AR Contest: Why Do People Think ARs are More Dangerous than Hunting Rifles?

I voted media bias. While the media is hyping up how dangerous they are, Hollywood is reinforcing that by making it seem like full autos are easy to get and make. I also believe media bias is part of the reason people think they “look” scarier than other firearms too.


I voted media base because they want you to think they are dangerous but their not. They are no dangerous then a BB gun.

People in general are ignorant on the topic of firearms, and fearful of what they don’t know. It’s a shame. I was fortunate to have been trained by a SEAL, and to have found USCCA when I got my permit.

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I think is do to tha high capacity that people think they are more dangerous. They are bought dangerous en the wrong hands. Like everything else.


It is a propaganda mission. Media bias pushed by the gun grabbers. Every movement needs a face. If you were alive during the cold war you might remember how this worked. We were at war, cold war that is. We needed to destroy communism. Yes there was a time the leadership of this country and the media wanted to defeat communism. Every time there was news about the then USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader from about 1985. He became the face of communism. We needed someone to hate. He was perfect, he was ugly, had a birthmark on his mostly bald head, he rough and industrial in his appearance. He was never portrayed as a soft or gentle person always as the rough and unforgiving face of communism. Every movement needs a face to hate. If you cant mobilize people for a common good it is far easier to mobilize them for a common hate. The AR platform is efficient. It doesn’t have any frills, it is ugly compared to say a Browning Citori. It has everything they need to hate. Magazines size, it has been used in at least one mass shooting, it looks rough and industrial, it is easy to display on a screen during any news feed about gun control. The media found the common enemy they could parade in front of the people. The thing to mobilize the extreme left to a common hate. Yes I am aware the cold war started before 1985. This is the year I was old enough to watch the news and understand what I was seeing.


People fear what they don’t understand or know about. The fear mongering media does not help any.

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Media bias for sure, but some also think they look scary. What’s funny is I have seen a woman say that an AR was scary until she saw the muddy girl then it was cute.

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I always thought it’s because if it eats after midnight it grows arms and legs, then goes into a shooting rampage, Shooting cannon balls at the closest puplic building, school, or church.

I believe it is ignorance, and a reason to try control our lives.


Most of the General public are driving,walking in a unaware condition with their cellphones in hand or to their face causing accidents and /or harm and yes death to other people. More then an AR ever has Causes. But then that’s what those evil guns do they float around on their own and shoot at random.


Happy Birthday, @Debra_A!!

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I think its lack of knowledge and training… once you discover the root of the problem fear, experiences, where a person received their information, etc. Then people will make up and see where the problem lies.
One example is they here the word Ar so much but are given a shotgun as visual display because some people dont realize what they are looking at and the ones that do smh laugh.
The other is fear … once you educate them we find that is more respect because the damage or loss of life it may bring if improperly used. Once they are taught and coached the excitement begins.


To me, the problem is that too many people view guns with an offensive mindset, when in reality they are a defensive weapon. When you think defensively, thirty rounds is always better than only ten. When you are defending yourself you always want every advantage possible.


It just goes to show how incredibly ignorant people are when it comes to anything political, including the gun debate. Most of the people immediately agreed with anything and everything that the guy said even though he was making it up on purpose. This is what the media does - lie about issues and the general public believes it as truth. The MSM is the “enemy of the people”.
I voted “All the Above”, but actually, all the other 4-5 choices are made up by the media.

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“Multi-clip” … by Leatherman…:joy::joy::joy:


I also think that it comes down to now knowing how a gun works. Our schools and leaders have removed any conversations to do with guns from the public educational arena, and therefore people who have never shot gun are intimidated by them because they have no idea how to be safe with one, how they function etc. Also, they have no idea how fun and empowering it can be to shoot one.
Government officials are trying to make more sheep everyday.

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We talk a lot about bias, but we should expect it. Facts don’t sell.

Movie studios don’t stay in business by showing rifles punching small holes in paper targets. They need M16s to blow up cars and destroy buildings.

Newspapers and websites don’t sell ads by telling people to remain calm. They need sensational headlines and click-bait topics. Responsible gun owners will never get fair representation in the press because they need to sell ads.

Politicians don’t excite their donors or voters by giving lectures on the Bill of Rights or celebrating the things we have in common. They raise money and get elected by convincing their base that the boogeymen is going to get them. For some politicians, that means the evil black gun owners. (Either black-gun owners or black gun-owners. I’ve heard it both ways.)

The trend against 2A will continue because there is a large (growing?) part of our population that has no experience with firearms. Their only familiarity comes from the movies, news companies, and politicians who feed off their ignorance. But that ignorance in turn fuels the bias.


Be sure to vote in the different AR topics each day for multiple entries into the drawing! Tuesday’s post is:

The average American adult has little to no experience or knowledge of firearms. I have read news stories and movie reviews where shotguns and rifles were confused. Also common to see bolt action and semiautomatic rifles confused. Many people don’t seem to know that fully automatic firearms are illegal. Many people are ignorant about many things. Most people don’t know all rifles are rarely used in mass shootings (3 or 4 victims). But when they are it is big news. I have a wood stock, tube fed rifle for over 30 yrs. It has never shot anyone.

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I believe the problem stems from media bias. All three media shows is the negative side of the issue. That and they make up terms like “assault rifle” and in turn the ignorant believe that it’s what “AR” stands for. Also a lot of people are ignorant to the facts, and thus choose the believe everything they hear rather than do research and make their own educated decision. But with our representatives saying things like “I have PTSD from shooting this,” and “this is capable of unloading a 30 round clip in less than a second,” the uninformed believe it as absolute truth and are not able to see the bias from those trying to take our rights away.