Best 9mm handgun for a woman to carry concealed

I like my sig sauer P365 SAS for CC.It was not easy to find a CC holster because it is a new gun.I found the Tactica defense fashion for women has a great IWB that I really liked.It is comfortable. If your not sure of the CC gun my chapter leader with the well armed women’s gun club offers for a reasonable price to try many different guns.Check with your local range they may offer the option to try the fight CC gun for you. It’s not just about carrying,it’s also about how well you can shoot it if the time ever comes to draw and shoot. I also go to a gun range that offers IDPA where you can draw and shoot from the holster.Like what you carry and as always, practice,practice,practice.



My wife has tried the Sig P365 and I thought the gun was going to fly out of her hands and the M&P Shield EZ didn’t fit her hand well. And these seem to be common recommendations.

When the ranges open up again, we’re going to try the Walther CCP and the Beretta APX Centurion if we can find a place that rents it.


THE BEST 9mm for a woman is… THE ONE SHE LIKES BEST! Could vary based on many many factors.
Try one. If she’s new, holding some in stores gives insight, but buy-sell-trade is a good option IMO for finding the right one, especially in my case or similar cases, where I’m a “first gen gun guy” and didn’t have parental support. Guns hold value better than any edition of Call of Duty or even musical instruments (if taken care of).


My wife likes my Walther CCP. So if she is going to carry a 9mm, she always chooses that one it’s slim & fits her hand well. It also has a gas blow back piston that reduces recoil.


My mom has the same problem. I have 3 suggestions. Have her try them and see what works for her.

Walther CCP: This racks like a .38. I loved mine, but my needs eventually exceeded its capacity. My mom’s hands are too small for it, unfortunately. Her friend has larger hands and loves the CCP. Your wife will just have to try it. Get the M2. It doesn’t require a tool to take it down.

Sig Saur P365: Smaller than a CCP, but holds more ammo. The SAS edition has interesting fiber optic sights and venting to drastically reduce recoil, I am told to nearly nothing. Racks easy too my mom says.

Smith and Wesson Shield EZ. I confess to not liking it, but it racks like the CCP.


Now there’s a smart man! :wink:



I’m new to my Smith & Wesson M&P .380 Shield EZ. Though the ammo is more than my hubby’s Taurus G2C 9mm, I like the way the gun feels and I can rack the slide myself and it’s easy for me to handle. However, if you are looking for a 9mm, I was looking at getting the Taurus G2S. It fits in my hand well, but they had a hard time finding it at our local dealer we like.

Hope that helps


Welcome to the Community @TheLittleNiffer! Thanks for your perspective!

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Just to expand on the S&W EZ they now come in 9mm. Just saying


My wife get the shield easy in the 9 mm because the bullets were cheaper and we were told it’s a better ammo

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I’ll say this with regards to slide pull. My mother said she’s envious of my Sig. She said that’s what she wanted to get because they felt like butter to her. She couldn’t find the one she wanted (some green envy model?). So she just carries a S&W. But she is able to work the slide on my 365 XL. I may have to buy my mother a Sig for her birthday coming up.

Basically though, the best solution is for her to be able to try as many as she possibly can to find what works for her.


I’m a woman and do not carry a 9mm. It’s too heavy. I also cross reach, so I need compact. Plus a 9mm takes up too much space. It is my opinion that safety should be first, not cost. I carry a Kimber .380. I’ve tried many… double stacked is to heavy on the draw as well. The slide on a Kimber is like butter!!!


My birthday is coming up! :innocent:

Awesome! That is what we usually suggest!

Welcome to the Community, @Jessyca!

Which Kimber do you have? I’ve got a Sig 238 (.3800 that is almost the exact same size as the Sig 938 (9 mm). There are tiny 9mm out there that may work for you when you want to get a second, third, or more gun (because who doesn’t want another gun :innocent:)

Normally 9mm ammo is cheaper and easier to find. Lately, not so much…


Great gun for women since it’s easy to rack the slide!

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I have the luger EC9s and I love it. And it’s good for cc. But i love shooting the S&W M&P 9mm as well but its bigger and might not be practical for a woman to carry.

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Not to be a smarta** but whatever firearm they are comfortable with, and can shoot well with.

It is difficult to state which firearm, as one person may think it is easy to rack the slide while another may find it difficult.

The best advice, take her to a shop and let her handle some and rack the slide. A good store should let you, though some have trigger locks and will not.

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Tell them to open one in Virginia

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Not sure if its been said or if you’ve decided. But the M&P shield is a great weapons system for 9mm. Its small compact and the 2.0 has a built in laser dot. Its a little small for larger men but I feel most women should be able to handle it well

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Thank you, River.:blush:

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My wife has similar strength issues in both hands. She is extremely pleased with her Smith and Wesson Shield 2.0 EZ 9 mm.

Oddly enough she likes to shoot my Sig Sauer P320 X5 Legion. The gun is so well machined and balanced that she is able to rack this large handgun almost as easily as her Smith and Wesson.