So by the time I went to share a link, I was looking at my phone like a zombie. I gotta stay off of here after doing exams.

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I carry either an FNS9C or a CZ P-09 in a Vedder LightTuck IWB holster. They are both good shooters and conceal well in that brand of holster. On lighter note, several months ago Vedder had a contest where you had to post a picture of your “rig” on their page. This week I received an email from them telling me I won. So I have a free Light Tuck holster, mag carrier, gun belt and T-shirt on the way. Free is good.