AR-15 Taken to Protest at the courthouse of Rittenhouse Trial

It’s never wrong to exercise your rights. Not even a little. And the only guns of government’s going to take is the ones you give them.


I agree with this on most points, but I want to correct some misinformation:

At no time did Kyle shoot several rounds at any single target, and at no time did he shoot a target that was already down. The only time he shot more than one round at any target was at Rosenbaum, and he shot 4 shots in .75 seconds. All 4 of those shots were while Rosenbaum was lunging towards him.

The video evidence shows this and there was not time during the encounter to assess if the threat was incapacitated by the first shot or by the fourth shot. Even after Kyle shot him he looks surprised that he is not still being pursued.

The idea that he continued shooting after Rosenbaum was down was the prosecutor trying to play to the emotions of the jury rather than the facts of the case, it was purely Binger speculating and trying to get Kyle to admit to his speculation.


I realize my headline to this conversation was not clear the way I originally wrote. It led everyone that I meant Rittenhouse. I’ve corrected my Headline to clear up my thoughts at the time I created this conversation.
It was about the other person bringing a semi-auto rifle to the courthouse at the time Rittenhouse trial was going on.
I apologize to everyone for the misleading start to this.


Bruce… David_62 still believes that Kyle is a white supremacist and that he shot 3 black men. He still believes the media lies that he was chasing the thugs when he shot them and that Kyle was firing indiscriminately at everyone. David also believes the police were there doing their jobs (LOL, ROTFL). As was said earlier…“Some people, even on this site, have no room for facts.”


@Gregory191 Welcome to the community, we are glad to have you. :us:

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Literally everything you said was wrong. And I don’t know where you’re brigading from, but we don’t use “u”'s in behavior.

Here’s you:

It wasn’t my town, so I didn’t defend it.

It wasn’t my street, so I didn’t defend it.

It wasn’t my house so I didn’t defend it.

When? Are you just going to let these a-holes run all over you? Or finally pick a time to stand up and say “Not anymore.”


i don’t see how he added any fuel to the fire that is eating the insides out of the Communist leadership. They have an agenda to take this nation down and they are starting with our Bill of Rights and the Constitution as a whole. Kyle did what he needed to do to help protect his family and their income. The far left radical will do whatever they want with or without Kyle’s actions.


I thought 18 was the minimum age to own or purchase a rifle in Wisconsin. He lived in Illinois which I thought was 21 to own or purchase a rifle. He was only 17 at the time of the event. In my mind the the owner of the rifle should also have been on trial. If parents gave it to him and let him out of the house with it; why weren’t they on trial also??? Just saying. Fact of the matter is Rule number 1: “DON’T GO LOOKING FOR A FIGHT WHILE ARMED” While I don’t agree with the verdict. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have all of the facts.


Then maybe you should find the FACTS before you post. :+1:
The truth is out there.


Reminds me of some of those answers to product questions on Amazon…
    Q: Is this model compatible with XYZ?
    A: I don’t know, I haven’t tried it.


Along with freedom comes responsibility. As law-abiding gun owners, we have the responsibility to protect our freedom by not being stupid.

Please elaborate.


I see nothing wrong with lawfully exercising a Right or Liberty, whether it be at your home or elsewhere.


Kyle had every right to be there, which has NOTHING to do with the situation. What metters is that while there, he was attacked, and defended. Years ago, when a black kid went to Brooklyn and was killed, people said “what was he doing there?” Sharpton told them, “He has every right to be anywhere he wants to be.” So, if a black man can go anywhere, then SO CAN a white kid.

  1. Why would you even comment without all the facts?

  2. Why would you 2d guess the jury who had front row seats (pun intended) to the trial and evidence?


So many “I’m not an experts out there.”

Or put another way, “I don’t know what I’m talking about, but that sure as hell isn’t going to stop me from talking.


How do YOU spell RIOT? B-L-M!

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. Proverbs 17:28


I had been through BCT and AIT and was in Europe, crewing a UH1-H flying MP’s around when I was 17 years old. “should have NEVER even gone “to protect anyone” due to his age (at the time)” so this makes no sense to me.


This thread took a left turn in the first hours after it was started.

There appears to be no way to get it back on track.


Well, George, i’d have to say that the police FINALLY decide to do their jobs when its 15 of them against 1 of him. and they got him on being within 1000 ft of a school, not being outside the courthouse. The police have no credibility nor honor.