Any belt recommendations?

Thank you. Making progress. The myriad designations appear to be for buckles, not belts, so I’m down to 21. lol

I measured my Ruger EDC belt at 5mm thickness and my alternate at only 2.7 or so. Most of the nylon belts on Amazon are 2mm-3mm, so a significant difference from my EDC.

Working through this related article now:

KORE belts ordered. I’ll report back once they come in and I get a chance to try them out.


Good choice @Brad ! :ok_hand:

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Just a note… become familiar with the mechanism before you put it on. It’s simple to use, but 5 seconds before you put it on will save you a minute worrying that it’s too tight and you can’t loosen it.

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I’ll admit it - I screwed up and didn’t know how to undo the belt once I put it on. Realized it at the most inopportune time. Some of my coworkers have the same belt and laugh at me to this day because I had to ask how to undo the belt on my way to the restroom… :roll_eyes: :woman_shrugging: :rofl:


Thanks! I happen to own a dress belt of the same style and love it.

You guys rock. As you know, I decided on KORE. The site didn’t appear to have the specific items I wanted so I call and spoke to Doreen. She was really knowledgeable, answered all of my questions, and even “found” the items I wanted in the warehouse. They arrived, have been assembled, and have been used. My $.02

Very nice items. Good quality. Price isn’t a lot more than Amazon/eBay knock offs, so definitely worth it. They look like they will last forever. A few notes:

  1. Cutting with regular scissors is a challenge. Even with heavy duty scissors, getting a straight cut took some skill.
  2. The mount to the hanger with the ratchet mechanism.
  3. The slots at the top of the hanger are for the “loop” to handle the extra length once you have it on.
  4. The separate loop is not the best design, as it is separate and needs to be installed to contain the extra belt length.
  5. I am a 33"-34" and it is recommended to make the belt 38" This seems quite excessive, as it requires the use to use that loop. If they do not, the rigid belt is really a nuisance when getting your hand in that pocket. I am likely going to cut it down to 1"-2" longer than the first loop on my jeans with an IWB firearm and IWB mag holder. That will allow for loosening it that much should I consume too much bbq.

For those who have KORE or similar belts, does this seem reasonable?


KORE was recommended to me by my Instructor, so far the best belts I’ve been using (even better than any of my other 1.75" or 2" width belts)

I cut it extra 1" longer than first pant’s loop to have it still in that loop in case I have to loosen it a little. (Like @Brad)
Because I’m lefty and do not like to have doubled belt nor belt’s end close to holster, I just wear it opposite direction to have end on right side.
The belt is really sturdy, so to cut it for proper length I used poultry scissors :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve found it very comfortable and easy to use so I started wearing leather version for everyday use and tactical for classes.

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1). Yes. I don’t remember what I cut them with, but its very stiff
2&3). I don’t have the hanger, cant comment…
4). The belt is stiff enough where if you don’t use it the excess belt will definitely protrude away from your body. I consider it a necessary burden for a stiff belt. I have one or two pairs of pants that the belt loop is in the right place to nicely serve the same purpose.
5). Feel free to cut it shorter… BUT. Be mindful that once you cut it, you can’t just duct tape it back on. When its gone its gone. Wear it as is for a month or so and you’ll get a feel for how much that extra helping of BBQ costs you :wink:


I used plain old office scissors without an issue (average large size). Draw a line with a pencil or pen to help you if needed. Make sure you start the belt close to the joint of the scissors to maximize the torque. If the scissors has slop in the pivot it might also cause issues.

I didn’t notice the “loop”… must have thrown it away. Oops.

When you say you are 33-34", is that your pants size or is that what a measuring tape says? Many 34" waist sized pants in the USA are around 37+" in actual length. That might give you an extra inch to fit your firearm at 38". Either way, once in hand you can test what length works best for you. Make sure you test it with all your IWB items before you make the cut. Also, I tend to loosen or tighten now and then, and so you might want to add in 1/2" of wiggle room… or even if you decided to go with a thicker firearm/holster combo and magazine in the future.

Edit2: Related to belt length (forgive me if this is TMI). If you find yourself worrying about your holster/firearm when sitting to use the facitilites, here’s a trick I use… If the belt is long enough, you can loosen it to the last loop/click and keep the belt closed, keeping the rigidity and minimizing holster flop on those “nature calls 2.0” occasions.

Edit: I don’t know if it would help with cutting, but you might try some sheet metal snips. I ddin’t use mine for the belt so I don’t know how well that would work. I’ve had bad experiences with “heavy duty” scissors, so I shy away from them and usually just get good, quality office style scissors.


Thanks! My waist, and pants are both 33"-34". Strange that some 34" would show as 38"…isn’t that just, wrong?

Your edit2, I do this also. :slight_smile:

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Probably not important to this conversation, but… I usually wear Levi’s. Currently 34" waste, but used to wear 33". When I would look at pants (dress pants, camping pants, jeans, etc.) off the rack, I would always buy 33". Then I found a nice tailor that made suits from scratch, and they took my actual measurements. My waste was 37" with a tape measurer.

Today, I mostly wear 34" Levi’s and some dress pant brands from Kohl’s. The pants are not tight, they will slowly fall down without a belt. If I measure both my pants waste with the tape measure (pants lying flat), and my actual waste, the actual measurement is 38". You will also find that some of the custom belt manufacturers mention something similar on their website when ordering.


This right here is golden advice

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Thats why we train… with locked loops around our ankles… Just. In. Case.



That is smart…

Vegas, baby!


I’m looking at the Kore and Hanks belt. My only concern now, is I’m trying to get back into shape. If I lose a bit of weight, I don’t want to have to buy another one… I know that may seem silly, but does one have more give than the other? And any advice with hanks on being true to size?

Just ordered a Kore Belt. I am very excited!

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Just got my Hanks belt 1.5" in the mail today, replaced my old Walmart heavy duty leather reinforced nylon belt (lasted about 6yrs or so), it feels great, already love it… time to see if it will hold up now…


I received my Kore Belt today. I went with the Tactical model. It is awesome and it will become my daily carry belt. I love the fitting method, and how sturdy it is. It’s A good price for the quality of the product.