Best 9mm handgun for a woman to carry concealed

I recently bought a Sig P365 SAS. I have really small hands and need to work on my grip strength but this was easy to rack when looking at it in the store and the others weren’t as comfortable. I haven’t been bit so I’m guessing it likes me too. :slight_smile:


I’ve taught semi-auto pistol to a LOT of women in the past several years. I also teach adaptive self-defense for people with disabilities. It is almost universally true (among women with 2 functional hands and 9 of 10 functional fingers) that women a) show up with a mouse gun some dude got them, and b) have a much harder time with the manual-at-arms for sub-compact pistols than they do with full size (and some compact) pistols. Smaller = easier is a LIE regarding the safe and efficient use of a hand gun, but it is a very common error. Most women can run and shoot (operation and marksmanship) a full size auto BETTER than they can a compact or sub-compact. The reason sub-compacts have become so popular is EASE OF CARRY, not ease of use. But if you can’t use it instinctively under pressure with great reliability, then you probably shouldn’t be carrying it.


Try a revolver my sister carrys 38 special an she is 67 of age. she carries it with confidence

S&W 642 great carry, but trigger is about 12lbs. Long pull. Both good safety features. Last thing yo want in a carry revolver is an easy pull.My wife cannot pull trigger. She is retired court reporter and has arthritic issues.

Thank you Best 9… My Husband and I are looking at the gun you suggested! I can’t wait to rack andvshoot!:smile:

I would suggest a trigger job or go with a auto, problem im thinking of on the auto would be the ability of racking it to load, good luck hope you can find someone or a firearm that will suit your needs. God bless

Here is an easy trick to help with racking slide. Most people (Righties) taught to hold gun in right hand with trigger discipline practiced. To rack pull with left hand of rear part of slide. My instructor even had me hitting right shoulder with left hand after release to be sure of good slide slap.

Better option for easier racking slide. Instead of pulling with left arm, push with right arm while holding slide with left. Right arm likely stronger if right handed, and pushing gun hand (with trigger discipline in play) is more efficient muscle use.Pushing vs pulling. Try it.

Also instead of pushing with right hand and holding slide with left, do both, pull back with left while pushing with right.

This trick with EZ should solve issue for.